
IMDb member since October 2005
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Distant Shores

Mixture of quirky humor and fallible people
This is an engaging (too) short series of a small isolated community. Its mixture of quirky humor and fallible people and their very real seeming emotions draws a person into the story. We like and care for the characters, even Bill while he's being an ass.

The last episode is probably the most uneven episode and thus the weakest. Duncan's death has a feel of being too convenient; sort of a "Deus ex Machina." There are good parts to this episode, I liked the start, where we see the family at breakfast. They are clearly dysfunctional but are still closer now than at any other time in the series.

I think this is the major effect on the family members. When they come to the island, they are rather cool individuals. During the time they spend on the island, they become more caring and closer. All is not rosy though as they make mistakes and hurt each other in the process. The Islanders' example of calm acceptance of each other's flaws helps the family forgive and accept each other. They end up being closer by knowing each other better and accepting the other's flaws.

As you can see, this story is primarily character driven. Thankfully, the actors are excellent in creating warm, flawed characters we are interested in knowing. Well done.

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