
IMDb member since October 2005
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This Is Us: Birth Mother
Episode 6, Season 5

A real masterpiece that can stand on its own . You won't soon forget this episode .

True Confessions

Great 1940's Atmosphere
An interesting , touching , atmospheric film with a great cast . The solving of the Black Dahlia like murder was disappointing, but it was not the center of the film , really . Character studies were so interesting.

Cold Case: Wednesday's Women
Episode 3, Season 6

A Tear Jerker
One of the best episodes . Well written considering the huge topic it's recapping.

Home for the Holidays

Growing into a Christmas Classic
Love this film . I'm glad it's growing in popularity .


A Christmas Classic
It's nice to watch a Christmas movie go from a current film to a timeless treasure . It still happens and here's an example . Great movie !

Finding Vivian Maier

So Well Done
Beautiful and sad story of a true artist . She didn't fit easily in the real world . And she was a genius . Beautifully portrayed in this understated documentary. Powerful .

Holiday Heart

Ving Rhames is Awesome !
He did this movie around the time he did Rosewood . The contrast proves how versatile an actor he is . Very underutilized .

The Snake Pit

Surprisingly very funny , due to the many wonderful character actresses .

Country Music

Very Enjoyable .
It would be impossible ( and dull ) to tell every story in Country Music . But Burn's an artist who can keep the audience glued to his documentaries . I don't think , for example , that anyone could have done a better job covering the tragedy of the 1963 plane crash at the end of Part 4 . Burns everywhere just practices his art with unique mastery and catches the humanity of various players in the different stories of our country . He's an American Treasure .

Cold Case: The Boy in the Box
Episode 14, Season 1

Maybe the best episode of a great series
This was a very moving episode . Based on a sad true unsolved case in Philadelphia.

Cold Case: Look Again
Episode 1, Season 1

Very disappointed , really offended in the character of the suspect in prison who purrs and blinks flirtaceously constantly during his interview . This episode is from 2003 . I don't know how this escaped GLAAD's notice .

Give a Girl a Break

Fosse and Champion
This movie was a great and pleasant surprise. Besides being very entertaining, one can see the future styles of these 2 legendary Broadway giants. Champion's numbers are tight, synchronized, and beautifully realized . And strong . Fosse- what can I say- what a delight !! While Fosse often spoke of his limitations as a dancer, the reality is he was a brilliant one , and in his dance numbers here he already is exhibiting a unique and original style that is athletic, jazzy, sexy and charming . He was an American original . The music in this movie is very good , and serves to show off the talents of its stars. Debbie Reynolds is quite good. This movie is for Broadway and dance fans.

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