
IMDb member since October 2017
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A Thursday

A strong movie
The story of a woman suffering the consequencies of an old insident been left unpunished...

An unexpected person comes from the past , triggers the chance of a hopeless loud voice , trying to send a message through

Excellent Indian drama film The shocking incident in childhood, the student hostage and the political change on a hot topic - law, for the women of the country.

It's really worth to spend two ours of your time to see this masterpiece... A drama without all the cliches of indian cinema...

...A strong voice for the suffering of indian women and the crimes going unpunished for decades.

Copenhagen Cowboy

A story from the darkest places of our world
The direction of photography does an excellent job with the lighting of the scenes .. Some of the viewers may find it to heavy for the eyes , too much neon , but this plays a role in these scenes...The evolving of the story of a young girl spinning round the ugly world of drugs and human trafficing , is slow , but on the other hand the emotions you get while watching the episodes fullfills the viewer.

I was too sceptic about starting the series , it is a sad story that comes from the darkest places of our world... As an amateur photographer i saw a lot of things coming out the viewfinder of the camera , pay attention to the static scenes , on a single face , or a wide plan with a lot of people ..like time freezes for a while.

La caída

Worth to watch
A story behind the training for the olympic games of 2004....

An injury in training starts a chain of events after the replacement's mother complains for a relationship unapropriate. A story about abuse of power , manipulation , that becomes traumatic for a young kid and also an mature athlete waiting for the last carrier chance... events that can scars someone for life...

Will the truth be revealed?

What will be the cost for all the persons of the story?

Are they gonna find the power to make it to the olympics?

Someone's is lying or someone is hiding the ugly face of true events?

It was worth watching this film... We are not talking about a masterpiece from the latin america movie making but it was good.

The Cleaning Lady

Surprisingly good
A doctor seeks treatment for her child in a foreign country, pretending to be a cleaner, but this is her only non-dangerous occupation.

Look, where do you say it will be something boring , but it pleasantly surprises you.

The Electrical Life of Louis Wain

best acting of Benecict Cumberbatch
A very vivid performance of the role, of the talented but also strange artist ... Struggling between inspiration and mental problems Benedict Cumberbatch at his best.


A good script is never enough
A promising script but a film that is ultimately too much to handle. . .

Inexpressive , not vivid at all, very shallow No insight into the social problems of that era Overproduction of films and series has become a great damage.

Porte aperte

Italian cinema at it's best
He's killing a boss who made a fool of him Replacement, and a wife who talked more than an intelligence informant during the cold war era He wants to be sentenced to death. . .

But someone has other plans.


A transformation
Tough movie. . . It starts with provocative scenes, to evolve into a transformation of the protagonist in an image that resembles nothing we have seen before. . .

In a role of a violent and self-destructive personality that mutates during the play, the actress manages to convey the pain, despair and cruelty to others.

I onde dager

Trip to a kill
A couple not just apart, but with mutual plans to get each other out of the way. . . But there's always circumstance waiting to upset your plans.

Not a masterpiece of Scandinavian cinema,but still worth to watch.

Midnight Mass

like a slow moving train
Most of this series is a social and religious drama , the life problems of people , a slow moving story that takes too long to reach the only two scenes that can someone describe as a slice of horror... Some will find it boring , some will find it masterpiece... Yes it has very boring parts , but it has some better ones... I wouldn't recommend it to action series and movie fans , it is worth to watch but it can take more than 6 stars.

Ojing-eo geim

Would you play?
A breath taking series A game of wealthy and pain through pleasure beasts in human form, against desperate people for money... Betting their precious lifes just for one to take the price and get out alive Would you play?

Watch it now!!!

The Man Who Sold His Skin

Bitter and sarcastic
A bitter and sarcastic movie, about the desperate acts of a man in search of a way to meet the woman he loves... A living art exhibition or an abuse?


Sci fi
Wakes up inside an interactive cryogenic chamber, with no memories of id and nothing to remember... Time is ticking,and a fight to survive while oxygen runs low,is about to begin.

A Korean in Paris

A desperate Man walking in city of Paris streets
The desperate search of a man, follows the streets and the different places in Paris, longing to find his lost wife... People to meet,dark places and tortured souls will come to his way... Will he succeed?

Sorido eopsi

Nice movie
Two eccentric men, cleaners of crime scenes by order, they are given a mission, different than their dirty job...A mess is about to begin.

Gwimul: Caught
Episode 8, Season 1

Most revealing episode
The true suspect is about to talk The socking truth is finally in light.

Judas and the Black Messiah

Really enjoyed this movie
Strong characters , good acting from the main roles , scenes full of tension... Surely a nice movie to seat comfortably and watch...


Time travel
The scenario sounds promising... But it takes a lot of time for the story to come to the center of the whole thing...A big secret revealed, and a manic travel begins... Will this stay without any consequences?

The Little Things

A good one
Trying hard, to find the tracks of a serial killer, while struggling with inner demons of the past The three main roles,stands quite well, and a film finale that you can't imagine... What truth is hidden?

30 Monedas

Strong character series, makes you really can't wait for the next episode... The finale is a chaotic episode from scene to scene, just like trying to combine the whole world in a handful

The Sister

Reading about the story might seem promising a lot...But when starts the acting, the characters, the story process, the finale... Something is missing... Something to make the promising become a really good series...It is not garbage,it is not a masterpiece Not from the high standards level of UK crime series...

The Queen's Gambit

Excellent series
The expressively eyes of the main character, like words never spoken, makes a silent scene, vividly talking without words.


Nice plot, story twists
A secret was supposed to stay in the shadows Critical for the life of a young girl Once revealed the dark mind of a woman suffering of her real child lose, shows how cruel a human can be What a wheelchaired girl will risk to get out free and alive?


Worth watching
Not bad Don't wait to see a horror masterpiece... Such is so hard to find in our days It has an easy going plot, some surprising moment, without making any difference to the over production of only by the name calling horror movies


It was good
Walking up in a different world than the one you know... Everything seems glorious but not completely real Nice Sci fi pictures, nice plot... Worth to watch

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