
IMDb member since April 2017
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Get Shorty

Get Hollywood
Such a great show and just gets better each series. Just saw there is a fourth series coming November 2022. Yeah. Love Chris O'Dowd as the lead Miles Daly. All characters are brilliant. I think the best series I've seen (in this genre) since Breaking Bad. Loved the humour in series 2 when Miles is in prison. Amara is great along with Ricky (Ray Romano). Such an unlikely pairing and so funny. There are laugh out loud moments. I felt at the finish of the third series the storylines were wrapped up but glad they are following with a fourth series. Obviously the producers/director/writers thought the story could continue. Go Hollywood. Well done everyone.


I'm glad it's over
I couldn't stand anymore suspense. Such a great season 4. Just watched the final episodes. Wow. Well done all the actors, cast and crew. On a par with Breaking Bad.

Anatomy of a Scandal

Binge worthy
Based on entitled upper class young men who think they can get away with anything. Years later one of them gets charged with raping a young member of staff. Sound familiar?

Will the prosecutor Michelle Dockerty win this case?

Wonderful acting by a strong cast.

Inventing Anna

I'm still watching this (episode 4) because I love Julia Garner. Unfortunately she is still playing Ruth from Ozark but with a strange mixed up accent. Has not nailed a German/Russian accent at all. It's more an English/South African accent. Sorry Julia but you still look great.

After Life

Stirs up all emotions
Ricky you are a shocker. You can make me really not like you with your bad language and caustic words. Then you pull at my heart strings with your sadness and insight into vulnerabilities. Loved the 3rd series when you finally find some peace with the help from your long suffering friends. And your dog. And I know you do have a soft heart for animals. Well done.


Hard to watch as it's still ongoing. Covid that is. Here in Australia we should have been more prepared as Covid hit us later than in the UK and Europe. We let our aged care residents down. Brilliantly acted by Jodie Comer and Stephen Graham. A young carer gets caught up in the terrible mess that is the unprepared state of the nursing homes. The story gets very serious very quickly. Just as covid hit everyone. I totally understood the ending and thought it was well handled. A few tears were shed watching the frustration and Tony's loss as to what is happening. Well done all.


Some of the women have been inspirational
Watched 1, 2, 3 and now watching season 4. The best bit for me is seeing how strong some of the girls are in season 3. Dont enjoy seeing the contestants starving but I guess they knew it would be hard. Impressed by the knowledge some of the girls had with plants, Bush medicine etc. Getting bored with the whole show now. My husband is hooked and he hates reality tv usually. Go figure!

Till Death

Such a laugh
For a drama it was a good laugh. So ridiculous it was funny. Terrible acting but it past a couple of hours in lockdown :-)

The Man

You feel for this guy
Such a great story of a gentle guy in a cut throat world. He works hard and does his best being the leader of a small sales team. When a presentation goes bad he realises that his team has plotted against him to get him kicked out. Will he fight back and win that is the question. Great acting all around. Highly recommend.

Mr. Mercedes

You don't get any better than this in a gripping thriller. Acting was superb and the chemistry between them all was brilliant. I saw all three series and it gets better and better.

More twists in series 3.


I expected more
I wanted to see this movie because of Frances McDormand and all the accolades associated with this film. It's more like a documentary. My husband fell asleep meanwhile I was hoping Fern would take a chance on Dave. But I guess it was more realistic and Fern just wanted to drift along on her own. I suspect from what her sister says she was always a bit odd or independent. Fern and her husband moved away from family in the earlier years.

People are like the character she portrayed. Some people just dont particularly like mainstream although Fern had no choice after her husband died. Not a happy movie but I like Francis McDormand and her brave, raw performance.

The Sister

It kept me wondering what happened to the poor girl and why. The storyline was quite intriguing but the acting was woeful. There was no chemistry between the husband and wife and Bob with his gravelly voice was a put off. Maybe the fault lies with the direction as the story had merit. Shame. Could have been a lot better.

Juliet, Naked

Easy to watch
I would say this movie is one for the ladies. The main actors, Chris O'Dowd, Rose Byrne and Ethan Hawke are very good. The young boy is also very appealing. Basically a love storyline with humour as Chris O'Dowd is losing the interest of his partner, Rose Byrne 's character enter Ethan Hawke into the story and things get interesting.

Nice to see Ethan Hawke again. Ladies, give it a go.


Stunning. Love love loved it
A wonderfully produced series with the backdrop of the Blue Mountains adding something special. It took me a while to "get it" with the flashbacks etc. A great storyline around the impressive British/Indian actor Rudi Dharmalingam. I was surprised at the Bollywood kind of scenes but it added something very special and suited the story of Nik. Had a few tears at the end. He was a standout.

Well done everyone involved.

The Serpent

Half way through
An engaging series thus far. So glad I didn't go back packing in the 70's!! Great acting and I love the Dutch embassy diplomat who followed up the disappearance of two young Dutch people. Awful to think this is a true story.

Three Summers

A Beauty
Robert Sheehan is such a talent (Misfits) (The Umbrella Academy) as are the well know Aussie actors in this charming movie. A Ben Elton story and movie beautifully capturing different aspects of Australian culture. Be it quite cringe worthy at times. I hope our American friends "get it". Just sit back and enjoy the story.

The Upside

Although a tragic story of a quandraplegic the humour is very witty and fun. Kevin Hart and Brian Cranston are very good together. Sad to think this is based on a true story. It was nice to see Brian Cranston in a different role from his usual. Really enjoyed it.

Save Me

2nd series was even better
Caught the 2nd series and binged watched it. We had basically forgotten the story but 2 episodes in it was very clear and the plot even thicker. Lennie James was so good. I see he wrote this. Definitely suits his demeanor in this story. Great British drama. The young actors were very good also. Just needed subtitles sometimes with the strong accents. Well done.

The One

Engrossing series
Well presented engaging story of matching DNA samples to find your one true love. The story follows a few cases but mostly the lengths the scientists will go to achieve success. Great characters and acting. Good quality English drama at it's very best.

Coming 2 America

Made me smile
My goodness Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall have aged really well. They are great together and the film is light, corny and silly. But hey I love that. Just fun with an ok plot. I couldn't wait to see who the son was going to be. Not disappointed. I enjoyed it. Give it a go you will get some laughs. We need more of Eddie.

Swimming with Men

A light comedy
Loved Rob Brydon in this typical British movie. Very corny and unbelievable at every breast stroke. Probably because of the casting. Some actors too old to believe they could hold their breath under water!! Should have let Rob Brydon camp it up a bit more! That said I still enjoyed the swimming bits and silly fun. Could have been a lot better.


5 because of Simon Pegg
A shocker. Started out with some promise. Simon Pegg did his best but a stupid plot. Sorry to the writer. Better luck next time.

Your Honor

A great story
A long series and at times some unbelievable happenings to the innocent people caught up in this tragedy. The Judge (Bryan Cranston) gets in deeper and deeper trying to protect his son. I was not sure if he was a bit evil himself or just totally desperate and would do anything to protect his (slightly dumb) son. All in all very entertaining if somewhat a bit over the top but hey aren't most stories. I liked that we get the covid reference with not many allowed in court. Also I totally got the ending. It is worth investing the hours.

I Care a Lot

I loved this movie
This movie tickled me no end. Being in the age group this movie relates to. That is the elderly. I thought the acting was excellent. You were waiting to see the antagonist get her come uppence but the story got more interesting. Very entertaining.

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga

Loved this movie
Great fun taking the mikkey out of the Eurovision Song Contest but done with no offence. Pure escapism at this horrible time. Love Iceland and the elves. Dan Stevens is a stand out as a somewhat camp Russian entry. Hilarious. A must see.

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