
IMDb member since October 2005
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    18 years


St. Elsewhere

St Elsewhere: Best of the Best
From my first attraction to its offbeat name, St. Elsewhere grabbed me like no other show I've ever seen! The characters were more real than most of the people I know! Many other quality shows have followed in its wake, but none quite seem to touch St E !!!

Named for St. Eligius (patron saint of the downtrodden), this fictitious hospital is staffed by a unique group of ultimately good people who really do want to help the sick and injured. The storyline contains many threads and themes and allows the viewer a uniquely compassionate and often humorous look at human foible seeping through attempted altruism, sometimes with better results than others.

A number of renowned actors either graced this show with appearances, while more regulars' careers were advanced through being on this show. All in all, well worth catching on syndication, wish I had a DVD library of all of the episodes!!!

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