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Content stealing criminal
Reaction content like hers is insufferable, all she does is record Tik Tok other people made and gives the bare bones commentary all while the video is cropped in such a way where the original users @ is obscured. Recently she's doxxed another creator by the name of Jacks films over petty reasons and is rightfully getting called out by everyone under the sun expect from YouTube themselves. I suggest you subscribe to channels just underneath her in subscribers to knock her ass down a peg. Channels like J Balvin, Fede Vigevani, Ch3Thailand, and VEGETTA777. It may not seem like much just to sub to channels that'll surpass her but Until she faces some legal punishment this is something we can do hit her ego.

Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken

The movie Dreamworks did dirty.
I enjoyed this film, The pacing leading up to the climax is a bit too speedy though with a montage where I hear is the films biggest flaw. Despite that I thought the film was funny and charming all around but if they did give maybe a 8 or so more minutes to help with the pacing issues I feel the movie would have been better. I like the Gillman family there engaging characters.

I do have to question the lack of marketing though, this is one of Dreamworks Animation's worst performing films in a long time. The marketing did this film a disservice by

-Having the trailer released just 3 months before the movie went into theaters.

-The trailer show scenes from the climax.

-The next big trailer released a month before the film released.

-Released in a crowed market.

-And it had big shoes to fill coming out after big hits like The Bad guys & Puss in boots 2.

Not to mention with those last two & Spiderverse having that stylized look that's revolutionizing CGI animation a film with a more traditional computer animation look is starting to look weaker compared to those films. Marketing for animation (This can be applied to any show or movie too) has been really weird in the streaming age.

I don't think this movie is going to ever be viewed as Iconic as How to train your dragon, Shrek or Megamind but it really doesn't have to be to be worth watching. This movie was done dirty and if it was given an actual marketing budget it would have been a modest success. Right now almost everything is IP driven and original properties are struggling to stand out. Dreamworks has a few franchises under it's belt and I'd argue if Ruby Gillman have been given a proper chance there'd be an audience for a sequel.

I know some of Dreamworks other not as successful movies have gotten some Cartoon show tie ins like Home, Turbo, Abominable and even Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron all the way from the 2000's. I know the world Ruby lives in has a lot of potential for a full series and it would do the film some service to not be totally forgotten by Dreamworks outside of meme's about how everyone thought this would outdo the little mermaid remake and Elemental for some reason.

Toon in with Me

The attempt at presentation is appreciated but...
I get that they wanted to something to fill up the time between the cartoons but the humor for live action segments aren't the best and can be a kin to stuff on Channel Awesome (which isn't a good thing). It's not always god awful like most people making it out to be but their just their to fill up time and it shows. Like one episode they running joke is that Bill was going to make a great reveal so they play the a drum-roll sound effect and the joke is that the drum-roll goes on for the entire episode and when reveal was something underwhelming like him getting a new toothbrush. And the worst one I saw was they get a child fan on the show, but it's not an actual kid it's an adult women dressed like a child, (Again channel awesome vibes). Also I hope they add other vintage cartoons like Pink Panther, Woody the Woodpecker and Little Audrey. Maybe things will improve for the in between stuff but were just really watching toon in with me for the cartoons, though it is neat they showcase fanart people submit.

Muppets Now

Pretty unfocused
I know the Muppets have always parodied variety shows, but there aren't a whole lot of recurring segments that aren't really memorable. My favorites so far are Muppet Labs Field Test which are just the new Muppets lab sketches, and Pepe's Unbelievable Game Show which is just a fun kind of crazy to see whatever Pepe's imagination will dictate the outcome of the sketch. The rest of the sketches are just alright though, not terrible but it just doesn't stick with me and watching Ms. Piggy's life style vlogs & the Cook off makes me realize how formulaic it can be to watch one after another. Ontop of that they really need to add skits with Kermit, Gonzo, Fozzie who only really make cameos so far so hopefully season two will introduce something fun with them. Season one's alright though but nothing amazing.

Elliott from Earth

Been excited for this since Elliott was blonde
Elliott from earth is the second full series from Cartoon Network Studios Europe (now being rebraned as Hanna Barbera studios Europe) a foreign division of CN whose 1st animated series The amazing world of Gumball became such a big hit for the network I was excited when in 2018 they began production on another series called Elliott from Earth. Years later and it's finally here and I've been enjoying the series so far, the four part Wednesday is a neat introduction to who the 3 main characters are, Elliott & his mother Frankie have been moving around a lot since Frankie's theory of a mysterious rock she found is believed to be evidence of alien activity got her laughed out of field of science though she is determined to prove her theory right, Elliott is a good mannered boy whose feeling a little lonely since due to moving a lot he doesn't have the time to make lasting friendships. This all changed however when they activate the rock causing them to teleport through space on to the centrium, where they meet Mo a Dinosaur. What I like about Mo is when they meet him he really doesn't know much of anything and he asks questions about real basic stuff. This show can have such a soft gentle tone sometimes it's great. After making a home on the centrium the show goes into a more episodic approach exploring the cast of aliens and cool futuristic design of world around them. Some of my favorite episodes so far are: problematic prophecies: Nara is a interesting character who temporarily gave Elliott & Mo the power of future sight. Parallel Paradox: It's just really funny. And Melancholic Megalomaniac: LORD KALLOUS is such an interesting character, once a space tyrant now seeks redemption as a school teacher. Also the animation and colors of this show are amazing, nearly every episode has the characters with types of shading and lighting that you'd normally wouldn't see in other shows. Over all I'm looking forward to more of this series!

Trick Moon

Please pull a 12 forever & Pinky Malinky
So ever since OK K.O ended I was skeptical that there was ever going to be a cartoon that came close to achieving the same level of likeability and greatness that it had. And then this pilot was posted to CN's YouTube channel and it achieved the exact same feeling, tone, humor and legit everything OK K.O had and I as well as many others loved it and it seemed like with CN putting a focus on HBO Max it would be a perfect fit for the new Streaming service, avoiding the traps K.O had fallen in with cable T.V scheduling and advertisement. And then the news dropped in mid October of that year that restructures of Warner Media's animation departments that interfered with the development of Trick Moon as a series (the other pilots released at the time as well). The Trick Moon fandom actually got it trending the night it the creator announced the news of it, according to the What's happening tab we got over 40K tweets regarding it. There is still a dedicated fanbase for Trick Moon and in recent years some CN pilot have been green lighted by other networks and studios those being Pinky Malinky by Nickelodeon and Twelve forever by Netflix and seeing how Trick Moon's view count towers over 12 forevers view count when it was picked up by Netflix then there's a chance that Trick Moon can have a future.

Wonder Park

Not the best but far from bad
Wonder Park is a movie that has a pretty cool premise and potential but doesn't quite reach greatness. One issue is the pacing of the films tone, during the first arc it's back and forth between whimsical, cutesy, funny and then dramatic until we get the park. The humor isn't laugh out loud either but their are some laughs to be had. One of the films strong points are the action sequences like the introduction the park at the very start and when June and the mascots are dodging the oncoming destruction of the park set foot by the zombie sock monkey toys (I can guarantee you this is the only movie to that zombie Sock monkeys).

The characters are typical but likable but the relationship with June and her mom is one of the films strong points they get along real well and they time their on screen together is just so precocious and Junes arc of dealing with uncertainties of weather her mom can return to her is when the film has it's best moments. Though the pacing is better in the middle of the film it still isn't smooth as butter I don't wanna spoil too much but there's a scene in which the mascots believe June betrays them and it's shown as a big deal, but the next day after helping with the one of the rides, she regains all their trust instantly.

I'm pretty sure the films issues have to do with the directing, there was some drama where the director was called out for harassment charges and had to leave production, so the studio had to carry on with either a new person in charge who has not been credited as of yet or they pressed forward with what they had done so far, and it's pretty sad cause this movie could have had it's issues ironed out and given likely would have dodged a lot of the criticism thrown it's way.

The movie isn't a broken mess it's just their was a lot more that could have been done with it, as it stands now it's a fun movie even if it feels unfocused and has some mood-swings with the tone from scene to scene. It's also a pretty short movie too.

I should also note that much like Jimmy Neutron Boy genius and Big Hero 6, Wonder park is getting TV series that will air on Nickelodeon in the not too distant future and hopefully Wonder Park gets more justice done their.

Bakugan: Battle Planet

Better than the original actually
Now before you say "But Bakugan is my childhood", "CN make a good reboot, are you high?" "It's decent but they barley air it" or some other crap like that just shut up. And on a side note, I made IMDB list of other good reboots on CN. Anyways what I like about this Bakugan is that the battles are more engaging to watch. I know it's par for the course for trading card anime to play out a more epic version of the game in show but at the end of the day it is them just playing the game. The original show was like that too but here the bakugan have more range to fight when compared to the turn based style of the first show, the kids can pitch in by throwing power up baku-cores that can either power or heal a bakugan so the kids aren't rendered useless, plus it also ties into the rules of the new game. Speaking of which checkout the new toys their pretty cool. I also like the 11 minute run time it's rare for an anime to do that and considering that most other card game shows could have been this short if the the meat of the action (the card games) wasn't just playing the game (which that type of format is good but it's great to break away from it every now and then). I like the new look of the creatures since they are basically toys they have a mechanical look to them which is a nice attention to detail. The characters are typical but likable and act more like actual kids, kinda like Craig of the creek. Over all this show is a lot more engaging and fun to watch than some other card game anime in past years like Scan 2 go and Monsuno that aired on Nicktoons. I look forward tot seeing the Bakugan brand grow.

Transformers: Cyberverse

Pretty good
I've seen some fans be a little to over critical of The last transformers series which was Transformers in Disguise but I think fans are taking more of like to this one, Even with the shorter run-time and character models that look a little like MMD, the show is engaging and fun, I find a little weird that Cartoon Network still has the last transformer show still on their website, which you can still watch. I can get it for the Teen Titans but with the Transformers you'd probably want to bring attention to the current toy line for sales.

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