
IMDb member since December 2005
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Great unloved Film
I Saw John Walters live last night Performing his Glass Onion show ( Music of John Lennon) I Was telling my companion at the Theater How much I love this film, She had not seen this fim despite being a Fan of John Waters, I went to the Premier showing of this film I was 18 then, I found it Beautful, Mysterious, But Shocking, I believe hiding the ending was, and is a Mistake, The Name of the Film shoud of been the The Summerfield Tragedy, As this Film is a Greek Tragedy, While set in a magnificent Australian coastal setting, There is many messages in this film, Number one Mind your own business, Secrets are a secret for a good reason sometimes, See the film,

Short Skin - I dolori del giovane Edo

Well acted, And mosty Honest
As someone Who actually had this Operation as a youth, They only missed a couple of salient points, but overall a good movie, I did not have Phimosis, But wanted the operation from 10 or 12 years old, my mum died when I was 13 and then I developed Malignant Melinoma at fifteen, so fear was not a problem as I was certain I would die in the first five years, so at the five year visit to my doctor, He said this is goodbye no more visits required, I told the Doctor my wish And the scary looking cyst under the skin was my excuse, My doctor arranged the operation next Week, Compared to the cancer operation this was a walk in the park, waking up after shortly after the operation, ( still in the operating room) it hurt a lot, later when I woke I was fine, besides pain meds. You need a drug to stop erections, ( thats why its done as a baby) I walked funny ( like a bad back) for three days, after the stitches where out ( a week I think) Doctor Swane said no Sex for another week, I "visited" a female friend the next day, Ok this is the big fail of the Film, This was The Most incredible Sexual Experience of my Life, ( Could "Feel" like never before or after) that was 43 years ago,

The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot

Problem with this film it's Audience is mostly dead, To me in this time period people who do and have lived Amazing lives are called liars or Crazy, and no one would believe them even if they did mention something truly Amazing, in these current times especially Life must be lived to a certain woke narrative , My life has been Amazing ( Not all good of course) but amazing none the less, So something like this is just the way life is for some people, And most people can't or won't understand Awesome, Just like " Maple Leaf" had no idea, So I did Really enjoy Watching this Film and Will watch it again, I hope in A better future This Director gets to Make more great Films,

Day of the Warrior

Probably the worst Sidaris movie,
I'm only writing this to find out if this is the first movie with Spyderco products featured ? Was there one, or two different model's featured ? (Spyderco are world famous Collectable Pocket Knives) By far not his best work, I missed most of the "regular" cast, as I am a Fan of Sidaris films, Could of given more time to the F40 Ferrari As the acting of more than half the cast was under par,(Even by Sidaris standards) And not as likeable as most of the regular Sidaris cast, some of the jokes worked, most of the action scenes where not as exiting as in most Sidaris films, For me even my 13 year old inner self was not impressed or satisfied.

White Christmas

An interesting Christmas Film
I have avoided this film for many decades, I prefer Roger's and Hammerstein Musicals and Musical Comedys, This film suprised me, the "Purple" Number with Danny Kaye was Funny and the Highlight of the film for me, And has me intrigued as why the Attack on Robert Helpmann ? Its seemed very personal. Did he insult someone ? " I'm not a dancer I'm a CHOREOGRAPHER ! " So I digress , The opening song with Bing Crosby singing just with a music box , Showcase's why he was such a big star. The minstrel number shows someone's forward thinking, I can see there is a story behind that decision . See the film just for curiosity's sake.

James May: Oh Cook!

Worst cooking show Ever, Sorry James
I love James May, (But keep to Toys, Cars' ect) .So it pains me to write this, I'm just a home cook but after Fifty years you learn a bit. To eject the Spam from the can you insert butter knife parallel to the surface. At 25 degrees and slowly lift upwards. To prepare a Leek you must split the Leek in half lengthways and wash each "half ring" unless you want Gritty food. Sorry to watch you " Crash and Burn" James

In the Shadow of the Moon

Started out interesting.
Alternative title " the first political group to get a time machine gets to kill everyone else that does not agree with Them, ! Just like Pol Pot but with a remote control Computer, ( kind of, but it is still straight out Murder )

Bad Frank

Reminiscent of Rank Zerox
While most of you have never heard of the comic book Character Rank Zerox. (Sex android with an uncontrollable temper) Bad Frank bought back fond memories. I loved this film.. as much as John Wick ? Or more ? Frank taking everything so much more Personal. I want to see Bad Sonny err.. (I'm Sonny) I mean Bad Frank deux

The Lost Room

Time for a sequel ?
I just binged watched this and found it very enjoyable. I would of liked more pseudoscience. Something like the Nexus point of an adjoining dimension. Or a Plato type universe. And a little less Treasure hunting. But I hope someone picks up the Mythos and we see a new adventure with a new bunch of Antagonists.

Tales from the Loop

It is a Masterpiece. But sad.
I Don't want to say much. Aliens leave scatted technology on Earth in a puzzle to unlock the secrets of time. While they study us. In a study of Human emotions. And what we should all know what is truly important in Life

Home from the Hill

Based my life on Rafe
I love this film. Saw this film several times as a boy. ( Late 1960s. ) And as someone with no Daddy. ( And a parent I was not proud of ) I took this film and Rafe to heart. Most character's in this film end up on the bad side of Karma. Greed. Lust. Avarice. Pride. Revenge. And what is the moral of this great Film ? By helping others you help yourself. The Man with nothing has nothing to lose. And Rafe gets the lot. But do I look like George Peppard ? No not at all .What I am saying it worked for me. I Just turned sixty and I just have to say thanks Rafe

The Deuce

Scary real
Yes I'm afraid 12 thousand miles away it was no different in Sydney Australia at that time ( of course no Africans at that time) But as tough as New York maybe tougher Some murders . Lots of Overdose's Sex and drugs out of control. I was a very lonely overweight orphan teenager who had just survived Cancer. I spent all my money on sex and the hunt. Only the kindness I received from these Girls, Women, People. That got me though . So as I watch this show I find it's scary real to me. I'm watching the series for the third time. I will tell you the saddest thing I remember about that time. The girls much worse than Candy/ Maggie Afterwards being so Greatfull and thanking me.. the Bug

Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Truly Terrible,
Won't get me wrong I love Godzilla, And he looks the part, and all the monsters are adequate, The Three biggest problems, The story did NOT move forward anywhere near the way it needed to, The actors and there Characters did not work together in an acceptable manner, And tnere was just so much "face palm" Oh my God stupidity, I just watched "The Meg" No where near as bad as this truly terrible film, ( Rainn Wilson was very good) Thomas Middleditch ( yikes ! ) Hey I don't blame the Actors, But I do feel sorry for them, The Director and Writer on the other hand... life in solitary confinement , Seriously I nearly walked out twice, I have not paid to see a movie in a cinema this Bad since I sat thought Black Hole in 1979,


The kind of horror "Satanic" movie from the 1970's I hate, Guess what ? I still Hate them,
Good acting, good soundtrack, Good visuals, There was a heap on movies like this back in the Seventies, I never liked them ,Big budget like Rosemarys Baby, To low budget like Race with the Devil, (Prequel to Drive Angry ) which I do like, Drive Angry that is, The only surprise you can do with a film like this is a Deus Ex Machina, And the more outrageous the better,

The Ghost of Sierra de Cobre

my favorite ghost story film ( contains spoilers)
I also saw this film on TV in Sydney Australian several times in the late nineteen sixties and early seventies. Very scary and Moody with a great soundtrack . martin landau was a skeptical paranormal investigator and there was a twist with a tourist scam going wrong .and a tragic death and mistaken supernatural identity.the scene where the "ghost" is revealed is super scary and original i have most of my favorite ghost story films on DVD like "lets scare Jessica to death" "ugetsu" "the uninvited" "13 gantry row" "carnival of souls" and "The shining so if there is a DVD of ghost of it can be found I want a copy too


Basically Stupid Film (note) (lots of spoilers)
I was very disappointed with this film, It had a lot going for it, good acting, fundamental plot, and cinematography, It was the writing that let this film down, I was just so stupid,

If someone wanted to make a film like this again, Here's

a few facts from someone who's spent some time on the road, Knows a bit about disease, and REAL Human nature, There's at least six ways to get fuel from an underground tank,

There's a case that's happened a few times in history two people died in the desert with water still in a canteen,(because they cared more about the other person's life more than there own)

Why would we care for the people in this film when they don't care about each other, In the history of human disease's there has never been a disease yet the some one could not fight off and survive,

Mack and Myer for Hire

Good clean fun black and white
I watched this as a young boy back in the Sixty's and I liked the low budget, but arty look, The way the camera tracked the moving motorcycle in the credits and with a catchy theme song that I can still remember, This show never made me think of Abbott and Costello, a little like "Laurel and Hardy",But with a different edge, Not in the ripoff category like "Gilligan" and the "Skipper", in "Gilligan's Island" Now that I am aware that this Classic kids show of the sixty's is available on DVD ,I will buy it for my Wife as she was not able to watch T.V. as a girl And as we have the same taste in Comedy She will enjoy it for the first time and I will be very happy to view this again as a "mature adult".


A pretentious and silly film with no idea of how to deliver it's "message"
This movie is Bad, "Golden Turkey" bad, 3/4 of the way through I asked my wife to "just kill me" her reply was "No kill me" I have not seen a film at a Cinema this bad since The "Black Hole" Laura Linney's Character is the most annoying and scary character in the film, Much more than the Serial Killer! The only fun we had with this film is when the "killer" is trying to run Laura Linney off the road , She stops her car, The killer get's a good look at her,(She is scary), He then drives away from her as fast as he can ! I think the main problem with this film is the subject matter did not fit the "story" He is trying to tell, Like framing a Picasso in a Baroque frame, There are many film's made in Australia that did succeed in telling how badly Aboriginal Australia has Suffered under "White rule" this is not one of them.

Chow Hound

my all time favorite warner bros. cartoon
This is my all time favorite Warner brothers Cartoon,

I cannot tell you how many times I have seen this one ,It is also my favorite revenge story, In seven minutes it tells a great story of intimidation and revenge, In "Jean de Florette" and Manon des Sources" it takes four and a half hours to tell the story of crime and revenge, And in two films, If you love Warner brothers cartoons of this period, You Must see this one ! all the characters are original and fresh, No regular characters in this one ,I am surprised no one has made a live action film of this story it would not take much imagination to do so, I still love to use the tag line,"This Time we didn't forget the gravy" see it !And if you have the time , see "Jean de Florette" and Manon des Sources" "revenge is a dish best served cold".

Black Water Gold

A fun little treasure movie
I too saw this film when I was young,15,in 1974, and enjoyed it, But I was in hospital, (with cancer)and very scared, And seeing this film cheered me up and that it why I think have never forgotten it, I too always remembered the theme song, and when I found a DVD of the film, I was fearful that I would spoil the fond memories that I had, I am happy to say that this is still a fun little treasure movie, with lot's of underwater action, good performance's from all the cast , France Nuyen has always been a favorite of mine ,I also like Ricardo Montalban, and seeing this film again, I would say that this is my favorite performance by Bradford Dillman, only trouble with his character is, Why did someone so "Camp" Have a Girlfried ? (I loved the conversation he had with his Mother)

One thing I did not remember was what an attractive girl Lana Wood was.

Honky Tonk Freeway

A wonderful film ahead of its time ?
A wonderful film ahead of its time,

I think so, In the eighty's it was all about winning, Greed is Good ? Remember that one ? I have seen this film more that 20 times, To me this is a real desert island film, I keep watching because there is always something more to learn about these flawed characters that I just love, Jessica Tandy, and Hume Cronin, are simply wonderful,Also Beverly D'angelo, Beau Bridges come in at a close second, don't get me wrong there are many more great performance's in this film, and it is also the way it is written that made it for me, and I hope you, a film that you will want to see over and over, I think TV shows like "Northen Exposure", and now "Earl" owe a lot to this film. but remember it is not a Tom Cruise film.

It's About Time

I love his show
I love this show, Even though I have not seen an episode in more than thirty years , Funny thing is I am reminded of this show all the time as my wife is very much in personality ,And a little in looks ( the hair is perfect)like Imogene Coca !!! I would love to see this on DVD but I am not big on dodgey tapes DVD etc. so if the genuine product comes out I will be first in line to buy it ,Just to see the look on my wife's face , (she has never seen "It's about time" or any show with Imogene Coco. Also I like anything with Jack Mullaney remember him from the Dr Goldfoot Movie's with VIncent Price ? And Joe E Ross , ooh, ooh, That was Funny, What has happened the comedy ? now a days its ether cruel, rude, or nasty

Chicken Little

I lesson in life that everyone should remember
I saw this film many times growing up on, the "Wonderful World of Disney", And is now my favorite Disney film, It has a message that you need to use your brain in this life if you want to survive, and just who can you trust?, And the difficulty in not following the mob.I am angry with the new "disney people" for them making this new "Chicken Little" film .and this mentality that you must have a "Happy Ending" I did not know that it was made as a Propaganda film for World War II . But if you lived through Pol pot , Jim Jones , "The ice age is Coming!"or Piramid selling, you should know that this little "Big" Film will never lose its message, See it yourself.


An Austrian Princess finds her Prince
This is one of the most beautiful and sweet films I have seen in my long history of enjoying films .I think every student of film should see this film ,On how to frame a shot and fill every shot with beauty, Romy Schneider is Beautiful and charming, The scenery (is real)and post card perfect, With magnificent costumes, and with lots of comic touches, The women of the film taking up most of the light drama, and the men just wanting to relax and puzzled at and the fuss, Except for the Price who warns the young Princess that if they are to marry there is no guarantee of happiness as the future is uncertain for the Royals, Of course there is nothing to worry about for our couple in this film. Maybe Stephen Speilburg could watch this film and learn something about film-making and make a film with no violence.

A.I. Artificial Intelligence

Contains Spoilers ? you bet, the worst movie of all time
If you could be Punished for making a bad movie, Stephen Spielburg would be hanged, drawn,and quartered for this one .I have seen many a bad movie but the worst, Makes me angrier than any Film I have ever seen ,(Hook comes a close second) Why did Spielburg feel it was necessary to deconstruct Osamu Tezuka's" Astro boy" when Disney made "Lion King" a copy of "Kimba" another work of Osamu Tezuka, they at least make a fist of it. Back to A.I. what is Spielburg trying to say ? if the robot had real human feelings he would have got over it like we all have to when we are rejected. There are many "holes in the plot of this "stinker" the biggest is, The parents of A.I's real son has been "dead (Frozen)for many years but is resurrected, But 1000 years later the super aliens Can't bring anyone back for more than 24 hours ? Bah!!! I HATE this film and its FAKE sentimentality.

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