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OCC Patreon: True Detective: Night Country Part 1

Truly Awful
The original co stars of series 1 surely didn't view this tripe before allowing their names to be publicly listed as producers.

Hard to say what is the most laughably C grade about this new series. It could be the ludicrous plot, or the herd of suicidal reinderr ? No it was the reanimated corpses popping up.

This series really is scraping the bottom of the barrel. As a low grade horror from the 1960s, this offering would still get poor ratings.

No doubt the implicit same sex references will appeal to some, to others the severed tongue or sawn off hand scene. But really has this once groundbreaking franchise really sunk to these cheap and nasty episodes.

Well apparently so.

Shame on you.


Phoenix Fails Yet Again
Another wooden two dimensional input from Phoenix. He appears yet again as another miserable , lifeless , poorly acted character in a frankly disgraceful portrayal of one the most important figures of the 19th century in Europe.

What should have been an easy to tell, exciting disposition of one of historys stand out figures, we are offered a weak, pitiable , poorly acted , megalomaniac, besotted in his wife.

How could Ridley Scott have got it so wrong ? Miscast main lead, too much interest in the lurid side of the female lead and obviously the actual historical facts meant almost nothing to the scriptwriter and director.

As previously a huge Ridley Scott fan, after this I am starting to think his time at the top has passed, what a huge waste of money. Utter Rubbish.

Looking at the long list of viewers poor reviews it will be interesting to see if IMDB flatters to decieve as usual.

Ted Lasso

I just don't get it !
After much hype and recommendations from friends, we'll one actually, behind the herd I finally got round to watching this series, which was a shame.

After the first series of mildly amusing tales of the inner workings of a fictitious soccer club, the following episodes rapidly descended into some sort of teenage girls magazine. The soccer became a distant memory as we were treated to a series of unattractive poorly dressed, endlessly shrieking "women " whose vapid lives left me bewildered as to why anyone would find their shallow lives interesting and just as importantly why it is advertised as drama ? The endless trite cod country lines of the title character was cringemaking in the extreme. As for the so called PR guru, my god , is this really offered as any sort of female role model.

It is I suppose the result of the repellent Big Brother type programme which seems to attract a similar audience to Ted Lasso.

The fact that this tripe has won awards seriously makes me doubt the future of human intelligence !

Everything Everywhere All at Once

Oscar Voters again let moviegoers down
Yet more ethnic discrimination coming from Hollywood. In an relenting attempt to discriminate in favour of minorities instead of quality .Another so so movie is ridiculously elevated way above its station?

Fortunately moviegoers who actually paid to see this supposed best film of the year , are more pragmatic and honest.

Reviewers on this site who have seen the movie seem to be underwhelmed to a sizeable degree.

Over compensating for a films ethnic content instead of its actual quality does more harm than good and diminishes the value of the award. There is no point cramming the screen with either female leads trying to act tough or pushing films that really aren't that good because of the cast.

The script, the acting etc etc, SHOULD be what best picture is all about, not trying to alleviate some guilt trip.

This movie is neither outstanding, that amusing or to be honest enjoyable, not just in my opinion but also many others reviewing it with an open and honest mind.

" All Quiet on the Western Front " is miles ahead of this production on every level, though I do admit that most of the cast is male and white. Well we just can't have that as best film of the year can we, irrespective of its superior merits !

Another low point for the system.

Luther: The Fallen Sun

More Anti Male Propaganda in a Poor Film
Let's sort the actual movie out first, it is bad, almost stinks. With poor script lines, hackneyed scenes and so many plot holes you could drive a non existent Norwegian ferry through them.

The evil killer magically knows his way around sub terranean London when attacked by surprise. The retired boss who is in London arresting a baddie yet another screen bent male cop,of course is then magically in a helicopter in remote northern Norway to rescue Luther who had just been stabbed for the second or was it fourth time, who really counts or cares.

Now the really scary bit of the movie. Yet again the film industry trots out another offering where almost all the male characters are shown as either violent, slavering perverts or weak willed idiots. Strangely the only victim to be strong enough to resist the blackmail was a female cop, despite her being shown as a quivering shrieking wreck in most other scenes.

Imagine had the portrayal of the sexes had been reversed and we had been treated, to shot after shot of cruel , unattractive , nauseous women or gays ? Almost exclusively so. . Wow the howls and squeals of outrage would have reverberated around the usual crowd.

Time the industry grew a set and stopped pandering to the anti male wave currently making a mockery of our society. Nuffield said.


Sorry, They have lost the plot
What on earth has happened here ? This once absorbing series has degenerated into a series of domestic disputes, angry , unbalanced female characters and very little to do with a criminal case or the supposed unforgotten. Well actually they pretty much are forgotten under wave after wave of unhappy relationships.

I can only assume this is to attract a more female audience. Personally in a crime drama I expect the crime or the perpetrators to be the main driving force not unhappy wives, partners etc.

Don't know if the writers or directors have changed but this current series is more along the lines of a thrice weekly soap than any of previous programs.

I appreciate everything in the media has to be touchy freely in the current climate, but for heavens sake can we have at least one series left alone.

Downton Abbey: A New Era

Are People Blind and Deaf
I really dont get the high scoring reviews for this drivel. I have watched most episodes of the T. V. series and boy is this a stinker.

Apart from the make-up giving the impression that everyone was the subject of an embalmers craft. The script, oh the script, I felt so sorry for the cameramen having to sit through this embarrassing garbage.

To be fair several times the actors looked really uncomfortable at having to say the school play like lines. But I guess they were being very well paid for standing there and churning out garbage.

The story line was obviously written very quickly on the back of a cheroot packet, and then crumpled up so no one could read where the implausible story was going.

This is a bad, really bad movie and not what one would like to think is the last memory of a fine series.

Oh I shudder at the thought of it as I compose this review, what were they thinking ?

The Batman

How has it Sunk so Low
It is hard to say what is most disappointing about this huge disappointment of a film. At first I thought it was the poorly lit sets, often, too often shot through rain spattered glass across streets dark, wet, but probably cheap to set up. I then changed my mind, no it was the sloppy B or even C grade direction allowing the actors to drift into scenes, mumble a few indistinct lines, then drift out of shot seemingly caring as little about the production as by now I did.

Finally I worked it out, yes the director had given the whole effort the feel of a first year film school production, but no it was the poor casting and truly awful acting that stood out as the biggest let down.

Who on earth thought it wise to cast Dano in this role ? His frankly pathetic screaming as a supposed illustration of a psychotic killer made me burst out laughing, it really was that bad.

The whole offering is an embarrassment to the production company, the financial backers and people daft enough to give it any rating over 3. We now have the definitive worst Batman, period !

The Manor Reborn

Awful Cheap Ruination of a National Trust Property
What a travesty of a project where a 50 yrs old property full of character is turned into an expensive joke of a Harry Potter meets Disneyland, driven by little better than a theatre stage dresser. What a huge waste of public money put into the wrong hands Everyone should be ashamed.

Landscape Artist of the Year Canada

Talentless People in Boring Locations
I don't know much of the topography of Canada only having visited once, but surely the only landscape given to the artists can be something other than a lake and trees week after week. Are there not mountains , plains, farmland ? Obviously not.

The quality of the work produced is frankly appalling. Encouraged by the judges the garish unrealistic offerings are at times an insult to the eye. How on earth they can select the respective winners as they do is beyond me.

If this is the standard of current best artists in Canada then they are in serious trouble and helps explain why there isn't a well known one worldwide.

PS , you don't have to mention spirituality or power of the land in every sentence.

The Great British Bake Off

Cut the Childish Humour, Get back to the Cookery
Hard to believe the time wasted by the inane, childish rubbish in this once great series. The dumbed down presenters, constantly make infantile interruptions which make both viewer and contestants cringe.

The male judge has at times allowed himself to be dragged into the constant cheap efforts to generate humour. Why ? Everything doesn't have to be a music hall turn. Frankly only the shows format is a joke.

Portrait Artist of the Year

Great Idea completely spoiled by out of touch judges
I have watched a couple of seasons of the series but with growing dismay. I really think the judges are losing touch with the series title.

I. E. It should be judged as a PORTRAIT !

In the latest 2021 season again the Finale winner isn't an artist he is an illustrator. There is no sense of personality in any of his pieces, they are more attuned to Marvel comic illustrations than actual portraits.

How the hell these three judges , who time after time select paintings because they are 'different ' or use a device such as being painted on scrunched up toilet paper , it makes you wonder as to their actual 20/20 vision.

The finished commission this year was frankly laughable. Again in a comic book style, because that's all this particular artist offers, was appallingly garish and frankly amateur.

Had I been the subject, there would have been a quick request for the bonfire.

Great Idea ruined by three out of touch, stuck up judges, please replace them all.

The Power of the Dog

Cumberbatch Is Outstanding
Without Cumberbatch this would be a very slow burn movie. With him, his cunning malevolence and spite makes this a want to watch film.

The other actors are pretty so so, leaving space for Cumberbatch to dominate every scene that he is in.

A tour de force from an actor that has perhaps accepted too many roles where he hasn't been allowed to stretch his talents.

Not really a western, one more a study of jealousy, spite and the weakness of human beings. Almost all of the main characters display this failure , but Cumberbatch does it with a malice certainly better than recent Bond villains. Well done .

The Wheel of Time

Worst Series Ever ?
My goodness this is rubbish. Right from the opening scenes this series has all the quality of a 1960's cheap Italian Greek gods hotpotch movie.

The acting really must be down there with the scutters from Red Dwarf. No that's not fair they never over acted and under achieved as this group. I can only assume the amateur dramatic players who have been out of work recently due to covid, were drafted in to script write, direct and perform in this waste of lots of money best spent elsewhere. It stinks !

Sex Education

What a Shame, Lost the Plot
What started out as a fresh comedic look at teenage angst, sadly turned out into the all too common let's get more shocking to keep the audience series.

The cast towards the end of the first series began to be populated by frankly ugly characters all too commonly showing the selfish look at me I am so important view of society. There's no need to worry about world over population ruining the planet as is the case in fact, if this largely same sex group were to reflect our actual teenage generation.

Episodes descended into propaganda stanzas as normal heterosexual relationships were pushed into the background and made to seem the abnormal ones.

Not sure who the second series was meant to appeal to as the script laughingly descended into just a series of same sex fumbles.

Such a shame a great opportunity thrown away in an attempt to push PC political views.

No Time to Die

Oh So Sad End to a Movie Institution
Oh dear, Craig has been the best Bond, forget the nostalgia buffs longing for the bewigged, far too old Conner, Craig, was cold, laconic and ruthless, exactly as Fleming described him in his original novels.

Ahh to come to this, a poorly scripted, confused shambles of a tale, poorly directed and far too WOKE to be anything close to what Bond should ever be.

The casting showed the biggest errors, with a mumbling incoherent, pathetic Mr Big, surely the weakest, least threatening villain ever to grace the screen. Likewise Bonds love interest, poorly acted by an extremely plain mouse of a woman. The real Bond would absolutely never have settled for this drab creature as his love of his life, it made about as much sense as the rest of the frankly amateur plot.

The acting throughout was tired and everyone appeared to want to just get it all over with. If the new 007 is indeed intended to be the new 007, again the casting makes the jaw and heart drop. There is no screen presence, wooden acting and clumsy movement in the action scenes, despite the films title this actually is a very good time to die.

The Great British Bake Off

Cut the Childish Humour, Get back to the Cookery
Hard to believe the time wasted by the inane, childish rubbish in this once great series. The dumbed down presenters, constantly make infantile interruptions which make both viewer and contestants cringe.

The male judge has at times allowed himself to be dragged into the constant cheap efforts to generate humour. Why ? Everything doesn't have to be a music hall turn. Frankly only the shows format is a joke.


Disjointed and Vaguely Boring
Not the best movie telling the tale of a giant of the music world. Lady Sings the Blues tells an almost identical story but with a much better script and direction. This offering seems to stagger from violent argument to yet another punctuated with some pretty average musical interludes. For Aretha fans only, frankly I couldn't wait for it to end and out everyone out of their misery. Wasted opportunity.

Scenes from a Marriage

More Anti Male Propaganda
Guess it has to be in the current state of the media. The males are almost all dominating, or controlling, rude or drink too much . Whilst the females are down trodden, unhappy or not listened to by their spouses.

Nothing new here, just your run of the mill , boring politically motivated grind.

This will no doubt appeal to the elitist snobs who feel they and only they are intelligent enough to understand this series. I see from the reviews that there are a couple of comments from these elitist fools .Fine they can watch it , I most certainly won't an more of my time on this attempt to manipulate public opinion.


BBC loses drama crown
Unlike the current amateur shambles that is Vigil, ITV offers this excellent absorbing based on life tale. STEPHEN is all the thing that Vigil isn't. It is well acted, has a good script and having an even greater gap, is really well directed.

Here all the characters behave in a believable manner and don't have predictable outbursts of mock outrage and unconvincing shrieking.

The pace is never forced, but unfolds naturally allowing all of the actors to have mature characters that drew you in, again the complete opposite of the frankly pathetic BBC series , you care about these people.

Top stuff ITV, you have shown the BBC how to produce good drama.


Poor Script Appalling Director
Perhaps if the BBC had produced this they may have trimmed the ridiculous plotlines to offer something close to being believable. The ridiculous at times storyline is frankly amateur. The acting from good journeymen actors are almost laughable. Perhaps the original script wasn't that great but the director s oversight has turned in a shambles of an unbelievable offering. I do not believe from other poor reviews that the website score is genuine and not for the first time.


Jackman Fails Again
Hugh Jackman never has displayed any real acting skills in any movie and really isn't strong enough to carry the main lead in a top flight film. All of his wooden , stilted approach are too clearly on display here in this movie.

This coupled with a lazy director has served up a tame C grade , dare I even call it a thriller ?

Naturally Jackman has to take his shirt off at every possible moment, again to many groans from viewers. If the part had been played by a female the Metoo crowd would have been shrieking their displeasure, as a man I too cried No More for heavens sake.

With possibly the worst fight scene ever in any film, things start low and get worse. You can visibly cringe as the two protagonists wait for the other to grapple with them before exchanging laughably contrived blows. Again poor direction let's everything stumble.

Hard to see anyone coming out of this with any credit, really a waste of time and money, you can't include effort as there seems to have been very little of that here.

Any sort of storyline or plot is very quickly lost through lack of control and feeble acting. Not one for anyone who actually likes movies.

Black Widow

Mindless Violence with Oestrogen
Had this soulless , plotless trash been filmed with male characters, wow it would have bombed mightily. But with 98% of the people on screen female I guess in the current woke climate the endless fight scenes, explosions and meaningless duels where of course no one really gets hurt, will be overlooked.

Looked at honestly this is awful, the ridiculous number of holes in the paper thin plot should make this a comedy. But sadly this offering isn't exciting, it isn funny and frankly not even interesting. What a stinker ! More reminiscent of B grade so called action movies from the 70s , but not as good. Shame on you Scarlett.

The Crime of the Century

Brilliant Expose of Corrupt US Culture
Outstanding investigative journalism concerning the deliberate poisoning of US public by a greedy corporate system and the blind eye approach of corrupt government politicians.

If you want to know exactly what is rotten in the USA, then watch this documentary. Truly outstanding.

The Dog House

Society Rejects Meet Canine Counterpart
Not sure what the criteria was for the series producers in selecting the prospective owners. Totally unrepresentative of UK society.

At times I wondered if this series had anything to do with rehoming dogs or more likely a concerted push to gain empathy for people who " don't fit in " This series appeared more of a propaganda exercise with a not so hidden agenda ,than one aimed at dog lovers.

Shame a promising idea ruined by one persons drive for acceptance ?

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