
IMDb member since November 2017
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Qarib Qarib Singlle

A gem of a movie!
Seldom do you see such an incredible piece of cinema which takes your breath away right from the first moment. Qarib Qarib single is one such piece.

The movie starts with the female protagonist Jaya,a widow, battling with her loneliness of not having someone in her life and finally signing up on a online dating platform. The apprehension and confusion makes us realize how much of a taboo online dating is. After the initial struggle of cheesy, perverted responses, she finally receives a decent response from the male protagonist, Yogi. Enter Irrfan Khan, the free spirited Yogi with his "live your life to the fullest" attitude, incessant rants about his love life and of course life in general:). The movie takes us through their journey of meeting Khan's exes through Jaipur, Delhi and Gangtok.

The movie is beautifully shot through these locations capturing the essence of the journey. What saves this movie from becoming another cliché Rom-Com is the well nuanced characters of Jaya and Yogi, the effortless ease with which the actors portray them and the realistic direction.

What truly is inspirational after seeing this movie is the fact that it makes you subtly realize that everyone needs a companion to share their life with, to maybe share your deepest fears, insecurities and throw tantrums with. And the more important fact is one can find that someone anywhere and anytime. It is just about two people clicking together and discovering each other, finally "LIVING" life on your own terms and having a great journey.

Go to the theater for a fun filled and realistically emotional ride!

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