
IMDb member since October 2017
    2020 Oscars
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    6 years


A Man in Full

Much more than we expected!
My wife & I watched this when we were at a loose end on what to watch at the weekend, saw that it starred Jeff Daniels & Diane Lane. Regina King behind the camera & created by David E Kelley, how bad could it be, right.

Well it turned out to be one of those gems that Netflix never promote & gets buried under all the other crap that comes out, in this case it wasn't crap at all.

We loved it, devoured it over a couple of nights. What's not to like, thoroughly entertaining, lots of lol moments, mostly in scenes with JD but a worthy shoutout to Tom Pelphrey & Harry Zale for contributing to those as well. Contrasted with some serious drama that was really well acted & directed throughout.

The only disappointment was just when it was looking to be setting up for the 2nd season it ends abruptly at a place where it cannot come back from, tis a shame as we could have easily returned to this show.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Some people are sooo hard to please
Love the books, love the movies, was super excited about the show.

Held off for a few weeks as I didn't want to wait a week for every new episode but finally relented in the last couple of weeks.

Just finished watching the final episode of S1 and man that was something that certainly delivered!

I will be the first to admit it took me 2-3 episodes to sink into the story properly & really start to enjoy it but from there I loved the remaining 5 episodes and am just blown away by how much criticism this has attracted & how low the imdb rating is. Deserves much greater praise than what it has recieved.

Sets it up perfectly for the 2nd season!

The Power of the Dog

Slow burn alright..
Well it took a long time & an awful lot of build up & setup to finally get to where it was going & then it ended. Hmm.

Beautifully shot & acted but not what I would call an uplifting watch .

Arcane: League of Legends

Simply Outstanding!
I save my 10's for very special occasions. I only have given out a handful in the few years I have been using IMDB.

This feels like such an occasion where the stars have really lined up for this one to make this a very worthy recipient.

Every aspect from the simply beautiful animation to the fantastic voice work to the emotional depth of the characters, storylines & the writing to of course the incredible action scenes this was a joy to watch from start to finish.

I viewed it as a trilogy season. Each 3 episodes came to a climatic cliffhanger/conclusion. None more so than E9.

Can't wait to see where this goes for S2.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix

I'm confused....
Maybe it had something to do with the fact Phoenix came out so soon after Endgame but all the negative feedback now more than a year later seems just a tad OTT. It worked on me. It actually has taken me until now to actually decide to finally give it a couple of hours of my time and I can honestly say 'wassup with all the fuss folks'! Sure it may not be the best Marvel movie by quite a margin, not necessarily even the best X movie but did it warrant the criticism it recieved, hell no. I found it an easy couple of hours and entertaining watch. Did it have faults, sure. Do plenty of other Marvel movies also have faults, hell yes. Did they receive the same level of criticism, hell no. Bit of perspective required methinks peeps. Just my penny's worth.

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