
IMDb member since November 2005
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    18 years


Pope John Paul II

Very touching movie
I really enjoy this movie very much. It tells a great deal on how Karol(Pope John Paul ll) had to go through with life during World War 2. He lost many of his family/friends including Jewish friends and how he secretly became a priest against the Nazi laws. This movie will make you cry and see the heart of a great man who fought against all odds and to become one of the greatest person in the 21th Century. You will see that Karol was a great and kind man who spread the news in putting your trust in God and to love one another. Whether your Christian(Catholic) or not, this movie is great!! I consider John Paul ll one of the greatest Pope the Catholic church ever had for over 2000 years. I think he(John Paul) and St. Peter were one of the best Popes the church could ever have.

La fea más bella

Very Funny and Very Smart
One of the best comedy I ever seen. This is the newer and funnier version of "Betty la Fea"(Betty the ugly). Angelica Vale who plays as Letty is very funny and talented!! This show is about the smart yet ugly Letty who is very loyal yet in love with the President of the Company. Don Fernando is the handsome yet a player. He's the president of the company that produces T.V Comms. Fernando relies on Letty a lot since she's very smart and very loyal to him. Angelica Vale, who is a comedian herself is doing a great job on her character. All the actors/actress in this show are great including the gay guy Luigi(Sergio Meyer) who in real life is straight. I seen both Betty la Fea and this show yet I love "La Fea mas Bella" because it's way very funny and smart!! Who ever dislike this show has no sense of humor!!!

Todos quieren con Marilyn

Great show!!!
I'm not really a huge Spanish Soap Opera fan but this show blew me off!!! The story is about a young hooker name Marilyn who falls in love with a rich man name Juan Ignacio Camacho who is in engaged. The two fall in love with each other. This show is really funny and yet sad at the same time. After falling in love with Juan Ignacio, Marilyn gives up the hooker job and tries to find a decent job. Yet the people mistreats Marilyn because of what she had done in the past. In the end, Marilyn ends up marrying Juan Ignacio, she founds a organizations that helps young hookers or women of the streets to leave their old habits and she earns the respect of everyone. The message of this show is to not judge people but to help and understand them. Many women like Marilyn were force to work as a hooker because of poverty, lack of food and money. Some are being sold as sex slaves by the crime lords. You cannot miss this show!!!

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