
IMDb member since April 2017
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    IMDb Member
    7 years


Marry Me

Lame AF!!!
This movie was very weak!!! There wasn't a believable storyline...Just a dumb movie full of Jennifer Lopez singing new music...Definitely should have been called "J. Lo the musical" Don't waste your time like I did. There are no redeeming qualities about this so-called movie.


This Show Rocks!!!
I just so happened to stumble upon this show on Amazon Prime and I must say I'm so glad I did! If you like insane characters and some kick-azz action then this is the tv show for you. I can't believe it was cancelled by YouTube. Hopefully, Amazon will renew the show for a season 2!!

12 Hour Shift

Yesssss I LOL
Honestly, this movie starts slow but when the story unwinds...BAM!!! Nonstop nonsensical laughter. Also, the film is quite terrifying and a bit gory...which I like! I recommend this movie if you are into dark black comedy horror.

The Craft: Legacy

I expected so much more from this sequel. However, the whole movie was a dud. It had much potential to be like the predecessor or even better. I was excited for a sequel but this was a wack movie. You can watch if you are interested but it's a slow paced bore...Warned You!


I expected this to be funny, but I haven't laughed once. Marlon states that this is his best work...It's Not!!

Tone Bell: Can't Cancel This

He Wasn't Funny!
I had high expectations for Tone Bell comedy special. However, it wasn't funny at all. I love his comedic timing in sitcoms, but stand-up isn't really his forte (in my opinion).

The Parent 'Hood

Good Family Fun!
One of my favorite shows! Those kids were hilarious.

The Wrong Cruise

Decent Lifetime Thriller
This was a decent lifetime thriller. Vivica Fox made the film watchable.

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