
IMDb member since August 2017
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Surprisingly enjoyed and helped with my spanish
Despite the very subtle Marxist undertones, I still can appreciate the movie; the actors and actresses all did well, and the story although exaggerated is still interesting. A story of the haves and have-nots, the problems of the rich and the poor. An elderly rich (stereotypical bourgeois) woman named Elsa is going mad, obviously going senile, and treating her servants (and grandson) with disdain by verbally berating them. The grandson Andres, is eccentric, and a good example of the stereotypical middle aged rich hier that has no aim in life, spending money lavishly. The story begins when Andres brings in a new servant girl (Estella), who he lusts for. Although Andres lusts for her, Estella falls for another boy. A boy named Mario that lost his job from being accused of stealing, and who also is among a family of the poor and downtrodden. The story then evolves into the downward spiral of the rich, and the poor, who are desperately trying to endure their strife, even if they have to steal. A very sad story that feels real. I'd go into more detail but I don't want to spoil it. Sorry, that I didn't write in spanish, if I wrote in spanish I think I'd confuse people because my spanish writing isn't that good

The Mangler

Any Stephen king fan will like this...had to do a review because people are too distracted by the "evils of capitalism" to even talk about the movie
Man oh man, some of these reviewers are toxic. Instead of giving a review of the movie, some decided to stick their head up their butt and let their pseudo-political bull crap, and communist psycho-babble bias, to explain this movie. I don't care if YOU THINK this some parable to show the "the evil of capitalism." What a joke; you people make me sick! Typical projection of your nasty beliefs to explain everything. Now on the movie.... I really liked this one; it was fun, gory, entertaining, and I was captivated by the way Ted Levine talks; it can be funny at times. Ted did good as the lone, frustrated cop trying to save the day. Robert Englund sure did a good job as the villain too, really creepy the way he looked. The story was entertaining because it takes an unexpected turn at the supernatural. I'd recommended this to Stephen kings fans or horror fans.

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