
IMDb member since September 2017
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Shadow and Bone

Why mix two books?
I am a huge fan of the Leigh Bardugo books. I love the characters and the story so much. But why on earth mix two different stories from different books. Alina storyline is great and well developed but the crows storyline is rushed. It really adds nothing to the plot. The Six of Crows book is good on so many levels. Characters are more complex than they are shown.

I don't really understand why add them.

Other then that I liked the show and enjoyed watching my favourite characters come to life.


I liked the premise and atmosphere. An alien ship debris is falling on Earth and causes strange things to happen. It's even creepy a bit. But what I expect from a series like that is some kind of a system. Each part should contribute to a larger picture. We should know how and why. All we see is just these strange things. But how does the debris work? Where did alien ship come from? We get nothing, just fragments.

Firefly Lane

I hated it
I didn't like Tully character at all. I agree that the relationship she and Kate have are toxic. I didn't like how the plot jumps from one point to another. I didn't like how characters were depicted when they were younger. They should have made different cast choices for young adult Tully and Kate.

Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life

This is just awful
I liked original Gilmore Girls. It was so comforting and heartwarming. It felt authentic and witty. This one is so forced and unnatural.Charactes don't even feel alive. They feel like they are tired of life. Where did all Lorelai charisma go? Every episode feels cut.It just some set of short unrelated scenes.

Grand Army

I loved the show
I didn't expect too much when I started watching the show. I thought it was just another teenage drama. But it looks so realistic and shows problems that modern teenagers face. I really sympathised with characters and relived their stories. I also like how modern teenagers are depicted as people who are willing to do the change. I would definitely recommend to watch it.

The Haunting of Bly Manor

I didn't like it
The premises are great, acting is great, children are irritating. I hated their fake British accents. It's a good show in it's own way but it's not a horror story. The show is repetitive, contains a lot of plot lines and it gets confusing. Personally I hated some of the twists because they seemed dull. I came to this show for a good scare but I didn't get one. I think the name and marketing are misleading. Maybe they should have prepared people more.

Bom Dia, Verônica

Wow..so intense.Good intense.
I liked the series a lot. It's so tense and scary.I was on the verge all the time afraid of what might happen next. The show does a great job in depicting abuse both mental and physical. It has a strong female lead who I liked and sympathized. This is a good detective series, one of the best for the last year. It should definitely get more publicity.

Emily in Paris

An ok tv show
I agree with most of the reviews, the show is lighthearted. It's beautiful and pleasant to watch. But it's some fairytale world where the main character solves all problems. Seems she has some magic wand and waves it from time to time. Meh..I agree that the reality sometimes is dumb but this is too much. The show follows the same pattern that's why the plot is boring. It can't surprise you. I would recommend it for someone who is looking for something simple and positive.

Enola Holmes

Empowering movie!
Great cast, beautiful premises, an inspiring idea. I don't see how the idea that women are more than wives, ladies and able choose their own path can be considered too feministic. Do you guys live in the 18th century or what? Women are depicted as strong, willed,powerful. I loved fighting scenes so much. It's a narrative we all deserve.


Where are all the females?
I think the movie is overrated. I feel like when people hear that Nolan directed something they are going crazy and get ready to praise everything they see. It is overcomplicated and I honestly don't get it how someone can like something when they don't understand it. The main female character is depicted as a helpless victim whose only purpose is her son. She doesn't contribute to the plot.She is just being there waiting to be executed or saved. It seems like women in this world don't exist. I don't recommend.

Raised by Wolves

I didn't like it.
When I first watched the trailer I thought the series would be something original and refreshing. But it is dull and extremely boring. It is too slow paced and artificial. It also has a religious aspect which I didn't like.

Get Even

At first the show seemed ok.Great premises, good music, nice actors. The more I got into it, the more I started disliking it.Acting is terrible, actors don't look convincing at all. Plot is weak and consists of situations that don't contribute to plot development. There is no character development too. I stopped watching because I couldn't take it longer. Don't recommend.

The Umbrella Academy

Wow..how is it even possible that the 2 season is better?
I binged the season in 2 days. I loved the plot and character development. All characters grew up and were shown from different angles. The series is fast paced,it has a lot of surprising and funny moments. I don't know why people didn't like Vanya. She was exactly what she could be given her childhood. I would definitely recommend to watch this.

The Kissing Booth

It's sooo cringe
I don't know how but they managed to put all cliche there is in the world in the movie. I didn't care for characters ,didn't believe their love story. It's less then a one-time movie.


Too intense
Wouldn't say it is a masterpiece,but still pretty good. The series have some really intense moments,when I felt genuinely terrified and even nauseated . I like how there are a few story lines which are connected at the end.I watched two seasons,the second one was overfilled with a lot of heroes and it seemed like everyone was a villain and everyone was a killer.That's too much.

W glebi lasu

You can watch if you want to kill time it but don't expect too much.
It'a a fine detective show. I liked the atmosphere.It reminded me of Scandinavian crime shows.But the plot is weak.I didn't feel for any of the heroes. They seemed shallow. You can watch if you want to kill time it but don't expect too much.

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