
IMDb member since October 2017
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The Truth Is in the Stars

Journey of sincere personal discovery
Although perplexed at first and somewhat sluggish, this personal journey to discovery showed a genuine desire to learn and understand by William Shatner, aka Captain Kirk. He was sincere and open minded, like a child finally getting to the real questions, and getting deep answers. What a wonderful piece. Some of my favourite people were interviewed in this one, too.

For example, I really liked this quote from Neil deGrasse Tyson: "In the 1960s, we had a Cold War with the Soviet Union, and a hot war in Southeast Asia, and the civil rights movement, and here's Star Trek portraying Earth where all the countries of the world were at peace.

Who makes tomorrow come, if not the dreamers and the scientists and the technologists who enable it?

So, this is an occasion to not feel separate from life, but to feel one."

What I came away with, was that humanity fundamentally needs dreamers, and an optimistic view of the future.

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