
IMDb member since October 2005
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    18 years


What About Your Friends: Weekend Getaway

Wasn't it suppose to become a series?
I absolutely loved this film. It was a little "hyped-up", but was overall okay. I craved seeing Keisha Knight-Pulliam in something after growing up. She kind of let me down, but she is so beautiful. It was rumored that Keisha Knight-Pulliam was trying to get this to be a weekly series, but I haven't heard or read anything else about that. I would watch this show religiously. It would be great for UPN's Tuesday's lineup. PLEASE TURN THIS MOVIE INTO A SERIES!!!! Give Keisha another chance for popularity. Maybe the crew can bring in Raven to make cameo appearance. She is doing great on her series and a Cosby show reunion would be great for this show.

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