
IMDb member since November 2017
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    IMDb Member
    6 years


Flowering Heart

Not really for kids
I started watching this series with my 5yo daughter. She loved all the pink and pretty things. However quite early on turned it off and watched the next few episodes by myself. I note that the main characters are 12yo girls (but look younger) they are quite obsessed over weight and mention a number of times, over a number of episodes the importance of limiting food intake. (For example one episode is about an ice skater who they explain must limit her food so she is light enough for jumps, this is presented as a good thing). I can overlook this as an adult and enjoy the animation, but would definitely not want my 5yo latching onto those ideas. I also note the main characters obsession with a boy who appears significantly older than her, with some hints after a few episodes that he might also like one of the younger girls. This again is presented as a good thing which comes across as quite weird.

The Orville

A uniting experience
I had been excitedly waiting for 6 months for the new Star Trek series. Then it came out and I was so incredibly disappointed. It had nothing of what made Star Trek great. Then came the Orville. I did not really hold out much hope. I usually do not like Seth McFarlane, his humour is too crude. I watched the first episode with my husband who usually refuses to watch Star Trek with me and we both really loved it. While it is not Star Trek it seems so much closer to it's fundamental ideals. More than that the humour and fun made it accessible to a non-Trekkie like my husband.

Star Trek: Discovery

Not Star trek
I am a huge Star Trek fan and I was really excited about this series. There had not been a Star Trek series for ages and I had high expectations.

I admit that my rating has been coloured by my expectations. If this was called something different I probably would have not rated so harshly.

To me Star Trek is about relatable characters and looking into a brighter, slightly idealistic future. I watched 4 episodes and had to stop as it was so far from what Star Trek means to me. They turned the klingons into faceless evil. The captain is unrelatable, and there is way too many special effects. I expect a focus on violence and special effects in a movie, but the series are supposed to be about more than this. I expect to start caring about the characters. And I just don't.

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