
IMDb member since October 2005
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Life Support

Queen Latifas best performance, yet not in the movies...
This is a very moving performance by the multi-talented Queen! I liked her before, and I think this is better than her in Chicago. This is real, and she is keepin' that way!This movie is not just for one race, but for everyone, and she moves me in a way I cannot feel like crying. AIDS, and HIV is a difficult topic for African Americans, let alone everyone else, and she seems to have no problem with portraying an HIV positive woman, trying to help the world. Ms. Wallace........aka Queen Latifa, is great in this performance. It is educational, and yet it need ed to be addressed at some point over the past 30 years without an HIV positive person suffering a horrid death, as she is living her life.

Open Water 2: Adrift

Why was everyone nude throughout the movie?
Didn't anyone think to bring a swim suit? This movie is borderline soft core porn. Nobody gets sunburned.....the baby stops crying, they are all in great physical shape and I believe thats what the movie is based on.......nudity. The acting was terrible, the premise was ill conceived, and the movie seems to bad to have made. I hate to spoil it but these nude people would have been fried in that water, and they would have all died of dehydration. If all the nudity were cut out and dialog inserted, this may have been a better movie. Then there was the nude man swimming in the ocean to look for a knife!!! What are the chances that he could find a knife in the middle of the ocean. This is one of the worst movies I have ever watched.

Bionic Ever After?

This movie was awesome...
In my 30's now, I loved this reunion. This time around, at the end Steve ends up in a precarious state, and Jaime has to save him. Go Feminism! And the ending when Jaime uses a manhole cover as a Frisbee to stop the bad guys.....way funny! Also their bionics getting corrupted by a virus.....70's technology with updates! Great sci-fi drama! I wish I could find this movie and the series on DVD, as it brings back fun memories, with a twist of modern technology we can all realte to when we have a computer problem. Some network should re run this and release the deries for the fans. I bet even kids today would love this movie!

The Prestige

Great movie....watch close....very sci-fi with reality based detail
The movie is so confusing, that the ending is unbelievable. The ending is sci-fi, but for me, the inclusion of Tesla in the movie leads you to believe the movie to be true...fact based...suspension of disbelief. Teslas free based electricity, destroyed by Edison, makes this movie even more complex, if you have ever studied Tesla. A machine, or obsession that actually creates body doubles....great twist....do not over think it....it is all illusion! Or is it? It is up to you to see if Teslas toy makes new people, and if Bale's character is really Bale or his double. This is what causes the love tragedy of the suicide of his wife, not knowing or believing if he loves her or not. They take turns. Very complex. And Jackmans character actually being a Lord! That's where the limitless money comes in, and his ability to finance such a battle of two men obsessed with being masters of illusion! Bale had his twin, whereas Jackman relied on money and a double!

Garden State

I lost my mom too
This movie hits reality, as a docudramas. His work was great. I never ever liked Zack before, but after seeing his work.........a perfect 10...if you even lived a tragic life. Or if you want to know what one feels like for survivors.This movie is about moving on, blindly, without letting people in, albeit thee few you choose. Zack must have had a bad childhood. I would like to speak with him one day. This is a master piece for the hurt. I appreciate his expose of things......8473030428.....as I am a survivor, with weirdo friends. This 10 line of comment is stupid, and should be changed. Why ten lines. Peoples lives cannot be put into 10 words, lines, or pages.

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