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Stranger Things: Chapter Nine: The Piggyback
Episode 9, Season 4

The stakes just didn't feel like actual stakes..
This season finale was absolutely epic. With a runtime the same as Avengers Infinity War, we knew Stranger Things had something special in store for us. I loved most of this episode and truly feared for the safety of all of the main characters for once. However, the fact that besides Eddie, a very likable character introduced this season (how predictable, writers), no one else of importance died. I thought we were finally going to see that with Max, but it appears the writers yet again are scared to kill off anyone major as they had her survive but be in a coma for now. It's hard to really buy into there being actual stakes when the writers won't take risks and trim out the ever-growing main cast. Maybe that will change with the final season (I sure hope), but it really took away from this finale. Story wise, I like how they didn't truly defeat Vecna quite yet and it looks like his plan is still in motion. Hopefully Season 5 will be even better!

Stranger Things: Chapter One: The Hellfire Club
Episode 1, Season 4

Phenomenal start
Wow, 3 long years awaiting the return of Stranger Things and S4's premiere did not disappoint. It does a fantastic job of emerging us back into the ST world and I really dig the mid '80s vibe! Seeing all the characters grown up in high school is awesome as well!

The Walking Dead: New Haunts
Episode 10, Season 11

11B is 2 for 2!
Following one of the best episodes in recent seasons, 11x10 is another amazing episode. Everything happening at the Commonwealth is just so good! I love what they're doing with all of the characters adapting to their new lives so far, especially the scenes with Daryl and Judith/RJ! We also got to see a glimpse into a major upcoming conflict with the "Resist the Commonwealth" movement. So excited to see where 11B goes from here.

The Walking Dead: No Other Way
Episode 9, Season 11

Best episode of Season 11 so far!
11x09 is without a doubt the best episode of Season 11 so far. It features nonstop action that had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. This is one of the few episodes where you can actually feel the tension, dread, and horror. I loved what they did with Daryl, Maggie, Negan, Aaron, & Gabriel in this episode. The reunion scene towards the end was so heartwarming, followed immediately by an INSANE ending with Eugene showing up to Alexandria with the Commonwealth army. There's so much to look forward to now with the full group being introduced to the Commonwealth and I can't wait to see how the show deviates from the comics here. The six months later final scene was WILD with Daryl now being a Commonwealth soldier storming the gates of Hilltop with Maggie overlooking. Crazy how little of new episodes there are for the show, so I'm doing all I can to cherish each one.

11x09 was definitely the best episode of the season to me & one of the best ones in the past few seasons!

Spider-Man: No Way Home

Best MCU movie of all time
Title says it all. This movie is brilliant on so many levels and while some may say there's too much going on in the film, I think it was almost perfect! Any fan of Spider-Man, whether it's through the comics, any of the movies, etc will love this movie. In my opinion, it's the best MCU movie to date and one of my all time favorites of any movie!

Legacies: You Will Remember Me
Episode 8, Season 4

One of the BEST legacies episodes ever
I'm at a loss for words over how great of an episode this was. It's like they finally have writers who understand Hope Mikaelson's character and what this show should've been all along!

What made this episode so great? Well for one, Hope Mikaelson dominated the screen time, something that many episodes have unfortunately lacked. Getting to see more of Danielle's incredible acting makes any episode instantly better. Second, there's some ACTUAL STAKES now! Aurora returning is absolutely brilliant! We finally have an enemy of Klaus' coming after Hope, which is what I had hoped they'd be doing in Legacies right from the beginning. Her switching bodies with Hope at the end was epic & makes for a truly epic midseason finale next week!

10/10 episode, so happy Legacies is reaching the potential it's had all along!

Legacies: I Thought You'd Be Happier to See Me
Episode 5, Season 4

Another incredible episode
Legacies S4 continues its phenomenal run with another great episode. Seeing the show finally showcase its full potential after dragging along for three seasons with a boring villain & weak storylines, is so great! This is the show we deserved from the jump. No humanity Hope owns this episode & seeing her reunite with Rebekah was everything. We're teased a "new" (or rather returning) big bad in this episode that's after Hope & given only slight clarity as to who or what Triad exactly is. The overall feel of the show is WAY different and better than ever before. Legacies feels like the true successor to The Originals now & anyone who stopped watching or never gave it a chance is missing out!

10/10 episode in a so far 10/10 season. Can't wait to see how everything unfolds!

Legacies: See You on the Other Side
Episode 4, Season 4

now THIS is the best episode of Legacies
For last week's episode I wrote a review calling it the best episode of Legacies to date. A week later after watching the originally intended S3 finale, I can now safely call 4x04 the best episode of the show yet. This episode is absolutely incredible, showing Hope transition into her full tribrid self! Seeing her finally become what she's always been destined to be felt like the satisfying bookend to a story that's been told since The Originals & the beginning of a new one. Hope killing Landon was extremely sad but for some reason it just didn't feel like a permanent death scene for him. If that is truly the last time we saw Landon Kirby alive, it feels like a massive letdown for a huge character that was first introduced to us way back in The Originals. Hopefully that wasn't actually the end for him & he'll return in the future. As for the ending, Hope without her humanity is AMAZING. Danielle is such a phenomenal actress & getting to see her as a "villain" now is going to be so awesome! The sneak peak for 4x05 (the originally intended S4 premiere) shows the return of Rebekah, which has sent the entire fandom (including myself) into a frenzy of excitement & anticipation.

In conclusion, this episode was INCREDIBLE. Best episode of the show to date & I'm so excited for what's to come now that Malivore is finally gone!

Legacies: We All Knew This Day Was Coming
Episode 3, Season 4

the BEST episode of Legacies
4x03 is easily the best episode of Legacies so far. This episode was originally supposed to be the season 3 penultimate episode and it absolutely blew me away. This was the first episode of Legacies that FINALLY felt like a true TVD universe show. The golden age TVD vibes were so great as we got to watch an episode entirely dedicated to the life and death of Hope Mikaelson. I'm so excited for where the show is heading now that Hope is becoming a full tribrid. There are endless possibilities once Malivore is gone (which'll hopefully be next episode, the originally intended S3 finale).

While the episodes with Kai Parker in S2 were incredible, I can comfortably say 4x03 tops any Legacies episode to date.

You: What Is Love?
Episode 10, Season 3

This Finale was Straight Up Insanity
After a season that I consider weaker than the first two, this finale ended on an absolute bang. I think 3x10 made up for season 3 as a whole being a bit meh compared to prior seasons, even though I still enjoyed it thoroughly. Season 4 looks like it'll be good & a lot different, I also have a feeling it'll be the final season.

Riverdale: Chapter Ninety-Five: RIVERDALE: RIP (?)
Episode 19, Season 5

An Amazing Finale
Riverdale essentially fixed/resolved any and every plot point that needed to be, in this finale! I loved everything about this episode, except for the stuff with Cheryl. I think she deserves a way better plot line than she's gotten & I don't like the direction they're taking with her heading into season 6 as well.

I loved seeing Barchie finally getting together & their explosive ending! Veronica & Reggie being a thing again is great also! Tabitha & Jughead are an amazing couple as well! While lots of the loud online opinions have/will always be about the show's OG ships, I'm a massive fan of these current pairings and hope they stick until the end!

The Walking Dead: For Blood
Episode 8, Season 11

One of the greatest episodes (of the series?)
Wow, 11x08 is an absolutely incredible episode that keeps you on the edge of your seat for most of it. This is the first episode in a long time where I really felt the tension & anticipation of what's to come. The Alexandria stuff gave me massive 6x08 vibes. Everything that happened with the Reapers & Daryl/Maggie was simply EPIC. This was a great Part 1 finale that has me extremely excited for Part 2!

Riverdale: Chapter Ninety-Four: Next to Normal
Episode 18, Season 5

musical episodes just ain't it
Jabitha was the one redeeming aspect of this episode.. At least we have the next episode to look forward to, which looks good if you're a Barchie and/or Veggie shipper!

Riverdale: Chapter Eighty-Eight: Citizen Lodge
Episode 12, Season 5

An actual good episode of Riverdale
Every once in a blue moon, Riverdale throws us a great episode out of nowhere. This is one of them. While a Hiram backstory episode sounds pretty unappealing on paper, it turned out to be really great! Loved the episode & I think it's easily the best of Season 5 so far.

Legacies: Fate's a Bitch, Isn't It?
Episode 16, Season 3

The show continues to run in circles
We're now 3 seasons deep into Legacies and it seems like there's no end in sight for the Malivore storyline. While I know this wasn't originally intended to be the finale episode for Season 3 but is due to covid, this episode just wasn't a good season finale. I feel like we've been continuing to see the same storylines and episodes for far too long now and I just really crave a big change up for Legacies. My hope is that S4 wraps up Malivore in the first half & starts fresh with new character-driven storylines in the second half. There's still so much that could be explored in the show with Hope, Josie & Lizzie's characters. I just hope the writers stop being so complacent.

Legacies: Salvatore: The Musical!
Episode 3, Season 3

A musical episode done right
Legacies just showed how to properly do a musical episode without it completely sucking. This episode had a little bit of everything and everyone's performances were great! I'm loving Hope and Landon's journey together this season and am excited to see it continue to play out. Candice King returning in the form of a voice over was a nice treat as well! The cliffhanger ending is exciting too, looks like we're in for a treat next episode!!

Supernatural: Carry On
Episode 20, Season 15

I don't think I've ever cried this much
Supernatural wrapped up with an incredible, heartbreaking, bittersweet series finale. The first half of the episode felt just like the good old days, having a little bit of everything. Then halfway through, everything changed. Dean's heartbreaking death absolutely broke me & made me more emotional than I think I've ever been in my life. His death may be viewed as underwhelming by many, but I consider it perfect. Dean Winchester died doing what he loves, saving people and hunting things. He died in the arms of his brother, his best friend. I can't think of a more perfect way for him to go out. Sammy then got to live a long life and have a family, all in the span of Dean's beautiful ride with Baby in Heaven. The reunion on the bridge needed only a few words to have a lasting impact. Sam and Dean Winchester started this long journey together and ended it together, happy in the afterlife with each other and all their loved ones.

I'm so grateful for going on this journey with the Winchester family over the years & feel like I said goodbye to a part of me with this series finale. Supernatural will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for everything.

Supernatural: Inherit the Earth
Episode 19, Season 15

I've never felt so disappointed in my life
15x19 was supposed to act as the "season finale," with 15x20 being the "series finale" according to the writers. Either way, this was the penultimate episode of the entire series & it was an absolute letdown in my eyes. The build up to the final fight vs Chuck was weak. Michael & Lucifer were brought back for what? I feel like they served no purpose in this episode even though they technically did. I didn't like how Jack absorbing power was revealed AFTER the fight, just felt like it was clunky storytelling. Then once the pitiful fight vs Chuck is over & Jack becomes the "new God," he brings back everyone.. except for Castiel & all the other people Sam & Dean care for? Makes no sense. Maybe 15x20 will reveal that they all were brought back, but then again, the writers said the series finale will be like the old days with just Sam & Dean out on the road (hopefully this is misdirection & we actually will see everyone return).

Also, I was at first confused by them showing flashbacks of all the good times throughout the entire run of the show as I figured that's something that would be shown after the actual series finale.. but it makes sense since it was showing a recap of all of Chuck's story & 15x20 will be the first and last time we see Sam and Dean not being written by him anymore.

All in all, I just feel pretty disappointed in how Season 15's story played out and ended. There was so much potential this season & it feels like the writers just didn't know what to do for the most part. Really sucks, but hopefully 15x20 will be the amazing sendoff that everyone who stuck with Supernatural all these years deserves.

Supernatural: Despair
Episode 18, Season 15

All time great, emotional episode
The episode title "Despair" perfectly describes the overall feeling throughout. With everything going wrong, we knew something huge was about to happen and it did. Castiel says his absolutely heartbreaking goodbye to Dean, telling him he loves him before being swallowed by the Empty with Billie. How will Supernatural go on from here? Castiel is really gone, for good. Only 2 episodes left & I have no clue how this season will finish out. Incredible episode that was one of the most heartbreaking ever.

Fear the Walking Dead: Alaska
Episode 3, Season 6

A reunion years in the making
Dwighty boy found his girl. A potential reunion set up years ago has finally happened with Dwight & Sherry at the tail end of a fantastic episode of Fear. Season 6 has been lights out so far & I'm loving this new prime Fear TWD has found. Hope the quality continues to be this great!

Supernatural: Last Holiday
Episode 14, Season 15

This episode SUCKS
7th to last episode of Supernatural ever, so much potential for this episode and it ended up being an absolute joke. We have Sam & Dean, who are now fully grown 40+ year old men, acting like children for 40 minutes & letting a random supernatural creature just chill in the bunker with them, as if she's their mother babying them. Such a weird, stupid filler episode this close to the end isn't entertaining to watch, at all. I'm confident however that this was just a one off bad episode, which most seasons of Supernatural have. Still very excited for the final 6 episodes!

The Walking Dead: A Certain Doom
Episode 16, Season 10

One of the best episodes of Season 10
Incredible finale that is well worth the wait. This is the first episode that had me on the edge of my seat since episodes like 7x01 & 9x15. Phenomenal moments, character interactions, & plot twists all throughout!

The 100: The Dying of the Light
Episode 15, Season 7

Worst penultimate episode ever
Hear me out. If this episode came earlier in the season, I think I would've liked it more. But the fact that this is the second to last episode of the entire series, makes my blood boil. The whole episode can be summarized in two sentences. Half the group digs through rubble as Emori is dying, while Clarke & Octavia sit around being useless for 40 minutes. Then Madi ends up (not quite yet, but soon) dead after Cadogan gets the code for the last war. Two sentences. An absolutely boring & downright horrendous penultimate episode for the series. It's really felt as though most of 7B has just been filler, waiting for the finale to actually initiate "the last war." I really just can't help but feel gutted that my once favorite show took such a hard nose dive so close to the finish line.

Another thing: Madi's scene at the end was very triggering for some viewers, something I didn't realize immediately upon viewing. I can absolutely see how it is and I'm so sorry to anyone affected by it. What I found appalling myself was how Eliza must've felt filming the scene. They had Eliza have to act out the death of her on screen child in a horrific way, having her call her "my baby" even. Knowing how EJ had a miscarriage, losing her unborn baby shortly before filming & then seeing THAT scene. I just can't help but think.. Jason knew. The writers knew. They knew she had gone through that and then still came up with THAT scene for her to film. Extremely, extremely disturbing.

Side note: Chuku Modu remained in the opening credits for this episode despite not making an appearance, whereas Bob Morley was immediately removed the episode after his death. I cannot WAIT until all this garbage that went on behind the scenes gets exposed once NDA's are up. Jason's treatment of Bob has looked extremely bad on the surface, but I can't imagine just how bad it actually was. Here's to hoping Jason Rothenberg never gets another gig as showrunner, as his abuse of power completely ruined what was once a phenomenal show.

The 100

Season 7 ruined the entire show
Seasons 1-4 were phenomenal. Seasons 5-6 weren't as good, but still really solid seasons with some fantastic episodes. Season 7 started out great with its first two episodes & a few other gems, but for the most part was downright horrendous. The 100's final season ruined the entire show arguably more than Game of Thrones' 8th season did for itself. It's as though everything that made The 100 what it was for the first 6 seasons got thrown out of the window in favor of spiteful, terrible writing. What was once my favorite show has no rewatchability after Season 7.

The 100: A Sort of Homecoming
Episode 14, Season 7

Worst writing I've ever seen
Bellamy's actual death scene in 7x13 was horrendous writing, some of the worst in television history. But, the aftermath of his death is just as terrible. Clarke says that she didn't have a choice in killing Bellamy, saying "I tried everything, I promise." Well, that's a lie. We see everyone, including Octavia & Echo, immediately accept the fact that Bellamy HAD TO die. No questions asked. Octavia barely seems phased by the death of her big brother, who helped raise her and is a huge reason for her being alive up until this point. She just tears up a little and hugs her brother's murderer. Later we see her struggling to cope with seeing the fighting pits again, when she should be struggling to cope with Bell's death, just next level spiteful writing. Echo, whose entire character arc this season was practically just killing any and everyone who stood in the way of her reuniting with Bellamy, tells Clarke that Bellamy "found meaning in Cadogan and that meaning killed him, not you." It's an absolute slap in the face to all fans of this show. You didn't even have to like Bellamy to understand how terrible the writing in these past two episodes has been. Murphy even has a line that makes no sense and seems to have been added simply to spite Bellamy, saying he watched Bellamy manipulate Raven every day on the arc for 6 years. What a joke. Every character has acted extremely out of character this season & especially in 7x13 & 7x14.

Gabriel's senseless death was another absolute joke in this episode. We see a white villain who should've been long dead just gut a minority character to death. Then as Gabriel is bleeding out on the ground, Clarke and most of the others just casually talked about Madi and barely even acknowledged Gabriel until he was on his last breaths.

The episode ends with Murphy and Emori possibly getting the same deaths as Jaime and Cersei in Game of Thrones Season 8, with them dying to a collapsed ceiling. The preview for 7x15 shows Murphy likely survives it, but won't be able to save Emori. Another terrible death scene for a long time character on the show, sigh.

Jason Rothenberg might've thought he got the last laugh on Bob and their behind the scenes differences with the character assassination of Bellamy Blake in S7.. but he instead ruined the integrity of his show and ensured he'll struggle immensely to ever book another gig after the conclusion of The 100. Congrats Jason, your show's lasting legacy will be the fact it had the worst final season in television history, even worse than Game of Thrones. Who's laughing now?

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