
IMDb member since August 2017
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    6 years


Chain of Fools

Well written, well acted and well underrated
Although the writing and acting of each one of these bumbling idiot characters is, dare I say, genius, Orlando Jones and Elijah Wood do a particularly bang-up job. Wonderful job casting ever single actor here as well.


Great concept, terrible execution
Such a shame that this show didn't have better writing, acting and overall production because the concept is so interesting. But it's freaking awful and you could tell from the opening scene with a terrible voiceover on top of a pathetically inappropriate score. It also moves waaayyyy too freaking quickly through the first episode, if the creators want to make an unrealistic event believeable they need to surround that unrealistic event with realistic reactions, interactions, processes... how people, the media and authorities would truly act if this crazy singular event actually happened. This show does not do that, it's just piles on eyerolling amounts of unbelievability.

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