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The Encounter

This was meant to be a horror movie, right?
This film tells the story of a group of strangers that find themselves at a roadside diner with a mysterious stranger (SPOILER: He's actually Jesus!!!). They all then proceed to... talk... just talk... that's it... for the entire film. It's exactly as mind numbingly boring as it sounds. However, if you watch it under the assumption that it was written as a slasher horror, but the director turned out to be too much of a wimp to actually film the murder scenes, it really kind of works and makes it at least remotely entertaining. Otherwise, it's nothing more than a series of vaguely ominous conversations that lead to absolutely nothing.

Project Blue Book

Keep in mind going in, it's NOT a documentary...
I see a lot of reviews on here complaining about the show's historical inaccuracies. Well, it's not supposed to be 100% true to reality. It's a fictional story INSPIRED BY real-life people and events. That being the case, UFO and conspiracy buffs looking for an engaging show with pretty decent production values will probably find it to be an enjoyable watch.

Climate Hustle

A stunning display of a filmmaker's ignorance...
You know those people who think they're right about something only because they're too dumb to understand why they're wrong? This movie was made by and for those people. Marc Morano doesn't seem to understand that to disprove something, you need to present contradictory evidence beyond "nuh-uh!" Between misquoting experts, misunderstanding what facts and statistics mean, and just outright lying and making things up, the only thing Morano proves is that he is entirely too incompetent to speak on any of the subjects he attempts to tackle. He also demonstrates that he doesn't know how percentages work just for good measure.

God's Not Dead

The exact brand of delusion you'd expect from a Christian film...
God's Not Dead suffers from the same plot issues as so many other Christian films. Namely, it's such a ridiculous stretch to make middle class American Christians seem like the persecuted underdogs that the "villains" of the story have to say or do insane things that no real person would ever say or do. In this particular case, an atheist (cue boos and hisses from this movie's target audience) philosophy professor requires students to acknowledge that there is no God in order to pass his class. I've personally taken multiple philosophy classes at an "evil" secular university. Not once were any students' grades impacted by not renouncing their beliefs. This is clearly a college movie written by people who have never even set foot on a college campus, much less in a college classroom. Christian filmmakers DESPERATELY want to portray themselves as the ones BEING persecuted. To that I say, ask groups like atheists, the LGBTQ community, and members of other religions which side the persecution is really coming from. Do your intelligence a favor and skip this feature length victim complex fantasy...

Last Ounce of Courage

Delusional "Christian persecution" fantasy...
This is just one in a long line of terrible Christian films set in a version of our world that only exists in the filmmakers' minds, a fantasy world where Christians get to pretend that they're the victims of persecution and not the source of much of it. Last Ounce of Courage heaps on the victim complex nonsense in extra large helpings, portraying bringing a bible to school, putting up Christmas lights, and holding a Christmas pageant as criminal actions that bring down the wrath of the "evil" ACLU (in reality, the ACLU would defend every one of those actions). Throw in a diabetes-inducing level of good old fashioned 'Murican wholesomeness (going so far as insulting our soldiers by implying their sole purpose is to defend Christmas) to hook in their overly jingoistic target audience, and you've got a mind-boggling display of just how disconnected from reality many Christians are...

Right to Believe

Dull, homophobic propaganda...
It's the same stale brand of ignorant homophobic hate speech backed up by tired stereotypes and "facts" that were long ago proven false that Christians always use to recruit gullible bigots into their ranks. The filmmakers are clearly just trying (and failing) to validate their blind hatred and fear of the LGBTQ community. On top of its intolerance, it's also just plain BORING. You're essentially watching a man playing a game of chess, telling his opponent which moves to make, "expertly" countering those moves, and then thinking that means he "won." Do yourself and humanity a favor and skip this feature length, watered down for basic cable Westboro Baptist Church rant...

Jesus Camp

A horrifying display of brainwashing and propaganda...
The fact that this film portrays indoctrinating impressionable children with extreme Christian beliefs (and all the bigotry and intolerance that comes with them) as a virtue is stomach turning. The film is also a stunning display of hypocrisy. We see a rather large woman preach about the "evils" of not participating in ritual fasting. It also features preacher Ted Haggard, infamous for his anti-LGBT hate speech, and portrays him as a role model that these poor brainwashed children should aspire to be like. Less than a year after this film's release, he was caught having sex with a male prostitute. If anything, treat this documentary as an example of how NOT to raise children...

God's Not Dead 2

A study in victim complex delusion...
Like so many other Christian films, this one is staggeringly clueless of how the real world works. The filmmakers display zero understanding of things like non-religious education and courtroom procedures. As always, the dialogue penned by Christian writers for "atheist" characters is unintentionally hilarious. It's painfully obvious that no one involved has ever spoken to an actual atheist. The film also cites cases in which Christians faced repercussions for trying to force their beliefs onto others in ways that blatantly violated the law as "Christian persecution." The whole mess suggests a complete disconnection from reality.


This movie's "moral" basically amounts to... If someone doesn't share your beliefs and won't sacrifice their physical and financial well-being just to make you feel better, assault them!

The Sobbing Stone

An insult to everyone's intelligence
Try this... Watch the movie in its entirety. Every time one of the "scientists" speaks, respond with phrases like "What?!" or "Huh?!" or "What you just said was nonsense." It will mesh perfectly with the dialogue. That pretty much sums up the quality of the writing on display here.

Christian Mingle

A borderline toxic feature length commercial...
This 100 minute advertisement/Christian propaganda film seems to mainly focus on the message that "When a woman says DON'T do something, she secretly wants you to do it! Because Christian women are property and consent is just a fun game!"

Last Man Standing

MAGA: The Show
You know those "jokes" your angry, xenophobic, conservative uncle is always sharing on Facebook? The ones where you just kind of sadly shake your head and keep scrolling? Last Man Standing is basically an endless stream of them interspersed with canned laughter and the occasional reminder of, "Hey, remember when Tim Allen was on Home Improvement?!"

Bride Wars

Just plain terrible...
Generally, you want the audience to sympathize with and root for your movie's protagonists. Bride Wars however, features two of the most unlikeable main characters ever put on screen. Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway take every negative stereotype about women and dial it up to 11. You really just find yourself pitying the poor men who somehow agreed to marry them, one of whom is played by Chris Pratt. It's easy to see how he was able to work fearlessly alongside deadly velociraptors in Jurassic World. That seems like an absolute cakewalk compared to putting up with Anne Hathaway's complete sociopath of a character. Unless you're looking for a guide on what NOT to look for in a future wife, go ahead and skip this one...


This movie's "moral" basically amounts to... If someone doesn't share your beliefs and won't sacrifice their physical and financial well-being just to make you feel better, assault them!

Little Boy

About what you'd expect from Christian cinema...
Little Boy has all the hallmarks of a bad Christian film. Namely, racism, bigotry, intolerance, and in this case, the deaths of 200,000 Japanese civilians all brushed aside with the flimsy "It's ok because it's FOR JESUS" excuse. Oh, and Paul Blart is there for some reason too...

Holyman Undercover

This is almost a hate crime...
If you're looking for 90 minutes of a fundamentalist Christian filmmaker portraying homeless people as mindless zombies, Hispanic people as criminals and drug dealers, and Amish people as mentally challenged, I guess this is the movie for you. Additionally, a fundamentalist Christian mocking someone else's beliefs is one of the most hypocritical things imagineable...

I'm Not Ashamed

A slap in the face for anyone affected by a national tragedy...
Why do mass shootings happen? Mental illness? Easy access to firearms for children? Poor life lessons from parents and authority figures? NOPE! According to this movie, they happen because people just don't love Jesus enough. This movie cleverly starts by exploiting actual footage of the Columbine shooting because when you start at rock bottom, there's nowhere to go but up! If you take away anything from this experience, just remember that it's ok to exploit real world tragedies as long as it's for Jesus!

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Oblivious doesn't even begin to describe it...
Someone much saner and more knowledgeable than anyone involved in this train wreck summed it up nicely... "This movie is the equivalent of s****ing your pants while claiming someone ELSE looks embarrassed."

All the King's Horses

This is Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt... But not funny
Just before this movie began, the female protagonist clearly escaped from an underground cult she spent most of her life in and has no idea how the world works. What follows is a toxic relationship full of one red flag after another. Movies like this are excellent examples of why the women's rights movement exists...

Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe

Wait, this ISN'T a parody?!?!
I seriously thought this was supposed to be satirical. It has all the qualities of a ridiculous idea taken to extremes in a "can you imagine if people actually believed this?" way. To my horror, I learned it was meant to be taken 100 percent seriously. The parents featured in this delusional garbage talk about their own autistic children like they're defective appliances. I genuinely hope for the sake of those poor children that they get an emergency visit from child protective services very soon. Insane non-science like this legitimately hinders our progress as a species. But who am I kidding? The people who buy this garbage take medical advice from an actress with zero medical education who posed naked in Playboy. They no longer even occupy the same solar system as facts and logic.

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