
IMDb member since November 2005
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    IMDb Member
    18 years


The Boondocks

Not for all viewers
This show is "black" comedy in multiple senses of the term. Here is a memorable example. Grandad opens a restaurant featuring a menu high in fat, pork, sugar, and serving sizes. Huey comments that the food is "destructive" to those that eat it. Grandad asks him, "What's wrong with you boy, this is your culture." To which Huey responds, "well then the culture's destructive!" Now that's a point worthy of consideration coming out of the mouth of a small child in a cartoon. Personally, I think its worth watching several hours of this show just for the reward of being challenged to think about that one line, but others will not agree. My wife hates the show because, in her opinion "its simply not funny." I must agree, that the writing is bit uneven. Uncle Ruckus's trip to "white heaven" and King's speech at his political rally are absolutely priceless, while the entire episode "Let's Nab Ophrah" was a complete waste of time when Samuel L. Jackson's character wasn't talking. I strongly expect the reviews of this show to be highly polarized - you either love it or hate it. Watch a few episodes and make up your own mind.


You have got to be kidding
This is truly one of the worst pieces of cinema it has ever been my misfortune to be exposed to. I find it quite difficult to understand how anyone can say much good about this waste of time. True: the choreography of the cabaret scenes was fine and Tim Roth gave a spirited performance, but the lack of historical accuracy, the pathetic acting, the incredible lack of interesting content, and poor writing make this a very very sad piece of work indeed. Frankly, it seems that many people feel guilty about pointing out how bad this movie is. Perhaps this is understandable, but it does not change the simple fact that this stinks on a very grand scale.

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