
IMDb member since July 2017
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Mr Bates vs the Post Office: The Real Story

A Must Watch!
My eyes were opened by this. I'd never heard anything about it. This is a very clear case of a large corporate taking advantage of the little man. It's also a very clear case of the power of the little man and all of his friends, and the power of people when they come together against bullies. In my opinion this is a must watch!

My eyes were opened by this. I'd never heard anything about it. This is a very clear case of a large corporate taking advantage of the little man. It's also a very clear case of the power of the little man and all of his friends, and the power of people when they come together against bullies. In my opinion this is a must watch!

David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived

Possibly one of the most humbling things I've ever watched in my life. As somebody who lives with pain this really is humbling, this gentleman is an inspiration to everyone. I think this should be made compulsory for all kids to watch because it just shows that attitude is everything. David Holmes is an inspiration!

Possibly one of the most humbling things I've ever watched in my life. As somebody who lives with pain this really is humbling, this gentleman is an inspiration to everyone. I think this should be made compulsory for all kids to watch because it just shows that attitude is everything. David Holmes is an inspiration!

The Heiress and the Heist

Fascinating documentary
An incredible documentary outlining a fascinating period on Irish history. A period that I know little or nothing of the detail. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking to piece together important and incredibly interesting facts from the 1960s 1970s.

An incredible documentary outlining a fascinating period on Irish history. A period that I know little or nothing of the detail. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking to piece together important and incredibly interesting facts from the 1960s 1970s.

An incredible documentary outlining a fascinating period on Irish history. A period that I know little or nothing of the detail. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking to piece together important and incredibly interesting facts from the 1960s 1970s.

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