
IMDb member since November 2005
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    IMDb Member
    18 years


As an Act of Protest

Unforgettable Movie
I'm a white anti-racism activist. When I saw "As An Act of Protest" I was moved, thrilled, and happy that there is a film which so accurately and powerfully exposes both the apparent and hidden racism in this nation. Through its frontal attack, it lets the audience seek solutions rather than presenting them as easy answers.

The performances are solid--with the lead actors turning in gut-wrenching reality.

As a filmmaker myself, I want to add that the production design of this film is flawless. This may be an independent production, but the overall look will leave you with the impression that the budget was limitless.

It is so refreshing to see a movie that is raw, real--sweats--without glitzy special effects or pablum solutions.

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