
IMDb member since October 2017
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Jane the Virgin

Jane is the Most Insufferable, Self-Righteous, and Judgmental Character
It's pretty hard to enjoy a show when its title character is so full of herself and whiny that you could care less about anything having to do with her over-dramatic life. The only reason why I gave the show 2 stars instead of one is for Petra, Luisa, and Rose. Unfortunately, Luisa and Rose have pretty much been pushed to the side. They could have done so much more with having Rose as a drug lord villain juggling a life of crime while trying to make a relationship with Luisa work, but even that fell flat. Petra is that only character that has actually grown as a person. She was the character you loved to hate in the start of Season 1 but would slowly grow to warm up to and then actually like one you see all of the crap that's been thrown at her in her life both past and present. Anyway, Jane was tolerable (I guess) at the start, but it's gotten so I just can't stand it when she's in any scenes...which is all the time since she's the main character. And I still have a hard time believing any guy would want to put up with her judgmental, self-righteous, me first attitude...let alone two guys! And in the end...she always gets what she wants, which is beyond annoying. Just once it would be nice for things not to work out for her so she could be taken down a notch or two. Jane is such an unlikable character. And I could care less who she ends up with. The only reason I'll think about watching the last season of the series is to see what happens to Petra, Luisa, and Rose!


Unispiring with Terrible, Inconsistent Writing
Ugh...where to begin? I liked Season 1 of Supergirl. Given its cheesy moments at times, Kara was an empowering character as she was coming into her own as a superhero. And Alex..Alex was actually my favorite female character. What was great about Season 1, for me, was that there were so many amazing, strong female characters, which is rare for television these days. Then Season 2 came around. I don't even want to get into how awful that season was with Kara taking a back seat to Mon El's story while having to watch her eventually hook up with him and become a side character in her own show. Plenty of other reviews have voiced their disdain for that disrespectful frat boy better than I ever could. I did love the addition of Lena Luthor and Alex's coming out story line.

Fast forward to what we've endured so far in Season 3...Mon El is still somehow mentioned in every episode even though he's gone. Tech genius and all around bad ass Lena Luthor has given up LCorp so she can run CatCo...a company she knows nothing about and let's be honest...is a step down from being a female CEO at a tech company...an industry consisting mostly of men. Maggie is still only "Alex's girlfriend" and now Alex is suddenly obsessed with having children, (And has been grossly OOC this season) which is going to be the demise of Sanvers...one of the few healthy, positive w/w relationships on screen right now. Not to mention the writers can't even remember their own story lines and are making it up as they go along so they can get in as many jabs at Trump as they possibly can. (They're building a wall?) Really, because last time I checked, in the Supergirl world, Trump wasn't president.

The only thing worth sticking around for at this point is the Sam/Reign story line. But I don't think it's worth enduring the rest of the dumpster fire writing that is continuing to plague this show. Sorry to say, I'm done with Supergirl. Which is sad, because I love the SG comics. And I was hoping we'd finally get great representation in a female superhero. Well, I was wrong. Guess I'm going to have to look elsewhere.

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