
IMDb member since June 2017
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You're Killing Me

Bad writing
Acting is ok. Cinematography is ok. Directing is meh. What is really bad is the writing. There so so many times where these people aren't doing anything that makes sense. The choices that are made are bad and illogical. It really is just super bad writing. The acting is ok though some performances were meh. Nothing ever felt scary. I am a HUGE horror movie fan and this was just horrible. It really felt like this was written by young people posing in horror. Do yourself a favor and skip this. It really is meh at best. Again, acting is ok. Cinematography is ok. Its the bad writing and maybe directing that makes this a hard pass.


Not bad. A little drawn out. Good acting.
First off, the acting is good (just ignore Glenn Beck). The lead prisoner is really good and I hope he does more work. The actor playing the doctor is ok. The writing is a tad long winded. Story is ok. Production is ok. Cinematography is ok. Ending is just meh. Because it has a political casting choice, it feels like the movie is propaganda for religion rather than just trying to be a scary movie. It would have been better to flush out more back story with lead up events to the prison. But overall, the movie is ok. Just needs more story, slightly better acting, less political casting, and some deeper story.


100 minutes of film for 15 minutes of plot
First off, I am a major horror fan and watch lots of films that most don't ever see. This is too grainy. Too slow. Too poorly lit. Too boring. Too hard to make out audio. Too many B roll shots. This is a short story that is drawn waaaaay out. This could have been about 15 minutes and had the same plot and effect. This feels like an art school project run long.

Do yourself a favor and just read up on the plot so you can save yourself some time. There are some very brief moments that are good and I applaud the writer/director for that, but we are here for the entire experience and it's just tooooo slow.

A Dark Song

Good potential with a crappy ending
Overall, this is not a terrible movie but the ending is definitely lame. It wants to be a horror movie but at it's heart, it's really just a drama about a woman coming to terms with her loss. It's like watching Steel Magnolias except the ex-husband is a zombie and the family are witches. The saddest part is that we are more sympathetic to her counterpart than to her. It does get points for cinematography, and set design. The occult parts are very cool.

Werewolf Rising

We love werewolf movies so we do have a high standard, however going into this we knew this film wasn't going to have the best effects. It gets one star for having actual prosthetics and masks, even if the werewolf mask looks some kind of hybrid wolf/bat thing. And that's about the only good in the whole movie.

The cinematography is terrible. The dialog is terrible. The acting is terrible (though the lead actress does the best of the bunch, she needs more directing). The writing/plot is terrible. You'll find yourself saying "huh?" sooo many times. The end made little to no sense. It's full of continuity errors. The audio stinks. Maybe their goal was canon fodder for MST3K?

Save yourself some time and watch some other independent films. We just saw "Beyond the Gates" and it was Oscar worthy compared to this junk.

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