
IMDb member since April 2017
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The Black Demon

I'm cheering for the shark
I usually really love B grade films, like I'll totally Franken your Fish, but this is just bad all around.

The script is truly awful and I don't care a jot for the characters. That's pretty bad considering 2 of them are kids. The acting is among the worst I've ever witnessed. The dad is over-acting to the point of ridiculousness.

It's basically a propaganda film, illustrating the folly of mankind and our unquenching thirst for the planet's resources.

I'm almost expecting a voice to come on, asking for donations to some environmentalist group.

Go and watch a documentary about Sea Shepherd or something.


Watch it and love it
This is one of my favourite B-grade movies of all time.

It's such a stupid story, the special effects ain't too special, the script is atrocious and the acting isn't much better.

I absolutely love this film.

It's just a highly entertaining, ridiculously big homicidal fish movie.

It's pure camp and pure entertainment.

Don't try to read too much into the 'storyline' and remember how low the budget was when you're watching the "special" effects, and you should enjoy it!

A right rollicking, ridiculously stupid, super fun time. My kids also loved it, but they love horror films in general. This may not be appropriate for all kids. My kids are delightfully weird.

Don't Pick Up the Phone

A puzzling series
I have 2 children and neither of them, even in their dumbest hour, would ever fall for something like this. As far as the adults in this show go..... I'm sorry. I've got nothing.

Like another reviewer said, most people with a modicum of smarts would never fall for something like this.

It's quite hard to believe the caller found a single person silly enough to follow along, let alone the many who did. One of those "only in America" type shows, I guess.

It's quite a great deal longer than it needs to be. One or two (at the very most) episodes is enough, for a rambling tale of idiocy such as this.

Someone should probably do something about the US.... They're just getting progressively worse.

A real head scratcher of a doltish dumpster fire.

Harry & Meghan: The Complete Story

Pretty infuriating to watch
The whole thing just comes across as incredibly disingenuous.

They both moan and complain about not being left alone.... Yet here we are - watching the much hyped series they've mainly hyped all by themselves. You don't get to have it every way you want it, whenever you want it.... or don't want it.

Nor, do you get to milk people's sympathy by using paparazzi footage involving celebs that aren't Harry or Meghan. Look, if you hate the attention so much, stop relentlessly seeking it.

If you want out of the Royal Family, stop using your ex-titles as leverage.

If you want to make your own way, like you keep saying you do, stop talking about yourself and the Royal Family in the same context.

Go and get jobs at Bunnings and struggle like the rest of us. Then you can complain and moan about your lot.

This is one of those slow-motion-crash things - you hate it, but you just can't look away.

Episode 2 is great - she totally disrespects the entire institution of the Royals by mocking them on camera. It's great. Seriously.

I'm not a monarchist in any sense of the word, but I don't like to see lesser people make a mockery of things that are larger than themselves.



What a stupid film.

I know we have to 'suspend our disbelief' and all that, but this was a stretch.

It just got straight up annoying within the first half hour. It's a completely unrealistic scenario - as if someone could kill another person with their bare hands, in the middle of a restaurant's lunch service, and have no one step in.

As if someone would be able to run over another person at a petrol station, without other people doing something to apprehend the nutjob.

The only authentic part of this film, was Crowe's character being a jerk. He's widely known in Australia for being a bit of a self-absorbed knob.

I'm just glad I didn't pay money to watch this - I can change the channel and forget I ever saw this mess.

Bring Your Own Brigade

preaching to the choir, to some extent. It's pretty annoying
Look, this is a fine doco film covering a timely topic, but it's a bit annoying listening to rich people whinge about their homes burning, when they insist upon flexing their money muscle by building in stupid places.- While these people continue to build in fire prone areas, because they can, they'll continue to lose their houses.

Listening to the arrogance of some, combined with the bare faced truth of the situation told by a few, leaves the viewer very frustrated.

Rich people want rich people houses in rich people areas. As long as America stays America, this will continue to happen.

And the people will continue to rebuild over and over and wonder why their houses keep burning.

The realists have the right idea and their input is the only thing that saves this.


It's not too bad, but certainly not earth shattering
I watched this after watching the J Lo Netflix documentary - I wanted to see what the hype was about.

It's an ok movie, but certainly not Oscar worthy.

Worth watching, though.

A good little film.


Pulls back the curtain on the real J Lo
I really enjoyed this.

I didn't know much about J Lo, to be honest.

What I saw, is a woman with incredible talent, perseverance and fortitude. She has real heart and a very strong and noble sense of purpose.

This constant snubbing she's faced is writ large, as it should be.

One of the best Netflix bts-type docos.

Well worth watching, especially if you know very little about her.

Fire in Paradise

Worth a watch
Watch this - for the humanity a fire like this touches. It's a well made documentary that sensitively covers the beginning, middle and end of this terrible fire.

Every US citizen should watch this, so they know what to prepare for, as climate change continues.

In Australia, it's our annual reality since 2019/20 summer.

This could be their annual reality too, soon..

Fight Club

It always puzzles me seeing this film described as a drama. I think it's one of the funniest pieces of cinematic excellence ever created.

The timing is spot on and the wit is rapier-like.

I laugh out very loudly every time I watch it.

Truly a gem of modern cinema.

Black, skewiff comedy at its very best.

Inventing Anna

It's ok.

It's a fascinating enough story.

Garner's accent can be a bit abrasive, as it flails here and there, and this brings the viewer out of the story at times.

Interesting series.


Don't bother
A remake of a classic film is only useful, if it adds to the original or pays homage to it.

This does neither.

It's pretty awful - it's the script. It's just poorly written.

It's a shame, because there are some talented kids in it.

Special Bulletin

Well worth a watch
Quite portentous with the twin towers in the background of the anchor desk.

Cool update of WOTW with "modern day" societal fears.

Domestic terrorism was such a strange concept in 1983, but the threat of nuclear strike was a daily worry for many during the Cold War.

It's alarming how much it just looks like a normal news day in 2021.

Those Who Wish Me Dead

Decent escapism
It's not an amazing piece of cinematic excellence, but it's a fun way to pass the afternoon.

I enjoyed it for what it was - an action movie.

A lot of people appear annoyed because it wasn't some filmic opus. It's not meant to be. It's meant to be entertainment.

If you accept it the way it's intended, you'll have a rollicking good time. If you sit there picking it to pieces, you won't.

Save the Last Dance

If you're a dancer, don't watch this.
I'm all for suspending One's disbelief, but Julia Stiles' (lack of) ballet skills is pushing it too far. She atrocious. She's so bad, she drags down the rest of the film - not that it's an opus to start with. If there's literally nothing else on, maybe watch this.

V/H/S Viral

Just.... don't.
I don't even know what I just watched. There was no storyline or coherence at all. I think I'm exponentially dumber than before I watched it. Awful. Truly awful. The money spent making this, could've fed poor people.

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