
IMDb member since July 2017
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    IMDb Member
    6 years


People of Earth

Amazing show that just didn't reach enough viewers.
Just finished my second run through. This show would have been much more successful if it'd had reached UK viewers. Absolutely hilarious, totally out of the box comedy. Fresh and original. I'm gutted there won't ever be a season 3.

Sonic the Hedgehog

The worst film I have paid money to see
Terrible film.

Felt like an effort to watch all the way through. Typical tropes, film starts at the end and flashbacks the entire movie. Implausible world building. Film makes a big deal out of an EMP, shows us the effects and yet, mobile phones still work............... Clear and obvious promotions throughout the movie too. Jim Carrey hams it up and doesn't even slightly resemble Robotnik til the very end.

James Marsden finding himself recast as "straight-man sidekick to lovable animated CGI character" dude. Again. HOP anybody?

After the originality of Detective Pikachu I had really high hopes for this movie, I love Jean-Ralphio Saperstein (Ben Schwartz), Jim Carrey is a legend..........but it just sucked.

Ignore the shills, this movie is like a throwback to all the generic kids movies of the 00's.

Waste of time.

Avenue 5

Classic Armando Iannucci
Seems the joke is flying over a lot of reviewers heads here. This is from the creator of "The Thick of It", Armando Iannuci. This is a cynical, sarcastic comedy about what we can probably expect if we are to ever to venture in to space as Tourists. Get through the 1st episode, the characters all have their roles in what is essentially a stage-play in space and the show begins to make sense.

Fantastically fresh take on Sci-Fi 8/10.

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