
IMDb member since November 2017
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The Library

Even 'A rather weird experience' is an understatement.
This movie was not exactly a disaster to me - but it still was horrible.

First of all the children dying and the parents screaming take away WAY too much of the film. The more "interesting" part starts after more than half an hour. This is very boring to watch. Also, everything in this movie looked terribly unrealistic. I mean, I know that this is a low-budget movie, but... how the children die... the part at the beginning where he looks through the book is poorly animated like everything else in the rest of the movie (for example the bugs or flies flying out the girl's mouth).

The story seemed good at the beginning but started to develop to an unclear state where it was really difficult to tell what was happening. And many parts of the story don't even make sense. If he can kill everyone with "light magic" or whatever, why did he fight with his fists in the first place? And he even magically lets the girl appear in front of him! Why didn't he do that earlier?

Oh, and if we are talking about the fights... another unrealistic part of the movie. I don't know why they had to be in there. They are so unnecessary. The man didn't hit anyone really! I know that this doesn't happen in different movies either, but here you can CLEARLY see it.

Another problem of the movie (I watched it in German since it's my native language) was the lip-syncing. I don't know how it is in the English version of the movie but in the German one it was a pain to watch.

Lastly, the last negative thing I want to bring up here is... in one of the scenes near the end (in the forest) you can see a car in the background! Such a big mistake is unforgivable for ANY movie that isn't satirical! This movie is supposed to take place in the 19th century.

All in all, it was a terrible movie, you can literally see how small the budget for this movie was. Even if I had some good laughs with my family - that was obviously only because it was so bad. Don't ever watch it. I don't recommend it anyone who doesn't love bad movies.

Grave Encounters 2

Can't make up the first movie
I sincerely enjoyed the first movie but this one couldn't make me feel like this is the right second movie for it. The first part contained of nothing too important, just the party and recording the movie. In the second part there was just a slightly shorter repetition of the first movie and the end was finally something that brought new things in - but not really too much fascinating. It rounded up the story a bit but was too short and quick thanks to the unnecessary length of the first half.

Although the story made sense at the end, the movie had a few clichés like the never-ending thing with ghosts screaming with their mouth wide open. This was annoying after the first time and took away a lot of the feel. I am very disappointed by this movie since it doesn't quite fit the genre of a 'horror movie' too well. It wasn't really scary and only had a few shockers in it. Usually movies without these attributes are quite suspense - but not this one.

I don't recommend anyone to watch this movie except for people who enjoy watching horror movies that are not very hard.

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