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The Last of Us: Part II

Great game with plenty of unwarranted hate. Never has a game come out with this many gamers missing the mark of the story. It's very to sad to see how many people didn't actually even realize what this story was trying to ultimately convey about the cycle of violence. The game shows the impact one act of violence can have and the domino effect it creates. Not some generic revenge story with a perfect good guy wins resolution. Ashley Johnson and Laura Bailey both deliver excellent performances alongside a great script and story. Gameplay is brutal and crunchy making the player feel every gun shot and every swing of Ellie's knife. Gameplay is mixed up with the player taking on the game from a Abbys perspective showing a different perspective of the story. With the game originally creating a strong hate for Abby, over your time with her you start to understand and sympathize her as a character understanding that her motivations and experiences aren't that different than Ellie's. This proved to be a great addition showing how non black and white the story is. Makes you rethink everything you thought you knew and makes you question between what's right and what's wrong and more importantly who's in the right and wrong in this situation, Ellie or Abby? That is the question that many gamers will be asking themselves well playing, and it's not a easy one to answer, even though at first it may seem to be. The Last of Us Part 2 is not a game that many will understand or appreciate. It's not a story everyone will enjoy not necessarily because it is bad, but because it requires the player to look into the story critically, being open minded, sometimes putting emotion to the side to better understand the actions of the characters and their motivations, and even trying to put yourself in the shoes of both Abby and Ellie to better grasp their thinking/headspace. Overall The Last of Us Part 2 is a masterfully crafted game with a incredibly in depth and mind provoking story. I beg anyone to try the game for themselves before making up their mind as I'm sure it will be worth your while.


DC's best film yet!
Joker is a top tier film with great pacing, just the right amount of action, great cinematography, an unforgettable score and perfect acting by Joaquin Phoenix. A must see for any comic book fan and even if you don't enjoy comic book or superhero/villain verse movies, Joker manages to be a movie for everyone who enjoys great film, except ur kids of course ;). One of my new favourite movies personally and I would recommend it to anyone as long as your aren't bothered by the gratuitous violence and disturbing themes.

Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Wolfenstein The New Order and The New Colossus were both great games with likeable characters, a great story/dialogue and gameplay. Young Blood has none of this. The two main characters in Young Blood are awfully written with most dialogue being very cringe-worthy and down right terrible. Enemies now have a RPG style system with a health bar and levels which makes many enemies bullet sponges that can take up to 75 shots to kill. This is especially bad when ammo is scarce and when you die, you respawn with the amount of ammo you died with. This means you can go into a hard section or boss fight in the game with little to absolutely 0 bullets. Playing the game with friends can be okay but by yourself is awful. The friendly AI is extremely low quality and will very often the AI will screw you over in gameplay. Young Blood is a huge downgrade in every category over its predecessors and I would definitely not recommend unless on sale for an extremely low price.

Max Payne 3

Perfect shooting with a less perfect story
Rockstar did a great job in the shooting department for this game. You really do feel like a complete badass when using slo mo and jumping over obstacle well firing at you enemies. When it comes to the story I'm not 100% on-board. Max is a very simple character and I think he is meant to be portrayed that way, though, I never felt connected to him and I felt he was a very stereotypical action anti-hero excluding his obvious alcoholic problems. I definitely felt bad for Max as a character but he wasn't super likeable. The stakes never felt high in the gameplay as the people he was rescuing/recovering didn't really have any meaning to Max and it was not like they were loved ones or even people that had much meaning to Max. It all felt kinda stale. The blur And weird colour effect slapped on top of cutscenes also bothered my eyes a lot and it felt quite overused though this isn't a very big complaint. The game was decent and well worth a play but for me at least, is definitely not something id write home about, but I do completely understand why for some people this game could be a solid 10/10.

The Long Dark

Great game with simple concept
When I heard about this game I was very skeptical to pick it up. When I found out the only obstacles in this game were, a couple of animals, the cold, and resources, I thought it sounded way too simple to be in-depth and challenging. Oh was I ever wrong. This game has a great survival mode and plenty of environmental storytelling and exploring. Though lack of enemy variety worried me the wolves actually are a very fun enemy to encounter as I've experienced many great moments seemed to be ripped straight out of Hollywood, where for example, you're in the dark with a dim lighted lantern and their is wolves growling around u from every each direction and all u have is a rifle with few ammo to spare. Moments like these were the highlight of the game for me. I was also worried the cold would be a burden as it would deviate me away from exploring but it wasn't too bad especially with custom difficulty where u can tweak certain elements such as how cold it is. The story mode to the game is very good for a small indie company and I am sure that I will spend many hours in this atmospheric world that Hinterland Studio created for us.


Best Superhero Game to Date
Spider-Man is one of the greatest superhero games right up their with the Batman Arkham series. And this is coming from someone who never really appreciated the Spider-Man universe all that much. This version of Peter Parker is well done with his funny dialogue and likeable personality. The combat and feeling of swinging around New York is perfect. The narrative and story to the game is very well done with my only problem being some of the villains didn't get much screen time or character development which could be a problem for many hardcore Spider-Man fans. If you loved the old Spider-Man games or any of the movies, this game should be right up your alley.

This War of Mine

Dark and Eye Opening
This War of Mine manages to be a very dark and gruesome game even with its simplistic art style. It shows the horrific effects war has on civilian life and how many must survive in terrible circumstances, fighting off the conditions, sickness and other civilian survivors or soldiers. The gameplay manages to be quite engaging with you managing your survivors and your hideout in the day and scavenging and surviving outside your home in the night fighting off other desperate survivors, bandits taking advantage of the war killing and robbing or even innocent people in desperate times. This War of Mine makes you choose between right and wrong forcing your hand to do atrocious acts in order to keep your fellow family/survivors alive until the war surpasses.

Dishonored 2

A Strong Improvment
Dishonored 2 is a huge improvement in almost every aspect over its counter part. Gameplay and stealth seem to be improved with a more dedicated focus on narrative and story. The game lets you play as fan loved Corvo (who is now voiced) or his daughter Emily. Both characters have their own unique powers leaving a lot of room for replay-ability. The game travels across many different and unique looking locations not letting the player get fatigued by the same scenery like in the first.

Red Dead Redemption II

Another Rockstar Powerhouse Game
The game is full of great characters with a strong personalities. The game does a great job at making you care for these characters which makes it even harder when some of them meet their fate for better or worse. The gameplay is strong with many great mechanics such as the witness system which requires you to be careful when planning robberies or crimes as people will report you. Though this can be counter acted by intimidating them. New small gameplay features like these really make the game shine. Rockstar put a ridiculous amount of detail in this game and plenty of small features which in the end add up to have a big impact. The campaign missions are great with good pacing between action and down time. The only thing holding the missions back is how linear some of the missions can be which is strange in a open world game. Many times you will get a "you failed" screen for doing something as little as getting onto a different horse, forced stealth or trying to take a different route that isn't the dedicated route. The campaign in general is great and the online component is just okay, but at the end of the day most people know that the Red Dead series is known for its great singleplayer and that's what Red Dead Redemption 2 has accomplished. It's no surprise the game sits at a whopping 9.7/10

Battlefield V

Lost Identity
The game is low on content with very little maps, the game throws away historical accuracy even though it was marketed as a realistic ww2 game. The devs promised consistent updates with new content and almost a year has went by with barely any new content brought into the game. The single player is also a lazy attempt at pleasing the campaign audience. They ruined the chance to make a good ww2, in-depth story by breaking it into "war stories" which are mini campaigns taking place in different battles and different perspectives. The short amount of time each war story takes does not give enough room for character development and does not have any good action set pieces and is basically a gallery shooter of killing multiples enemies at once, than moving on. Would not recommend this game to anyone even if you are, like myself, a huge battlefield fan.

Captain Marvel

Worst Marvel Movie Yet..
Has some good moments but due to mediocre acting by the main lead, bad humour, no character depth, little to no exciting scenes, boring antagonists and a lot of unanswered questions. It was by far my least favourite movie in the MCU yet.

Life Is Strange: Before the Storm

Great emotional story with great character development.
LIS: Before The Storm is my favourite of the series. Chloe as a character is much more of a interesting character in my opinionover Max as she is a very flawed human being with a more intriguing personality though this is basically up to preference. In order to get the full experience from this game make sure to play the original life is strange first or the game won't have the same impact unless you know the backstory and relationships formed from the knowledge you gained in the first LIS. This game is the only game to really hit deep and genuinely make me very sad at the end. I ended up sympathizing these characters even though I knew in the back of my head they were not real I still sat there at the end of the game really sad. This is not a happy game and is very upsetting. On paper It might appear to be happy ride but you would know not all is what it seems if you've played the first. Really reccomend this masterpiece of a story.

Watch Dogs 2

A sequel with improvements and flaws
Watch Dogs 2 decides to go far a more light hearted and humorous route rather than the dark tone of the first game. Most of the time I would be fine with this if the humour in the game wasn't so bad. Most of the jokes fall flat and the characters seem to be forgettable excluding Wrench. The game has many improvements over the first. The Driving for one is greatly improved and hacking has much more importance unlike the first WD. Though due to Watch Dogs 2 being an online game even when playing single player has its problems. Due to this, slow mo shooting has been completely taken out. This was a pretty essential gameplay feature that was very fun to use in the 1st WD. Watch Dogs 2 seems to be a downgrade in gunplay which is sort of a problem but at the same time not, as watch Dogs 2 makes u rely more on hacking then shooting but it's still an obvious downgrade. I have a problem with the story line as the characters will kill countless innocent people/guards for their cause which is not major enough to excuse their actions. In the game you'll go from murdering 20 innocent guards at a corporate office to making jokes and laughing with your buddies in the next cutscene. It just doesn't work for me. Depends on how much you care for stories in games. But if you play games solely for the gameplay aspect this probably won't bother you.

Beasts of No Nation

A brutal and sad depiction of war and it's devastating effects.
Beasts of No Nation is my favourite movie at the moment. The movie contains many mature themes revolving around child soldiers and the terrible things they must endure. It gives a realistic depiction of these tragedies and most likely will have changed your outlook on the world by the end of the film. Beasts of no Nation has some of the best child acting I've ever seen in a movie. This movie is very slow paced with intense scenes every now and then to keep it interesting for the casual viewer. If you don't like movies that are long and not action filled this Is probably not the movie for you. But if you are looking for an emotional, realistic, disturbing, in-depth and intense movie, I highly recommend.

Days Gone

Another Sony Masterpiece
Though this game does have a few technical glitches here and there, at the games core it is an amazing and emotional experience. The game plays well with intense firefights that control well and fun freaker (zombie) horde gameplay that chills you to the bone. When you put aside the technical glitches and look at the game from a story and gameplay aspect it is an amazing journey and well worth your time. 8/10 due to the minor glitches and minor frame drop I've experienced though a 9/10 would have been where I placed it if these small technical issues weren't present. Though these technical issues can always be patched and most likely will be.

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