
IMDb member since October 2017
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Not funny
Wow not funny. A bit of an odd film really, 🤔 I know we are all preconditioned to like animal films but this one is a step too far, not funny not really cute, not sad, altho my dog likes the film, it's the only reason I kept on watching the film cos she found it interesting, and partly the only reason I kept watching is cos I have border terrier's oh wow and then the film is turning, it's just kinda pointlessly pointless, now I have no more words for this review cos I'm bored of typing on the keyboard trying to come up with words to fill to complete the review, just to point out the film has too much vulgarity in it.


It's really quite boring
Ended watching about a 1/3 of the film on fast forward cos it's just so boring, I get it they want to tell the story of Ferrari and they did, but it could have been so much better, better actors better acting, better visuals, they seem to me have tried to make it feel like lemans 71, it's a poor effort, even for a modern film it's a poor effort, if you want an exhilarating watch, watch lemans 71, the voices and language were bad as well, back ground actors in Italian and in Italian when they want, but English with poor accents dropping in and out of a poor effort to keep in character, the crash scene was not realistic either, poor effort overall really.


I'm late to this but
Wow what a film, I had never heard of it, I just happened to be on tv this week, I weren't even aware of it, I was skipping through channels on the small screen, but something grabbed my attention, so I hit the record button and caught up, what a film what a story and when you realise she had lied about Robbie, anyway as we go through the film it pans out and looking like it's a happy ever after flick and BOOM what a twist, you kinda feel anger and sadness, but you kinda get the idea that Robbie is not well in the film but not the out come, and as for Cecilia again you don't expect, it's then you realise the whole film is based on a novel that Briony wrote and then just like that it all makes sense and also the film ends, I thought the film flowed well and definitely had you fooled and thought, or liked to think the outcome was better than it was, however I think a sold 8, I will watch it again, knowing what I know now, I'm going to look out for the subtle q's that distinguish novel and actual, it's a fresh film to me so enjoyed this one. Enjoy if you watch it.

La sociedad de la nieve

Better that Alive in my humble opinion
Having watched Alive and know about the plane crash, I knew what was going on, thought the first 20/30 mins were a bit meh trust the rest of the film did not disappoint, the narrative seemed correct and the narration was good as well, also the music really did fit well, really liked the actors, felt they stuck to the story of what really happened, I'm gonna have to rewatch Alive again now to do a direct comparison, but I already know which movie will be best, this one moved me to tears, I know Alive did not, I can't say why not I just know it didn't touch me the same as this one did, the low voters here have it wrong this time, give it a go worth a watch.

The Creator

The hype 🤔
Well an hour in and so far it's a ripoff of many films, definitely nothing exiting or new here, very boring shoot run shoot run that's about it really, dialogue is the same police run police run, the volume seems to have a mind of its own, it's very dark most of the time, also I'm confused, ai has gone wrong and the humans trying to eliminate all ai, yet there are ai cops chasing and killing the humans so just to recap, humans running and shooting at ai, but also at the same time ai running and shooting at humans, but wait also ai shooting and running at ai, confusing and pointless, this is just stupid, I thought this was supposed to be the best Sci-fi movie ever, falls very short I'm my opinion. The film ripoff are Artificial intelligence AI, Avatar, blade runner, Prometheus ex machine, just to name a few, the best bit suicidal robot bombs 😂😂😂, just like clash of clans, yes a mobile phone game, ridiculous stuff, oh just to add the picture quality in certain areas is very grainy, dunno what's that about.

Leave the World Behind

It's ok
So saw the trailer thought ok I'll give it a go, Ok looking ok, stars ok getting in to it ok, then the real home owners turn up, ok nothing special happening so far, then the film kicks in kinda get a feel for what could be happening, but still unsure, it's like a mystery, have to second guess what's going on, ok so the story is starting to head in the direction of a invasion of sorts, but still no clear, then some strange happenings not entirely clear, the animals are trying to talk to humans, urm yeah right, anyway a bit further in and it's clear it's an invasion and the story is picking up pace, looking better now we getting to the meaty part of the film, END ITS ALL OVER, seriously come on give the people what they want a decent ending not just a full stop, I was rather enjoying the film up until that point, disappointing is an understatement.

Star Trek: Discovery

Are you freaking serious, a Star Trek series trying to be the original series and next gen but failing miserably, first episode, ok women in charge no problem, but to call the second officer number 1 after next gen, NO! And then to use a freaking telescope to look at something in space in a space ship, seriously WT ACTTUAL F. This is a lame effort at a great previous. I mean come on, I know I'm late to this, but nothing after next gen apart from Picard has even come close, Also the clingons at the beginning of the show were green and insect like, really, I don't think so, you can't go changing stuff like that, over all poor, I won't be watching the rest on first impressions. Very poor effort.


Dunno what this is but Django it is not.
Unbelievably this series is actually getting worse as it goes on, 2 episodes in and it's pretty awful, the accents are all over the place, no 2 people have the same accent, some are so very bad can't even distinguish what they are saying, the plot line is all over the place, just rubbish.there is no Franco Nero Django in this one, this Django can barely act, and there are 10 episodes of this, not entirely sure where it can go really do, unless the 3rd episode is absolutely spectacular im afraid I won't be watching the rest of it. I want to see a remake of the Franco Nero version, nothing fancy no flashing lights, no metaphorical bull just a gritty grimy plot with Django ripping up his machine gun in a coffin. Done. Overall a poor effort. Well 3 episode and god damn man it's just getting more boring, WHERE THE HELL IS THE STORY LINE. Just flicking between scenes and moments in time with no context or continuity, Django is supposed to be this hard core cowboy, he's not even aloud to have his own gun, it's just boring pointless dialogue with no direction, seems to me this is 9 episodes longer than it should have been.

Jurassic World Dominion

Jurassic what now
This is Jurassic 1 when Ellie finds the big steaming pile of poo, yeah poo 💩 huge piles of it all over, even the prehistoric animals, (dinoplasticsours) don't look good, really bad cgi, also the plot is so messed up, take it from many people, don't bother it's rubbish, Dino, Run, scream, run some more end.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

It was just exactly how I thought it would be
I was talking about this to a friend, at this point I hadn't watched it, he was explaining the first episode to me cos I said I'm not going to watch it so it don't matter, cos it will be full of unfunny jokes not serious in anyway and so far removed from marvel it'll be ridiculous, how he explained it sounded not too bad, I emphasise sounded not too bad, so I thought ok I will watch the first episode, well was I in for a shock, actually no I wasn't, it was exactly how I thought it was going to be and some, crap, pointless, very poor dialogue, very bad CGI, Gruffalow is the worst hulk ever anyway, mixed in with the appalling story line and terrible she hulk, his is a massive fail for me. In fact I hated it cos I knew it was gonna be exactly that.

The Sand

The sand
Shocking, so bad, think of the worst film you ever see, well this one is worse, so bad you can actually see it suck, yes that's how bad it is, sucky, all you life force out of your brain, really bad film like this should be buried and burnt.

Sicario: Day of the Soldado

Good film
Hate the damn subtitles and no option to have audio description I want to watch a film not bloody read the film, especially when your dyslexic like I am, and when they talk fast you just don't get time to read the dialogue, so damn annoying. MAKE THE DAMN FILM WITH AUDIO DESCRIPTION.


Watched the first episode
Was expecting a different spin on the fresh Prince, more like the rotten nephew, it's crap, I mean crap, not funny, loads of swearing and the N bomb all the time, it's just bad, if you like the original fresh Prince, then this ain't it, defo poor effort at a remake that as it happens weren't needed.


Let down
I so wanted this to be a better film but it just wasn't, after watching first krays film with the kemp brothers this was not up to the standard of that, Tom hardy is a good actor in my books but this was just a bore, first hour boring and didn't like the way if started half way through their life's, although this film seems more factual compared to the earlier film it was just lacking in something.

Don't Look Up

Definitely not a funny film,
I managed an hour and a half, it's just too boring, man this film is just not funny, decided to fast forward to the end and watched the last 10 minutes, oddly that ain't too bad, still not funny but an interesting take on the end of the world. Overall terrible film with some very bad acting, only slightly better than the normal Netflix trash. Only funny part when the space ship land 22000 years later and the president gets her face chewed off lol.


Man this film is soooooooooooo boring
It's like one of them crap sci fi rip offs of a top box office film, yeah it looks quite nice in areas but that's all it has going for it, god it's sooo boring, it had potential to be something but it ain't, yet another marvel film that's not marvellous, what is this film any way is it that live die repeat with to cruise or is it super man, or is it avatar I really don't know it's all mixed messages in this, my advise don't waist your time, definitely some sketchy acting as well.


Man this film is soooooooooooo boring
It's like one of them crap sci fi rip offs of a top box office film, yeah it looks quite nice in areas but that's all it has going for it, god it's sooo boring, it had potential to be something but it ain't, yet another marvel film that's not marvellous, what is this film any way is it that live die repeat with to cruise or is it super man, or is it avatar I really don't know it's all mixed messages in this, my advise don't waist your time, definitely some sketchy acting as well.


What a bore
Yup boring from the start, and stays boring through out, also Kepler 22 or where ever is nearly 1900 light years away so for her to travel there and back is not scientifically accurate just to say 1 light year takes a year travelling at the speed of light hence light year so 1900 light years well go figure 🤔 some one made the calculation wrong there and her dad still alive year I don't think so some how, but if you like a film filmed on some coast line with some smoke and a bunch of broken English freaks running around, not my cup of tea, sun up boring inaccurate science, pretty poos acting, definitely poor location and some more boring then this is your cup of tea, oh throw in a crap ending just to finish it off, wait let me decide for you, don't bother it's boring. And grey, so boring again.

The Evil Dead

Great old low budget flick
Love this low budget old flick, it's gory and pretentious and trying to be funny when it's not, but who care it's great, I'm of the age when this was a new release for me, over the top gore and blood is a must in this sort of flick and cheese overload with proper dodgy makeup as well but as I said who cares it's great and one of them cult films, having said that number 2 remake if you will is a much better and funny film, sum up low budget gore fest with a poor plot and makeup but it's Awesome.


Yeah I liked this one
A different take on time travel, kinda loosely similar story/plot to time crimes, defo worth a watch only in Spanish tho, but it don't distract from the film, anyway this one is good I thought, kept me hooked the whole way through, sound track is a little loud at times as you can't hear the dialogue clearly, but that's a small minor overall good film.

Alien Conquest

What an incredibly bad film, honestly ppl often say this is the worst film they have seen, this really is the worst film ever made ever. Again fillers to reach the character count, bad bad bad.


Only a 1 cos I managed to watch all of it
Boring pretentious crap, crap story crap acting crap plot crap everywhere and everything. Sorry filler so more crap. Nope more crap. How about even more crap.


I like the idea
Not a clue what's going on tho, seems like a rip off of Elysium, I can't watch it cos the camera shake is giving me motion sickness, and I dont suffer from motion sickness what's that all about.


Well I don't really know
I thought ok looking good, this trailer should be a good film, and then the end, what was the point of that then. And every scene seemed to be from another film, very weird.

Wheeler Dealers

Give it up fat boy
Yet another annoying idiot on the tv, go home and stay off the tv fat boy. Also Edd rocks.

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