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The Millionaire Detective: Balance - Unlimited

It's not great, but good.
Alright, so I finished this show today. Let me tell you I liked the first 4 or 5 episodes, I loved the dynamic between Kambe and Katou. Now I need to explain why I didn't like the show as much as I wanted to. So, I expected this show to play off the dynamic between the two main characters and they go try and solve and case and the show just repeats.. like its own formula ya know? But it doesn't do that, like sure the two main characters do interact but I expected more funny scenes?? Something with Kambe doing something stupid and Katou is like bro wth is wrong with you.

Instead the show decides to heavily focus on a certain case in the middle of the show and make it work for the rest of the episodes?? And to me it didn't really pull that off, it's like oh yeah this case uhh here's a little info episode ends. Here's more info and a new character, episodes ends. It felt a little too much for me?? I wanted more of the main duo to not see eye to eye and make it work for the rest of the Season. Am I being too harsh? I don't know, but that's why I can't give it a higher rating.. as some people said it does feel a little rushed.

Fish Hooks

Not a perfect show, but that's okay!
This show gets way too much hate and it feels a little unnecessary. Like yes in a way this is Disney's version of Spongebob but that's not a bad thing? They are way worse shows out there (Pickle and Peanut for example.) I don't know if it's because I have nostalgia for it.. but I really like the show! That doesn't mean it's perfect, but.. no show is perfect really. Sure maybe it's not as the level of Spongebob but I don't think it's trying to be, the show is honestly funny and I love the main trio! It may not be special to a lot of people, but it means a lot to me.

It's a show I don't mind watching over and over again. Some of the jokes actually do stick the landing (at least in my opinion) and yeah there might be like.. 2 or 3 bad episodes but what show doesn't have bad episodes? Bea just wants to be an actress, Oscar just wants Bea to like him while also being a nerd when it comes to video games. And Milo just does his own thing, never listening to anybody. I guess I like how simple and funny it is, and they just make it work? This show might not be for everyone but.. you can see if it's your thing.

Return to Never Land

Don't listen to the negative reviews, the sequel is good!
So the negative reviews mention "the original is better, therefore this sequel is bad!" and to that I say.. wrong. Just because you grew up with something doesn't make it a masterpiece, I feel like all of you forget that the original had a racist scene that a lot of people didn't like. In my opinion, Return to Never Land is way better than the original. I'm sure a lot of you will disagree with me (even though you guys are probably too nostalgic to notice this sequel isn't bad as you think it is.)

This story starts out in London, who is currently going through World War II. Wendy is all grown up and has 2 kids, Danny and Jane. Hook then kidnaps Jane mistaking her for Wendy to lure Peter Pan. Now Jane needs to find her way home and the only way back is to fly (which is unlikely since Jane doesn't believe in anything.) I think the original had a bunch of songs, I can only remember about 2 of them. But this sequel only has one song (unless you count the background songs, which I don't so..) Jane tries to fly but is unsuccessful. This gives Hook an idea, take advantage of Jane to try to get closer to Peter Pan.

So my overall thoughts is that it's an enjoyable sequel, my only nitpick is that they didn't bring back the crocodile. I also wish the movie was more funny? When it started it was serious because ya know war stuff. Near the end is where it had more comedy so that's why it's a 9/10 from me.

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir

I used to like this show but..
The start of Season 1, I was loving this show.. sure it took until the end of Season to actually give us more of a story but hey it was something. All the episodes repeat the same formula: someone gets sad/mad Hawkmoth sends out a butterfly to turn that person evil then Ladybug and Chat Noir save the day. That's pretty much all of it, so the plot is Marinette is obsessed with Adrien but is nervous to admit her feelings. While Adrien is in love with Ladybug (Marinette as a hero), so basically they both love each other but don't know it yet. I used to love Marinette in Season 1 but after a while.. she's a creepy stalker willing to take out any girl who even dares talk to him. She knows Adrien's entire schedule, and none of her friends even raise an eyebrow to it.. they encourage it!

They're so many cringe-y moments in the show, and I've never cringed so much at a show in my entire life. (I watch tons of shows and it's never this bad) So we have Adrien he's a model so it's obvious why the girls are crazy for him. Gabriel (Adrien's dad) forbids Adrien to go outside because he's a jerk, but eventually does due to Adrien wanting to make friends. The problem with Adrien he's too perfect in every way, having no flaws what so ever. And since he's Chat Noir he can't take "no" for an answer, when confessing his feelings towards Ladybug. Takes him 3 Seasons to finally move on. The more the show progresses the more you don't want these two to be together.. it seems toxic tbh.

The last thing I'm going to mention is Hawkmoth (secretly Adrien's dad) the guy who is responsible for turning people evil with his butterflies. Hawkmoth/Gabriel has his reasons, it's because if he successfully get Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculouses he's able to wish for his wife back. But there's a catch if he does wish for something, it has a consequence for every wish.. I'm assuming Adrien could die just to bring Gabriel's wife back. (this is just an assumption) Okay so even with this reason, Gabriel hardly cares for his son and when he somewhat did it was in the episode Gorizilla. But Chat Blanc explains what happen if he found out his son Adrien was Chat Noir, does he feel conflicted? Lol no, time to evil-lize my son with my butterflies and since he does it almost causes the end of the world! Whoa Hawkmoth you're so dumb.

Overall thoughts: This show held a special place in my heart, but as the show went on.. it was clear nothing was changing so I stopped watching it. I only rate it a 3 because I still have a soft spot for this show, it had so much potential but got wasted.

Brandy & Mr. Whiskers

The show is alright, the problem is.. Brandy.
I don't think I've ever hated a fictional character more than Brandy, that's saying a lot considering I hate Chloe from Miraculous Ladybug yet I somehow think Brandy is just worse than Chloe. At least with Chloe they "tried" to develop her character, even though it's forgotten by the end of Season 3 lol. The problem with Brandy is she's a complete jerk, it's like sometimes they made her slightly caring towards Whiskers only to just be a jerk again. Like there's no balance between it, I'm fine with her being a snob but at least show that Whiskers does mean a lot to her.

There is a time where Brandy would give up leaving the Amazon Forest just to rescue Whiskers, and that was really sweet tbh. She could have straight up left him there to die, but she didn't. But again, they don't balance out her being a snob and caring for Whiskers. Even the show calls her out on how toxic of a friend she is towards Whiskers, to the point where she lets him drown in quicksand. So I don't understand where the writers went wrong here?? It's like they're very much aware Brandy is so unlikable but "Oh it's Whiskers' only friend" like no it isn't?? Whiskers has a better relationship with Ed than Brandy! He's too dumb to realize it, but I would prefer if they wrote off Brandy and Whiskers had to accept the fact she wasn't a true friend at all.

Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs

Self positivity!
I always get all happy when I see Snow White, she's a chubby gal and I relate since I'm also chubby and I know what it's like to be judged based on your looks. I'm sure many people will disagree with me but.. I prefer this Snow White over the Disney version any day. Like don't get me wrong Snow White is a little cute but it's not the best, then again it was Disney's first movie so I shouldn't be too hard on it. Anyways, Snow White prefers her true self over being skinny and that also makes me happy! I just love the self positivity in the movie, it can help me feel less self conscious about my weight.

Snow White is looking for her dad, she steals some red shoes from a witch named Regina who's trying so hard to make herself beautiful again. While this is happening, the dwarves are trying to find the most beautiful girl in the world to help break their curse. And as luck would have it, they run into Red Shoes (Snow White) trying to get a kiss from her by helping Red Shoes find her dad. I think the only nit pick I have is adding songs to random scenes. But I give credit to them making original songs! I'm glad it wasn't some dumb pop song that would have felt so out of place.

Spider-Man: Far from Home

Awesome sequel, would watch again
Spider-Man: Far From Home is definitely a movie that I can watch over and over again! It's a cute and fun hero movie, Peter just wants to live a normal life and doesn't want his hero business to get in the way of that. You honestly can't blame him, he's fought Thanos like twice then had to watch Iron Man die right in front of his eyes.

He's been through a lot, he deserves a vacation and try to be like everyone else. I can't find anything I really hate about that movie but the whole Ned getting a girlfriend just didn't go anywhere but yeah. Also I disagree with a lot of people thinking that the movie is only good when Mysterio shows up, because that is simply not true.

The Road to El Dorado

Underrated classic!
El Dorado is pretty good for what it is, lots of adult humor that children won't understand and it's hilarious as well. When Miguel and Tulio interact with Chel, those scenes can be the best. I think my only nitpick is that they try to shove this one guy (who imprisons Miguel and Tulio) a slight villain but it just doesn't go anywhere? I don't know, could have left him out and not much would change really. Other than that I can enjoy the movie for what it is! I recommend watching it.


The new Aladdin is forgettable.
I'm sure when we all saw the Will Smith Genie we all freaked out, and it should have stayed that way. I wanted to give this movie a chance, since it looked kinda good but when I watched it.. it was terrible. Hope you don't mind some spoilers, we all know the story of Aladdin it just has some minor changes. Anyways, was it really necessary to give Genie a girlfriend? That seemed so random, I bet that was the only reason for that new character to exist. It's like someone took the Aladdin script and just self inserted themselves into the movie to be shipped with the Genie. Let me not get started on Jafar, he has to be the worst part in this entire movie he even reveals himself trying to kill Aladdin. In the original he disguised himself so he wouldn't be recognized, but here Jafar is like "Yep I'm Jafar, get me that lamp"

Most of the scenes feel rushed? Like when Jasmine gives 2 kids some bread that scene goes by way too fast. Let me not get started on the actors, it really sounds like nobody cares. Except for maybe Will Smith, because he's at least trying but.. compared to everyone else it just seems like they wanted their check so they didn't bother to put some emotion in their characters. Like when Aladdin talks it sounds like he couldn't care less, and it doesn't make me feel for him as a character. Also Jasmine's song felt so forced in and seemed like they added it last minute, I thought that scene was funny because she's singing while being escorted out and the guards don't even tell her to "Shut up"

Aladdin and the King of Thieves

Not better than the original, but that's okay!
We don't dare speak of Return of Jafar, that cheap way of trying to start up a series. You can literally skip Return of Jafar and nothing would change, go straight to this movie and they don't even bother mentioning the defeat of Jafar etc. I honestly enjoyed this movie, and the message about it's not always about the treasure but it's about family.

I don't care how cheesy that sounds, it's honestly cute! Sure people may think but a 3rd sequel wasn't necessary, but I think it was to know more about where Aladdin came from and why he acts the way he does. To add a plus Robin Williams is back, so you know it's a good sequel when he's back! Like I said it doesn't top the original Aladdin, but I don't except it to. In my opinion it's a nice addition to the franchise and glad that it exists.

Mary Poppins Returns

I wanted to like this sequel, but I couldn't.
Without any spoilers, the original Mary Poppins is good for what it is but this sequel can't top the original. First of all, it's clear they were just trying to remake the original so this isn't a sequel, it's a remake. Not to mention way too many songs that feel out of place. It's like everytime something happens a character just has to sing about it! We're lost? Let's sing! You don't want to take a bath? Let's sing! I'm sorry but not even the original was this song crazy, I guess Disney was trying so hard to win an award for a song which they did.

The animated part was fine for what it is, I'm usually a person who doesn't mind sequels even if it's not better than the original it'll sometimes still be a nice additional to the franchise. But this is not that type of sequel that has that exception, I understand it's trying to convey a good story but all you're really doing is copying the original. I'm sorry to say Disney, but this is going in the bad Disney sequels with the others best if we didn't remember it existed. Maybe you should have left Mary Poppins alone honestly, I was very skeptical especially replacing Bert with Jack. 2/10 will not watch again.

Shark Tale

My guilty pleasure movie
Hate it all you want guys, but let me tell you a story.. when I was 6 years old I had this movie on DVD. Ever since I grew up with this movie I knew the entire script of the movie, and I still do. So I thank the people who made this movie, Shark Tale has really made a difference in my life 10/10 will always watch again!

I completely understand if people disagree, but since it's really nostalgic it holds a special place in my heart. This movie isn't for everyone after all, but either way I appreciate this movie's existence. I also like the messages in this movie, lying is terrible and accept someone for who they are.

Meari to majo no hana

Not an anime fan, but I enjoyed this movie!
Now before people assume I hate all anime, I don't. I just hate that most of the anime is either sexual or violence, which is why I usually don't give anime a chance. Slowly I've been giving it a chance, if it's appropriate and have some kind of adventure to it.

But anyways, Mary and the witch's flower is an amazing movie! The animation is gorgeous, I love all the details and backgrounds. I even like Mary as a character, at times she can even be relatable. I think the only nitpick I have is the way they introduced Peter, yes I know he's teasing and all but he seemed a bit of a jerk to Mary at first. Other than that the movie is pretty enjoyable, we do get a bit of a plot twist with one of the characters and I thought it was a nice touch to it.

Teen Titans Go! To the Movies

Good movie, terrible show.
Look when I first saw the teaser trailer of nothing but a terrible fart joke that's what I expected this movie to be. Really bad, but everyone kept giving it good reviews and I already knew about the original Titans after the credits.

It wasn't that bad, sure it does have some of your typical TTG jokes but if you let that slide you'll surely enjoy it. It was funny how they made fun of Marvel and DC and let's be real that Teen Titans song is kinda catchy.


This movie is so stupid... that it's funny!
When I saw the trailer for Tag, I rolled my eyes thinking it's gonna be of those really stupid movies that's going to be bad. But to my surprise it was funnier than I expected it to be, it really did surprise me how funny the humor could be.

Just hearing the title and plot may make you think it's a bad and stupid movie, but you should at least give it a chance. It's so worth your time and money if you just want a good laugh, what more can you expect from adults not able to tag their friend for 30 years?

My small little complaint/nitpick is having Chilli and Bob have a crush on the same girl, and fight over her. She was barely in the movie and serve no real purpose to the story, she was just there to distract them from tagging Jerry but that's it. It felt kinda pointless imo, but other than that it's pretty enjoyable!


Kids would love it, but teens and adults not so much.
This movie isn't amazing, great or even extraordinary.

Sing was more neutral/hate for me.

So what's the plot? The plot is Buster Moon wants to open a theater the only problem is he needs singers but he only has $1,000 and he thinks that's enough to get enough singers. When the chameleon is typing in the reward money her eyeball falls out lands on the 0 multiple times making it seem like the animals will win $100,000 all the animals sign up but later to find out the prize money is $1,000 dollars. And when the animals do find out and his theater gets destroyed what do the singers do? Do they get angry because he lied? Nope. They decide to help him rebuild his theater. Like why?? How does that make any sense?

Talking animals is nothing new, and singing is nothing new you could literally make these characters anything and the plot would remain the same. I don't find anything interesting in this movie, what's with the unnecessary fart jokes? I wasn't laughing at first but they were longer than they were supposed to, which eventually made me laugh. I'm usually not the biggest fan of fart jokes but when it goes on too long it gets old real quick. The only positive thing I have to say is the character designs I do like some of them but that's about it.

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