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A Deadly Affair

Acting is bad watch while falling asleep
Why do they require 600 words on these reviews they want us to keep talking about how bad a movie is over and over again i can say this was horrible over and over I can say the acting was bland and terrible over and over I can say the actors had no personality's the lead female her face never changes with any emotions sad mad angry upset just a expressionless gave and the main creepy guy who was a child actor is just bad and out of place more then the usual creepy guy and that over extra fake lawyer friend acting like she cares so much about her so annoying I am learning how to crochet that's more exciting then this boring movie I don't know who the killers is while writing this it's kind of obvious but I could be wrong but at this point and time I don't care I'm just trying to finish it so I can erase it the sister is weird and shady too so I'm hoping it's her the friend knows her husband is obsessed with her friend I think the husband was having a affair with the friend or she was at least trying to have him he may have rejected her so the friends husband did ut because he wanted the wife or the friend did it because she wanted to frame her.if they were better actors maybe it would be good the fake lawyer friend busting in that meeting all of a sudden made no sense so it looks like she trying to make her look like a bad person on purpose.

Dying for A Daughter

Is it really hard to make this better
It's bad enough the poor little girl has a absent negligent mom that is to busy to even take time for her daughter who is being over drugged and put to sleep all day but then she has a weak needy doesn't know when to stop giving attention loser dad this weird nurse that's supposed to love the little girls keeps her drugged while she works on the dad that's not worth the time she is over doing it with the sultry trying to be Seductive and sexy a real nurse wouldn't be walking around with no clothes on morning afternoon and night so they should know she's not professional and they should have let her go right away I would have she her hair is usually red so now it's blond why and then there's the friend that always finds something out and calls to say I need to meet up with you it's important without saying what it is and even if she did everyone's phones are unlocked and it would have got erased the same old stories over and over like the dad said your the nurse not the help she wouldn't be cooking in my house all day I would make sure meals were cooked for my child but it's to hard for anyone to do that with these nice large homes with big kitchens the little girl while have pretended to take the medicine so she could pay attention to what's going on she is basically a seat filler actor not a main part. I watched some of this stopped watched a little more stopped again the nurse is supposed to be with the child at all times why she's a live in confuses me she is not terminal you come in the morning and leave when a parent gets back her robotic movements are annoying like she's a android i also find it hard to believe as skinny and little as she is she can choke out 2 way larger people it's really easy to grab her hair and you don't have to give a over deranged look to be deranged do all the friends have to be killed the police never seem concerned until the end or the movie when the fight is over.did she really let that puny chick beat her up.

Secrets in the Building

Same old thing
I think it's really sad how when their is a black person in the lead role they can't have a black spouse boyfriend or girlfriend black family's exist and they should be allowed to be shown on these channels like lifetime and hallmark they do the same if they are Asian or Hispanic there has to be a white love interest and that goes for their children too a black girl can't like a black boy he has to be white and vice versa I wouldn't have a issue with this is I have seen through these years black Asian and Hispanic families on here but I haven't and that's ridiculous at this time we only get half a effort.

Home, Not Alone

Who makes these it has to be someone that disrespected their own parents growing up
Ok first off I'm tired of them casting females playing the just weakest passive parts ever what Luther is going to keep letting their will annoying on child talk crazy to them I see a pattern of this with certain groups on lifetime and it just makes the movies ridiculous your crazy mom don't talk to me mom did you knock get out of here I hate you but I'll go any and every where and let a guy in my window with a dude I just met running down the street I'll treat him better then my mother I'll talk to him better then my mother this woman that plays the mom is so bland sorry not sorry I would get tired of playing these roles or she may just be this way let's everyone walk over her talk to her any kind of way who automatically meets someone and 3 minutes later they are in your home and people wonder why people disappear in a day while the daughter is checking up on the creepy guy her mom seeing she should have been looking online about the guy she was letting in her window in a day that's just crazy at least her mom didn't invite the creepy guy into her room yet you think someone has been in the house but no police is called and yes Jordan I would take the creepy guys side because you don't respect me either who is the parent on here really did anyone direct the way the mom acts it's just hard to watch.

Down Will Come Baby

Could have been better
Lame lame lame usually kids can not see the bad in someone for awhile but when they do and they tell their parents they do nothing the dad is a whole different kind of idiot on here the mom may be out of town but she was trying to make sure the daughter was ok even though when she spoke it didn't sound like concern coming from someone that played a tv mom for years the dad levee the daughter unattended to be stalked blows off the fact this lunatic is popping up everywhere doesn't listen to the daughter or his wife about how creepy and weird this woman is I can only imagine the fear evertime this child had to come home alone to wonder if she sitting there waiting for her I personally wouldn't have went home until someone was there it is ridiculous now lightly the dad took this and the mom being in a different state had to worry but what is also bad is when the little girl drowned that this family didn't reach out to her deranged mother to send their condolences which was very odd and weird they don't make movies that seem real I'm sure there are plenty of parents that are uncaring and unfit and would not see what's going one but there are plenty that are great and pay attention I guess that won't make for a great movie.this movie should have been a lot better with the stars that was in it.

Landmine Goes Click

Would have been better if they finished it
I know Chris didn't want to kill the girl he shouldn't have put a bullet in the gun he should not have used the daughter as a example and it all went to far but karma is a you know what the father was a monster I don't think it mattered whether he drank or not people like that always have a lot of other victims after raping and murdering the monster just went on with his life like he thinks he deserved to do since he stopped drinking he deserved karma but. Not at the expense of the daughter Chris was consumed with the hurt anger and rage that it was so hard for him to pull back after getting started I like that he found the monster and made him scared invading his home space after he terrorized the mom and daughter a little he should have told them why and what the monster did and finished him off slowly let this be a lesson when you hurt people they come back ri your home for vigilance Daniel should have Been at the top of the list to get revenge on he was the reason why they were stuck there what happened to him was incomplete just like the ending was he should have pretended to put a bullet in the gun i was hoping it did not end that way but he just took it all to far he told what was most important to him his daughter and that dog.

Girl Missing

I'm not even half way through but this whole story line is stupid a billionaires daughter disappears and her face wasn't on every tv billboard there is that's makes no sense and then out of the blue this weird so called mother and why they chose her to play this part I don't know she is not that great of a actress but anyway she comes and easily persuades her to come to the estate with her suspect loud boyfriend that's over annoying and needs a lot of attention we all know right about now that she is only there because she inherited the money from her father and they want it now we have seen many like this before and we can watch them if the actors were good I thought they would have made this girl a little savvy and tough since she did grow up in foster care but she stupid which makes it uninteresting which these aren't so I'm going to stop watching now I may go back in as week right now I want to watch something interesting and why do we have to right a minimum of 1000 words on here.


Was great at first dwindled down to hurry up and finish
It was a great little series until it became all about selfish disrespectful elsa she taken crazy to her mom but she's the first she calls when In distress she never listens to what anyone tells her she should be dead by the second episode not understanding why they let the people bring all that junk in the beginning knowing they would have to discard it they could have sold it in town save the horses a lot of pain and suffering else so many things can be said about her one is shallow she is only in for the moment her aunt was a lot to bear she made a lot of sense and she needed a few more slaps but when she said she was sorry about her cousin we all know she was full of it she didn't even get down off the horse she had a first lust or love had sex where everyone could see and hear was going to make her dad make him marry her he gets killed she cries for a day and starts flirting with others the next day she will do what any man tells her to do but her mother can't get her to watch her brother right or not wander off.all she do is wander never making sure her family is ok just looking for the next lay up that's what this turned into I know why it didn't continue I just wish the aunt was there to slap the smile off her face or smirk so many times like she was the boss of everyone.

Erasing His Past

There's way to much to say about how wrong this movie went and how bad the directing and acting was I don't want to believe they directed the actors to be this lame and stupid If this is the kind of garbage they are going to keep making they should stop making lifetime movies and shut this channel down the wife not knowing about anything going on with her finances is not real a bank can't transfer that much money without speaking to or seeing someone the daughet going with this lame murderer killer is beyond stupid not telling the police from the beginning was stupid because we all know he's going to kill any witnesses not following his car when he goes back to where her daughter is was just ridiculous when the daughter gets out the trunk she doesn't creep out she let's the hood go wayyyyyyy up in the sky to be seen by the silly mom that's gives her escape away then they run in the house and leaves the door wide open to let him run in and then the end when she shoots him and leaves him there alone ti wait ti get away easily because this movie shows us all she was a easy target to do whatever to I literally fast forward this movie why wills any actor do these knowing how bad it's going to turn out I think it's odd that the people on these lifetime movies never have any families or real friends it's just them and the villain I have to go and watch some real movies with real actors to get over what I just saw.when you see a preview you think wow that may actually be good ....... I would like to know what insurance company that was for them to even consider a payoff off 3 million in days is great they should have advertised their number I think people should watch so they will know how bad they are getting in making these movies and we deserve better.

Nanny Danger

It starts off good but just gets bad fast as usual
I though movies and shows were supposed to be realistic she went from being a over qualified intelligent woman to a stupid doing everything wrong immature child did she really think she had the upper hand and could call the shots with a selfish egotistical narcissistic that does nothing but enjoy controlling people and their lives him sitting there watching her on the camera is way to much and lame seeing him do that stupid laugh is sickening why do the people in these movies get a Text from someone and actually go to meet them instead of calling to talk to them she could have met up with her in the daytime and somewhere public she didn't seem to hear the kids when they said that was their other nanny that disappeared even though they were right there looking at the phone too I'm pretty sure the 2 little girls are one of each of their parents a psycho killer and a passive aggressive person and who signs a contract giving someone control over them like that oh they did for a nanny job that went bad fast because he's a nasty creep after she walked in the house to talk to him when she was supposed to be talking to the wife I stopped it there and waited a few more days to finish it.

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