
IMDb member since October 2017
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Last Light

Unoriginal and kind of dull, watchable though
I always hope that when it comes to disaster or considering the scale here doomsday movies and TV shows there will be a lot of emphasis on what causes it and the clever ways people find out to solve it (like in Andromeda Strain) but eventually it usually turns out to have 2 percent about the science and miystery and 98 percent of people, usually family members of the main characters running around in a collapsing world trying to survive and reunite. It was funny the first time but this is the 50th such story and I'm bored. Running, screaming, some shooting also people keeping secrets, lying and being stupid. That's what this show mostly is.

And as always at least one scene where some violent thug comes after a main character, luckily gets hit on the head and collapses but instead of making sure he never gets up again and causes anyone harm our heroes choose to run away so he can later get up and pursue them. Terribly annoying.

So don't expect anything outstanding, this stuff can be watched once and kind of enjoyed but then it will be quickly forgotten.

The Sandman

Not bad, not very meaningful though
This is basically story and character and not narrative driven fantasy series, with a good budget, actors writing, it's really all professionally made without some strong political/ideological message ruining it all so it's not horrible at all.

It's just... somewhat dull. It's the story and the plot. I mean it's basically about creatures who are basically gods or close to it but otherwise walk and talk and act like spoiled, priviliged and selfish human beings who love to whine about their own personal petty affarais and grievance is not all that much fun to watch. It can actually get pretty annoying eventually as they don't seem to get understand humans much although they live act the same way.

Something is just off. But the visuals, the whole atmosphere of it make it alright and kind of enjoyable to watch if one really thinks of it as a pretty fairy tale (with some horroristic elements) and nothing more.


Best since the original two predator movies
A really pleasant surprise. Simple and brutal like the original two movies, it even has to Apocalypto vibe if one watches it in Commance language (a really great extra feature) so what's not to like? I mean if someone is a geek that digs the Predator cartoons/universe and is obsessed with the details there could be issues found with the Predator's armament and behaviour but for an avarage sci-fi action fan who has seen the original movies it really is more than authentic enough.

There is some small level of wokeness involved I mean the Commance are pictured as a tad bit too nice a people compared the French settlers who are basically ruthless orc like scum and of course the 90 pound girl who is the best warrior of her tribe stuff isn't exactly hyper realistic but none of these flaws/exaggerations are extreme and it's all mostly made believable (the heroine relies heavily on her speed and flexibilty not raw strenght and her fragility is pretty well demonstrated). So even with slight woke narrative involved the movie remains not narrative but story and character driven therefore unlike many other new flicks that come out these days it's not ruined that way.


Resident Evil

Watchable but disappointing
This is not Resident Evil.

The movies with Milla Jovovich are not exactly a direct adaptation of the video game either but they are pretty damn good and entertaining and I have no problem calling them Resident Evil.

Same goes for the animated movies.

This TV series though just misses the point. Simply put it's not kick ass.

It's dull.

It's not cheap it's got good actors especially Lance Reddick who I believe is way underrated by the industry, filming crew tech crew etc. Are obviously professional but the writing, the script the story... nope.

And my biggest problem of all is is the lead characters the two Wesker girls. Some of the most unlikable, annoying, obnoxious creatures ever.

Two entitled, hysterical, selfish, ungrateful and extremely dumb teenagers who are a pain to watch doing anything.

So this stuff is watchable, once, but it really is watch and forget, so unremarkable and dull. Too bad.

The Time Traveler's Wife: Episode #1.3
Episode 3, Season 1

And it's now getting progressively worse
First two episodes were just dull. Like using the subject of time travel to create a cheesy romantic story.

Now this episode went farther. Now it was time to address the matter of rape culture and toxic masculinity and create a scene with a stereotypical evil white male being tortured by vengeful victims. All that done in a disgusting, petty sadistic manner.

I thought this show maybe slow and boring but at least not driven by some twisted ideological narrative. Boy was I wrong.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Okay, but still not it
This series is really better than Discovery and Picard which are absolute garbage driven solely by a radical leftist ideological narrative but the real heir to the Star Trek legacy remains Seth MacFarlane's The Orville for now.

Strange New Worlds does make a lot of effort to be actual Star Trek and actual sci-fi and with some success but something still feels cheesy and fake about it. I'm sure the dissapointment over how horrible the other two new ST shows are makes me more than a tad biased but it's not just that.

Strange New World feels like the creators without any honesty and passion are just trying to copy/mimic ST TOS as a cold "okay we don't know what you see in this old fashioned stuff but whatever" gesture. It's professionally made but still unimaginative and soulless.

Anyhow, I try and look at it as sign of improvement which gives reason to hope that with time ST will really return in its former glory.

The Time Traveler's Wife

Lovely but boring
Time travel is really just one of those big subjects in sci-fi. I mean a writer's options are limiteless and infinite when playing with that concept.

Now this show... here they decided to make a time travel story about a couple. A boy and a gurl. That's it. Acting, directing, all of the cinematography are fine and there are also some interesting notions about the mechanics of and the practical issues involved with time travel but those have little weight and relevance and all in all it's just a basic romantic flick which so far has not really gone anywhere.

Now there is so far aloso no political narrative which is a huge thing these days so it's not outrageous, the plot is not hijacked by ideology or anything like that it's just that... it's boring. I watch each episode hoping for some breakthrough but that is yet to come so until it does I can't give this series more than 4 stars because I completely fail to see the point of its existence.

New Amsterdam: Disconnected
Episode 9, Season 3

Getting progressively worse
I have never seen a TV series going through decay like New Amsterdam has.

A full tranformation from an initially decent medical drama into a modern televised version of a Maoist struggle session.

I mean with this episode it all moved on from ridiculous to outrageous and hateful.

I literally can't believe what I'm seeing.

New Amsterdam

Another show ruined by politics and ideology
This show is basically a pretty good medical drama series with good actors, directing and all that but it gradually gets saturated with radical leftist woke propaganda at a rate that by season 3 it becomes really annoying. Still remains watchable but it is a real pity that much of its potential to entertain is nullified by an agressively expressed political narrative.

Tokyo Vice

I'm not an expert of Japan and Japanese culture but I'm not entirely clueless about it either. I believe this show neither glorifies nor degrades Japan. It tries and succeeds at painting a pretty accurate picture of it. And of course this is a crime drama so there is a lot more to it. Actors are great, directing is great, plot, story, writing, all great and it's also rather original that it all takes place in the late 1990's and the protagonist isn't some tough cop warrior hero but a young American journalist trying to find his way in a strange, often hostile environment Japan is for him.

This is not family entertainment of course but other than kids I would say it's for anyone who likes good cinema/TV and doesn't mind reading subtitles at least half the time (with the exception of Japanese speakers).

Night Sky

20 years ago we had Stargate SG1 for a sci-fi show built around a portal system built by ET's that would take people to places all over the universe. The protagonists were kick ass soldiers and scientists who met new civilization, resolved impossible situations and in the end mankind went to a cosmic war. It was epic.

Now we have Night Sky. It too has a portal system that connects places. But then the plot is some mystery based hazy nonsense, the characters are every day townspeople who like to look dumb, keep secrets and lie for no reason and be extremely annoying all together.

90 percent of the time we are to watch their private life and family affairs and when there is any action it involves 2-3 people with one of them, a mean one, with a gun being cruel to the others. It really is all as slow, dull, borning and uninteresting as it gets.

Too bad. Many of the actors in this show are first class, there is obviously a decent budget, the core concept is good, it's just that the creators couldn't really utilize any of that.


Not bad so far
The basic plot of this show isn't all that original as a concept but there are some innovative elements to it like how the monsters/demons operate. It's not an instant classic but it is entertaining and works pretty well both as a horror and a mystery flick and a classic drama. By he way horror, this stuff is really not for kids and anyone with weak nerves, I mean its horror elements are the opposite of mild.

Now my only hope is that it won't end up like Lost with no sensible explanation and a complete loss of logical or any sort of coherence.


Okay sci-fi at best
I don't like French cinema and this series has not changed my mind and taste. It's professionally made, fine actors, ample budget, everybody do their job in the crew so it is not horrible or cringy just... disappointing. Because while one expects the mysteries of a plot to slowly unfold and get explained and clafiried, like in many French movies it doesn't really happen at least not in a credible, sensible way. Also there are some very annoying flaws to it. The crew chosen for a historical milestone of a space exploration mission is mostly incompetent, sentimental amateurish iditos. Their interactions and reactions to challanages are that of a bunch of mediocre office workers not the best of the best. And there is a matter of the French language everybody in the world seems to speak including a Soviet astronaut from the 1960's and half of NASA. Why would they? French has not been a widely spoken / mediator language except in their former colonies in Africa for many decades. That role has long been overtaken by English. And it's not just something at a conversational level. Non-French people speak it basically perfectly. I mean I know this is sci-fi but it's not supposed to be a alternative or parallel history history flick.

So. This show is watchable. If you really love sci-fi. But it won't be anyone's favourite and I doubt there is a person on earth who would watch any part of twice.

The Guardians of Justice

Extremely odd, not for the avarage viewer
This show is not funny enough to be a satire or parody and not serious enough to be a normal action/superhero thing I don't even know how to categorize it really. It's an artistic oddity. It is low budget, at least looks that way, it's probably intentionally made to feel like cheap trash so to entertain hardcore fans of the subculture with all its self irony and homage for the genre. It is way to twisted and disturbing to qualify as light entertainment but those nerds enough like me will just somehow enjoy it anyway.

The Adam Project

An alright family movie
This is a sci-fi flick made for both mom, dad and the kids whatever age they are. It's (extremely) light entertainment full of genre related homage, references and self irony to such a degree that it borderlines between funny and ridiculous. It doesn't have any political narrative though especially not the woke nonsense which is so common these days and that is a huge plus but otherwise it really also fails to stand out in any way.

Watch it if you like sci-fi, comedy and the obviously cool actors in the cast and you don't expect to see an instant classic.

Superman & Lois

Not great not terrible
There have been more than one TV shows about Superman with Smallville being the best so far as far as I'm concerned. Now this show kind of best resembles Smallville's of all the other ones except it's just not as good. It's not awful meaning primarily that it doesn't have woke identity politics incorporated and is not created and run by a bunch of talentless ideologues. It's not outrageous it's not boring so it does what it is basically design to do it entertains. But then that's it. It's nothing special nothing new nothing really thrilling and overly exciting ever. Characters are alright mostly but nobody really stands out, story is ok but not fascinating, actors are ok but again none of them is amazing A sidenote about the actors: Elizabeth Tulloch who plays Lois is... well... a medicore actress and... there is no nicer way to put this she is just plain ugly. And to be honest Tyler Hoechlin is also the least impressive looking male actor to ever play Superman. They both do a decent enough job anyhow but it's just not enough.

So the show can help one who likes cartoons, sci-fi and superheroes to pass time, it will not get on the viewer's nerve dumb or offensive narrative etc. But that's about it. A Superman themed series could be so much more. A pity.

Star Trek: Discovery

Could be alright if it wasn't called Star Trek
This show despite appereances has a completely different take on the whole future of mankind subject than Roddembery. And a completely different way to tell the story too with completely different priorities and narrative.

For instance Star Trek series always had very realistic space combat scenes which were created with the help of military experts/advisers. It worked kind of like spice for food. Not that much part of the nutratitional value but still essential to the gastronomic experiece.

In Discovery space or any kind of combat is completely neglected. It's there but the details are utterly rough-and-ready, it's how a 6 year old imagines combat so it clearly has has a symbolic role only.

But then obviously this show is created by woke leftist ideologues with a pacifist agenda and that is something that could actually work if it was not trying to erase an existing universe and replace it with theirs.

And apparently the creators have realized all this at one point because in the more recent seasons they catapulted the whole story line into a distant barely recognizable future largely detached from the known Star Trek universe and these seasons are clearly more enjoyable than the early ones. It's still too bad they did not create a completely new, original thing to begin with like the Orville. It would have not taken too much effort to come up with some united mankind thing similar to the federation and a set of new species. But then they had to be greedy and lazy and do the franchise thing. Huge mistake and a real pity.

Zvyozdniy razum

Sorry, this aint't it
I'm a sci-fi fan. Whenever a new sci-fi movie or series comes out I really want to love it. One can say I have a positive bias. But this movie just won't cut it. It's based on a bunch of half baked ideas, mostly clichés taken from classics and the result is close to an unenjoyable mess. Acting, directing, writing, all very poor. CGI is alright, the creators obviously did have a huge budget to work with but it would have been enough if everything else was done right but it really wasn't. I don't recommend watching this movie to anyone.


Not horrible but very frustrating
The plot of this show which involves different factions of extra-terrestrial aliens coming to earth and fighting both humans and each other over some complicated cause isn't exactly revolutionary but it could still work. But it barely does. The problem is the characters. Especially the main characters who are a bunch of extremely dumb and unlikable Danish teenagers. I mean everything they do is just an illogical, irrational annoying mess. They keep getting offended and hysterical, they don't listen to each other, they fail to notice what is happening right in front of them, they keep secrets for no reason, they keep making the wrong choices, it really is as if the creators deliberately wanted to piss the viewer off. I don't mind a dark story where everybody is violent and evil but I do mind one where everybody is just plain odd and stupid.

In from the Cold

Chaotic nonsense
I suspected that a flick based on the secret Russian superspy girl theme which is so popular and overused these days will not be an instant classic but I thought it could still work as light entertainment if it is well done.

Well it's not. Actors and the filming crew are apparently are all pros, budget is sufficient, directing isn't bad but the story/plot/writing?

This thing is just full of absurd logical fallacies and nonsense. One such major flaws is the concept of a 22. Century like magic biotech that was developed by the 1980's KGB. Completely not credible. And then there are some odd details like why on earth would native Spanish speakers when only other native Spanish speakers are around keep switching between Spanish and English when communicating? Especially considering that when it comes to Russians shown interacting in their own native speaking environment they stick with Russian all the way so there isn't even consistency in that sense. Dumb errors like these render the whole show mostly unenjoyable unless someone is ready to completely ignore the absence of common sense and basic logical cohesion. Too bad.

I Am Not Okay with This

Made me laugh
This show despite the seemingly intriguing plot (girl with a superpower) relies more on situational humour, dramaturgy, dialogue and acting, like a sitcom. I would not call it revolutionary, unique or an artistic master piece it's just good light entertainment that has enough thrill and mystery to its plot to make one want to see what's in the next episode and also cleverly written and directed enough as a comedy to make a veteran fan of television and cinema like myself, laugh.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Solid homage
This flick is not the kind of instant sci-fi/fantasy/comedy classic as Ghostbusters I. And II. Were but still it is respectful and true to the classics homage and also a functional sequel. And a sequel to a classic that is not boring nonsense like Matrix 4. Or a deliberate, outrageous desecration of the original like the new SW trilogy or the 2016 Ghostbusters remake is a rare treasure in mainstream movie these days that we should all appreciate.

So Ghostbusters Afterlife is a bit of a crossbred of the original movies and other 80's classics like The Goonies. It's not exactly innovative not it is pretentious it's just a piece of wonderfully crafted nostalgia and light, quality entertainment.


DC's take on a lighter approach, it works
This show has abandoned DC's dead/overly serious take on the superhero genre which has failed to cope with the big rival Marvel and is now exploring a comical, lighthearted approach kinda like Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.

And as far as I'm concerned it works.

This is not Monty Python mind you. Both John Cena and his character Peacemaker (which the show is built around) represent a simple, natural, vulgar type of humour but then this is a comics adaptation not classic theatre. The now basically mandatory and unavoidable woke components are amply balanced out by the show often swinging into the other extremity, which is old school rude, non-PC morbidity, irony and sarcasm like what we can see in games like Duke Nukem or cartoons like Beavis and Butthead, Johnny Bravo or even Family Guy.

Action and plot are still good and convincing enough, the thrill one expects of a superhero story is still there.

Small World

Extremely dark and repressing, good though
As far as I am concerned Poland produces the best crime dramas among all the former socialist countries. They produce very dark and cruel stories which are never for the faint hearted. Their trick: they tend to not get detached from reality much.

So this movie is no exception. Nobody who expects some light entertainment, adventure and easy satisfection should go anywhere near it as the viewer will have to endure scenes matching those one would see in the toughest psycho thrillers and horror flicks.

But for those who like the realistic hardcore stuff, this movie will absolutely work.

The Matrix Resurrections

This thing is not unwatchable. It's just that its existence has little point to it. It's much more an odd and kind of boring art movie than a sci-fi action flick with some deep meaning like the first Matrix. It sometimes even turns into its own parody even.

One can of course appreciate the acting and the cinematography and of course those who care the return of these two legendary characters Neo and Trinity and the opportunity to watch them get a second chance.

Which by the way is not necessarily such a good thing some of us may just liked the somewhat tragic ending and wanted to remember this story that way.

Anyhow ultimately this movie is just and oddity, something most of us would watch once, get moderately intrigued and entertained then quickly forget forever.

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