
IMDb member since November 2005
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    18 years


Where the River Runs Black

Searching for the DVD
I first saw this film on the Arts and Entertainment channel (A&E) in the 1960s when i was teaching in Montserrat. The next time it was screen i made sure my students saw it. What a wonderful experience! Since then, I periodically search Amazon.com in the hope that some company will have put it into DVD format. If anyone knows where it is available on DVD please send me a message. And those of you who haven't seen it, it's well worth your time. The film centers around issues that are so much in focus these days. We see the relationship between the Church and the indigenous people- the clash between both cultures. There is also the very topical issue of the exploitation of the Amazon environment and the relationship between the boy and river. The nature child learns that human civilization also has some lethal crocodiles. The script is beautiful and all the performances are excellent.

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