
IMDb member since May 2017
    2017 Oscars
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Only You

Nothing unique but amazing to watch!
Good acting, swingeing music and a great story that's all you need for an awesome romantic movie! It wasn't anything special at all, It was just lovely to watch! this is the best romantic movie of 2019 i.m.o.

Light of My Life

It's like they cut out the beginning & the ending.
I felt like there was so much missing in this movie, this could've been so much more! The beginning was way to tedious and long. I almost wanted to walk out of the theater. The middle part was good nothing missing. I was really disappointed with the ending, there was no ending... At least the acting was good, this could've been so much better. Sadly...

The Last Summer

The Last Cringe
Acting was poorly , the story was bland and confusing. but the worst thing was that there were way to many cringe moments. for example the part in the bus when he starts talking to himself about the girl? only a mentally ill person would do this kind of stuff. This movie should've never been made. I liked Maia Mitchell though.


Unbelievably good!
This couldn't have been any better. Last time I saw this good of a mini-series it was band of brothers... This was amazing! Thank you for making this!

Five Feet Apart

Good story, bad character building.
This could've been so much more... If it wasn't so cliche and sometimes cringe then it would've been a masterpiece. They represent CF very well in my opinion but The character building was minor, I didn't feel emotional at all when Poe died and I would've if the character building was better. The acting was sublime. Something that in my opinion was very cringe and ruined the movie for me was the 'vlogging/ streaming' parts. This might be rude but nobody cares about other peoples problems , nobody will watch someone suffer from CF on YouTube. all in all it was a good story!


Most realistic movie I've watched!
At first sight, I did not want to watch this movie at all, but fortunately I did! This was a beautiful movie. the actors went deep into their roles. some scenes lasted for a few minutes but the actors continued to go on in there roles which was really impressive to me. One of the nicer things in this movie was the beautiful acting work. Denzel Washington who played as Troy Maxson does a fantastic job! This man could act incredibly well! his role as a father could not be better suited to anyone else. Something that struck me is that The film showed us that not only white people but also colored people participated in the world war what many movies do not show us. Colored people have also done their duty in the war! Troy Maxsons told us that life as a colored person is not easy. He works for his family and does everything to have a roof over his head, but sometimes he forgets to think about his family. and neglects his son and wife. When the son returns from the war he gets the message that his father died. he does not want to go to his funeral first, but his mother can conquer him. This movie went unbelievably deep, yet no other movie that could show the reality so beautifully. people build a fence around their homes to keep people out. or, to keep them in...

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