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Sonic Forces

"Generations level pack"
So this is an interesting game for sure, I'm not really sure what to think of it. On the one hand is it as bad as some people would have you believe? No, not really. Would I say that I think the game is great? Probably not either. It's in this weird state where I think that the hate it gets is unwarranted but I'd hesitate to recommend this game entirely.

Basically put, if you like the way Generations or Unleashed played and would like more levels in that style then this is more of the same with regards to game play. But the story is a bit rubbish and some of the bosses are a bit on the weak side but I don't have many complaints with either the visuals, the music or the performance. They're all pretty good.

So I'd say, pick this up on sale if you'd like a "Generations level pack" but this is not really the game I wanted or needed, but I enjoyed my time with the game play and collectables that you can hunt for


Crisp graphics, slick gameplay and very good music
Comparing this game to Minecraft would be an injustice to Terraria. Mine craft was a vanilla experience with no clear goal however some excuse for a goal was added in later with expansions although there is no incentive to do them.

Terraria on the other hand is a game in which there is a goal, a very well defined goal which comes with it a reward for yourself but the difference is that despite there being the promise of more xp and better equipment you don't have to. It's the narrative game without the pressure or the story as you are encouraged to make it as you go along.

So the scene is set, what about the gameplay, the graphics, the music? Well all are good. The game is played from a 2D perspective taking on a pixel art design for the world and fonts. Although not particularly fresh looking, the contrast in colours between corrupt and normal areas is interesting and watching a world slowly decay gives a sense of loneliness to the game. But then you get dynamite and it's all ok.

I will say that after you've played a few worlds you will start to get a plan going. For my chums and I we build a small house and get to work on a hole straight down to the bottom of the map ready for boss fights.

You collect resources by mining, collecting or killing, you have a nice big inventory with a quick select bar. You move with the keyboard and point at what you want to interact with. The crafting menu is a list of all the available crafting items so there's no need to look up on a wiki to see what arrangements these wooden blocks need to be placed in.

Weapons are interesting too as you can also get magical weapons, I often play magical classes and I approve of this addition.

The music is a part of this game that really shines, each track is really well produced and changes based on what is happening in the world at that time. Changing biome, rain starts, boss appears it's all there. The soundtrack can be found on bandcamp if you want to sneak a listen.

So all in all terraria is a good 2d side scrolling sandbox game with as much or as little as you want in the game. Make your own story

Sonic Mania

Fast gameplay, punchy sound and popping graphics make for a platformer that exceeded my expectations
So, this game has beaten my expectations. You know sometimes when you hear so much about how good something is that you start to question if it really is that good? Well Mania was that game for me and do you know what? I have to agree with people that this is a fantastic game.

The levels are fast, fun and exhilerating, the music bought a smile to my face, even the tracks inspired by the EU/JP soundtrack of CD, of which I tend to prefer the NA soundtrack and the graphics just pop out of the screen.

Although I wasn't initially overly excited about this game (being more of a sucker for the 3D titles), the release smashed through the inital feelings and so far has provided me with a fantastic time.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

For a fan of Kart racing games you're in for an experience that goes above AND beyond
This game is a solid addition to the "Kart Racing" genre. I put kart in quotes because there are no karts in this game. What there are instead are some pretty solid cars, planes and boats that all control and handle how they should do. In this game I never find myself annoyed at the game for how it plays, if something goes wrong usually it's my fault.

I also like the difficulty in this game as well, it's not a "cheap" difficulty where you are bombarded with special items left right and centre, no. Oponents actually drive pretty well and don't seem to follow a set path but rather make decisions to throw you off.

Is this game just another Mario Kart clone? Far from it, it's not even in the same league. I would play this over Mario Kart any day.

The music, by English composer Richard Jaques, is pretty damn good. With remixes of some classic Sega tunes and some pretty good original compositions you really cannot go wrong with it. And yes, this is the same man that did the Catchphrase theme song (didn't go where you thought it would did you?)

If I did have one complaint however (and this one works in MKs favour) the courses can be very long, almost too long so if you haven't got much time to play a game, this isn't the game for you.

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