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Stargate: Atlantis: Before I Sleep
Episode 14, Season 1

Good but adds to the nonsense (fatal plot holes)!
Yes, the episode was shot nicely. Janus is definitely a plus. However, what was that about? It doesn't make any sense. So they submerged the city and just left? And the Wraith knew where the city was? Of course, they did. So why didn't they continue to bombard it until it was destroyed? Or until the shield collapsed, to raid the remains for technology? It's puzzling why they just left. And if they did leave, why didn't they board Atlantis a week later and fly it back to the Milky Way? And those five ZPMs? Why leave them for the Wraith to take? I'm sorry, but this is complete nonsense and a fatal plot hole. You can't introduce plot holes of this magnitude so early in the series.

Stargate SG-1: New Order: Part 1
Episode 1, Season 8

Enjoyable but jumps the shark. 7/10
SG-1 had two big moments when it jumped the shark - points of no return: the destruction of Tollana (nonsense) in season 5 and this.

You can't simply have a CSG with 5000 sailors destroyed in the Pacific and cover it up. You can't cover up a full blown space invasion. This worked with the 2 Hattacks in season 1 but this was a full blown invasion. Simply doesn't work. The series should have ended there. The last 6 or so episodes of season 8 are great but the rest is simply... it jumped the shark hard.

Also, the replicators should have remained in the time bubble from season 6.

The asgard using the beam transporter to manufacture devices has been an obvious point that has finally been done here.

Stargate: Atlantis: The Siege: Part 3
Episode 1, Season 2

This episode made me stop watching Atlantis
When SG-1 needed to revive someone, they used a teleporter attached to an extremely powerful AI to piece that person back atom by atom.

Here, they let a grenade explode close to a soldier, with the explosion breaking a metal railing. Now, this soldier falls 100m+ into an ocean and then he sinks to the bottom some 500 m deep. For an hour. And he's in fighting shape just a day later because of some "Wraith enzyme" because he was being fed on by a Wraith during that time...

Sorry, this is just complete nonsense.

The Wraith were willing to spam the galaxy with recon drones yet they were fooled by cloaking Atlantis. Even though they were at war with the Ancients for 100 years and knew that they had cloaking technology. This is just complete nonsense. Hire better writers.

911 Mysteries Part 1: Demolitions

Explosives would be hear, thermite would be seen!
A controlled demolition like this is highly unlikely. Explosives powerful enough to break the core columns would be heard hundreds of meters away from the towers.

If you want to keep it quiet, use thermite! However, the planes created huge holes inside the buildings. Thermite charges powerful enough to take out the columns would be bright enough to be seen miles away! And only absurd amounts of smoke would be able to conceal them - and the conspirators wouldn't have any way of preventing air flows that would quickly dissipate the smoke.

We're talking about a bright, white light. You can't understand unless you see it.

So, it is highly unlikely that explosives would be used in a controlled demolition because they would be heard from hundreds of meters away. If you want to keep it quiet, thermite could be used, but the thermite charges would be bright enough to be seen miles away. The conspirators wouldn't have any way of preventing air flows that would quickly dissipate the smoke. The bright, white light is a characteristic of thermite reactions .

Stargate: Atlantis: Spoils of War
Episode 12, Season 4

Thermodynamics fail, Sci-Fi should teach!
This episode exists just to plug the supermassive plot hole from Rising (ep. No. 1).

However, it only adds to the misery. It always takes more energy to grow a complex system than to destroy it. It takes many, hundreds/thousands of tons of oil and coal to build a tank/jet and only about 1 liter of oil/energy to destroy it. So, 3 ZPM's wouldn't cut it. You'd need less than 3 ZPM's worth of energy in weapons to destroy the Wraith fleet. And the Ancients surely had dozens. Furthermore, if the Wraith could grow ships, so could the Ancients.

So, again, total nonsense from the writers. How come there aren't any surveillance sensors in a Wraith facility of this importance?

Stargate: Atlantis: First Strike
Episode 20, Season 3

Nonsense. Why not move/cloak the city before the strike?
Great CGI for 2007. The rest is just total nonsense. First, why attack the Replicators in the first place? They've attacked some... maybe 1/2 before and since then, no attacks took place even though the replicators know where they are. They're bulding Aurora's? But it has been established that they lack inter-galactic drives. So it's against the Wraith! There's no anti-human/Earth animus!

Above all, why not move the city before the strike? Why they don't cloak it? It makes no sense at all! And why was the first strike limited only to 6 warheads? Why not use 50? They have the beaming tech! A single missile is nonsense, as they know that they're dealing with the Replicators!

Saw X

Please let Saw rest!
Amanda and Jigsaw are too old! What is the point of this film? To introduce another dose of plot holes? It can't be suspense or anything like that. Why would he reveal his and Amanda's identity so early? Why use the tapes and Billy at all?

The original trilogy worked because of the suspense an charisma but also because it sort of made sense. Movies 4 - 6 were OK but 7 - 10 just introduce completely implausible timelines.

If you watch closely, the original trilogy happend from about mid/late 2002 (stage 4 brain cancer, chemotherpay, car crash) to early 2004 with John hiding from late 2003 - being unable to walk (hemiplegia). So, when did Jigsaw grew his hair back for this movie? When did the recover from this surgery? When did he recover from the car crash? This simply doesn't make sense.

Battlestar Galactica: Water
Episode 2, Season 1

Good but doesn't fit with The Plan and the ending of season 1
This would be a good episode if the later episodes didn't create plot holes. In The Plan, we learn that Cavil was onboard Galactica and had quite total control of the other Cylons - at least at that point. Now, the outer skin of Galactica is nuke-proof and those few blocks of the explosive G4 created 10m+ holes in the water tanks. So, we can assume that 1 kg (two pounds) of the explosive is as strong as a single 5 ton bomb or even more powerful. Now, if the Cylons onboard Galactica gained access to ~ 10 such charges with detonators (she could access the whole armory!), why didn't they destroy Galactica (bridge, hangars) when we know that Cavil/the Cylons had relatively free reign there? This simply doesn't make sense.

+ the stupid water thing, described below.

Stargate: Atlantis: No Man's Land
Episode 1, Season 3

Nonsense generator?
So how many Wraith are on a single Hive? Even if it was 10 000 - and from what we've seen they need maybe a person per month to feed? So a few... dozen million humans would have been enough. So, why do they head to a planet they know is likely to be heavily defended only with two Hives? That plan makes no sense at all.

How the hell is that Aurora capable of exiting the galaxy in mere 13 hours? I though that it would take ~ a year to cross the void, based on Aurora. That's a plot hole like hell!

Why is Weir allowed to say that they've got no other weapons to engage the Hives with even though Earth has 10 000+ nukes available? And at least a dozen stealth jumpers + F-302's and normal ICMB's? Who wrote this nonsense?

5 star for the drone volley!


Quite Unique
Munich is a unique film that differs from the standard film format. This is what makes it memorable. It is, however, too long, especially in the final third. It also contains many strange directorial problems. For example, the close up and fast approaching armored personnel carriers (70 meters) at the beginning of the hostage slaughter scene. They would have to be there in the middle of the scene! Or the weird delay between the explosion and the breaking of the window glass. The execution of the Palestinian by Uzi fire looks comical, where the reflected bullets would have hit another team member. I don't know why Spielberg left them in. The nonsencical and unlikely psychotic breakdown of the team members harms the movie the most.

Battlestar Galactica: Lay Down Your Burdens: Part 1
Episode 19, Season 2

??? Athena sticks a cable... is this a comedy?
So, Athena - mad from the "murder" of her child is SOMEHOW allowed to connect to a Cylon raider brain and transmit the "jump package" to other raptors. Dozens in the fleet know this so everybody knows. This would be an instant fleet-wide mutiny an episode ago. One raptor has "navigational program failure" and jumps right next to New Caprica, a rare "hidden, habitable planet". How likely is that? Sounds like a plant - trap, doesn't it? The Cylons return within days with news of a "peace" just before the election. WOW. Just WOW! We are constantly reminded of the Cylon/computer menace since the first episode... yet everybody in the fleet forgets to at least question this suicidal nonsense. There are many, many problems with this demented episode. Just avoid. First time I saw it, I thought it was a parody. YOU - YOU - will get what you tolerate. And this episode breaches everything.

Stargate: Atlantis: The Shrine
Episode 6, Season 5

Flawless brain surgery with a cordless drill? Avoid!
Chock full of ridiculous plot holes. Chock full of offensive nonsene. Do you like to be insulted? Avoid like the plague.

Rick and Morty

Very poor copy of Futurama
Just two main characters can't carry the weight of a comedy like this. And it shows! The animation style isn't good.

Zero: An Investigation Into 9/11

Didn't prove a single thing in 11 years
This movie has a 11 year long history of full on failure.

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out

So They Have All This Evidence
... like the supposed nanothermite in the dust that looks and behaves exactly like paint chips with rusty steel on it and yet nothing happens, no chemist in China or Iran mentions it, even though they are far beyond the immediate reach of CIA/FBI. The same goes for the structural engineering arguments.

Again. Nothing happens. Nothing.

Oh, does it? All they can do is to ask for more donations to prolong the money laundering scheme of mr. Gage

Game of Thrones: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Episode 2, Season 8

Don't listen to the naysayers. I would be the first to hate in it.
However, this episode is a huge improvement. The best in a long time, far better than season 7 and somewhat better than most of the S5/6 episodes.

a lot of humor - I laughed for minutes.. Tormund is the best, a lot of pain... seing Theon made me cry... a little...

Arya... a shock, however.... not a bad one

House M.D.

1st season very good, seasons 2 and 3 got old quickly - avoid the rest
The first seasons isn't realistic (or anything after that point) but it is entertaining. Seasons 2 and 3 don't expand on it too much but they are still somewhat above average. The rest is clearly below average.

Watch the 1st ( 9 out of 10) and stop.

Der Mann aus dem Eis

Too long
Would have been a 9 if it was only 40 minutes long and it needs more of a human inter-connection .

Battlestar Galactica

Very good but avoid most of the series
This is about as good as you can get/expect from a low-budget TV movie. Pretty thick atmoshpere. And very few TV movies came close to its quality in the last 15 years. The following series changes some basic things early into the series but it still maintains high quality deep into the 1st season. Season 2 will irritate you early on because the expected reveals don't happen though some of the quality is still there. 2nd half of season 2 is very bad and the subsequent parts are even worse.

The Conspiracy Files: 9/11
Episode 2, Season 1

Don't watch - utter drivel from both: conspiracy theorists and BBC
There's not a single sensible thing about this No, 9/11 hasn't been explained. The official reports are a joke. However, most of the CT claims are so stupid that a 7yo could debunk them - yet BBC fails to do so!.

The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 - The Third Tower
Episode 2, Season 2

Utter drivel from both, the conspiracy theorists and BBC/official story
This show if full of nonsense from both sides, BBC failed to produce a documentary here. It feels like a disjointed clip show that follows no logical narrative. For example, why is there a whole section dedicated to the smoke on the south side of WTC 7? Why don't they show the layout of the site? There are plenty of photos of WTC 5/6 burning just 20 m from it - with heavy smoke. And no, the smoke can't be from WTC 7 because the fire would travel (over 7!!! hours and we'd see broken windows on the sides! Worst of all, the amount of smoke is completely irrelevant to the discussion.

And of course, there is no relevant discussion about the state of the fireproofing in WTC 7 nor its adherence to building codes. Instead, we get out "CD" guy who sides be the official story that a single seat failure collapsed the building - yet in the same breath - says that it would take a year to wire the building for demolition! You can't have it like that, either it was sooo sturdy or it was sooo badly built. What's worse, the internal ramp directly connected to mechanical floors 5 and 6 where the transfer truss were located, so wiring it would not be a problem, a week with 5 persons should suffice.

Of course, later insurance littigations clearly showed that the fireproofing was badly applied and that the building was poorly constructed.


A well deserved 10, not dated
This one should be in the TOP 15, much better than all the starved post-2008 trash (yeah - it's getting better now but the next crisis is right behind the corner so don't get your hopes up...) and nonsense like The Shawshank Rdemption (though this one is a IMDB glitch).

Pulp Fiction

This moved DIDN'T age well
It is understandable how it got its cult status. The problem is that modern media has grown far beyond that. PF feels like a collection of funny YouTube videos - and that's why it was so good in 1994 (nothing like that available) and not so good today (YT clip culture produced far better)

The Shawshank Redemption

Good but extremely overrated
It's pretty obvious that this movie got to the top thanks to its publishing date (1994). IMDb became a viable site in 1994 and this was one of the best movies of that year. From there on - inertia. Why 6 out of 10? Cliché, Waaay tooo much. That's why IMDb should be ashamed of its algorith. Strike it down..

Pim & Pimba

Extremely cute
It doesn't get much better than this. They are cute, inventive and playful.

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