
IMDb member since April 2017
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Breathe: Into the Shadows

A disappointing sequal with a few redeeming qualities
Had High expectations from this show and really wanted it to be good but it just is tooo damn long. Season 1 was about 6-8 episodes long felt perfect. This season on the other hand is slow, extremely illogical and unbelievable at times. The murders which were near perfect and highlight of the first season are shoddy and extremely long in execution....the previous season was half the length and got through about 4-5 murders...here there are only 3.

There is nothing new to offer whatever the show has...has already been dones in previous shows and movies like Aparichit and Asur.

The performances are superb and believable but even they are not enough to hold up this shoddy script...really disappointed and the fact that they are continuing this storyline into the next season...makes me even less interested in coming back adn revisiting this series

Malang - Unleash the Madness

Second Half saves it
So I really did not expect much from this film and it was kind off going as expected in the 1st half...very bleak and boring. Then came the second half...DAMN!! Not spoiling anything but the second half is a rollercoaster ride.

Its a one way screenplay film so don't connect the dots anywhere. Let the film flow as its flowing and you might have a good time

Jumanji: The Next Level

Speeds up after about 30 minutes into the movie
Jumanji 2 is a big big bore fir the first 30 minutes. The only thing that holds you for that time is the cast which tries its best to balance the weak narrative.

Not spoiling anything but there is a scene involving the Rock beat up about a 1000 guys...after that the film is a fun time and actually connects well.

So basically bare the first 30 minutes after that you can have some fun

Kabir Singh

What a movie
Captures the essence of the original so well Shahid and Kiara both put up their career best performances and strive in the role A perfect ode to the original

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