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Crown Prince of Christmas

Much better the second time 'round
I had seen this movie once before, and I had thought it was decent (rating it as a 6) but not remarkable. But I began watching it again, not recalling, at first, that I had seen it once before. What I soon realized is that the entire plot had been far more carefully designed and set up than I had remembered. It held together quite well. More important, as key elements of the plot were revealed to the main characters, they handled each new revelation in a fully believable manner. This helped the entire movie come across as being "real", despite the improbable nature of the plot.

As to some of the other reviews that complain that the singing wasn't good enough; well, at some points it was good and at other points not so much. But so what? This wasn't billed as being a musical production movie. It is a movie which has a plot that involves singing. They key point is that the singing aspects moved forward the very satisfying plot line.

There is more to this movie than at first meets the eye. That's why I upgraded my rating from a 6 to an 8, and almost to a 9.

Must Love Christmas

A Must Watch Christmas
This superbly done movie has what every Christmas rom-com should strive to attain: snappy dialogue with some humor, good acting, and a well-motivated storyline. All the usual expected rom-com tropes are included without trivializing them, in other words, they are nicely incorporated into the plot. What I noticed right away about this movie, which I have also seen in some other rom-coms that were a cut above the rest, is a sense of "presence" in the opening scenes that lets the viewer know right away that this is a movie to pay attention to. And, as in those other rom-coms that were a cut above, the plot moves forward at a good pace without slow spots. Lastly, the plot elements all come together without appearing to have been "contrived" to do so.

This is one is of my Top 10 favorite 2022 Christmas movies of 2022. You can see my other favorite 2022 Christmas movies by clicking on my profile link above; then look for "2022 FAVORITE CHRISTMAS ROM-COMs" under "Lists".

Hanukkah on Rye

A well-oiled movie
Who would have guessed that one of the best Hallmark all-around holiday movies of 2022 would be centered around Hanukkah, rather than Christmas? It is supported by tight scripting and a very capable cast, from the leads all the way down to the primary supporting cast and even down to the bit part players. From early on in the movie you can see that the roles are performed with pizzazz and a strong screen presence. Unlike many rom-coms, the plot doesn't dawdle once it gets rolling. You'll need to get through about 15 minutes of initial character and situational introductions, but by then the plot is already in second gear, and it starts accelerating from there.

This is one is of my Top 10 favorite 2022 Christmas movies of 2022. You can see my other favorite 2022 Christmas movies by clicking on my profile link above; then look for "2022 FAVORITE CHRISTMAS ROM-COMs" under "Lists".

My Christmas Family Tree

Poised and Heartfelt
An awkward situation is handled tastefully, with sensitivity, and good acting. A touching, heartwarming story is the result. I found the the entire cast to be credible and believable, and I felt I could relate to the viewpoints of each character in the movie.

When plot changes of direction occurred, as is typical of rom-coms, I liked the way the main characters responded to them in a positive manner.

This is one is of my Top 10 favorite 2022 Christmas movies of 2022. You can see my other favorite 2022 Christmas movies by clicking on my profile link above; then look for "2022 FAVORITE CHRISTMAS ROM-COMs" under "Lists".

A Christmas Movie Christmas

A Tale of Two Movies
You can't help but notice that about half of the User Reviews on this webpage thought this movie was from good to great, while the other half thought it was poor to dreadful. The difference, as some of the other reviews have already pointed out, is that people who took the movie seriously did not like it, while those who recognized it for what it is -- a delightful satire and spoof of all things Christmas Rom-Com -- and looked at it in that light, loved it.

My advice is to see this movie as it was intended to be seen. Appreciate how carefully, and often how cleverly, established Rom-Com cliches are blended into the plot, and recognize that the stereotypical overacting is intentional comedy. Then relax, and have fun with it.

The audacious concept of having the main characters in a Christmas Rom-Com trapped within a different Christmas Rom-Com, much as some of the Kansas characters that Dorothy knew also appeared in Oz, lands this on my list of all-time Christmas favorites.

Farewell Mr. Kringle

This IMDB synopsis refers to "an inspirational - albeit questionably delusional - man who parades around pretending to be the real Santa Claus". But the movie has a lot more depth and substance than this "on the surface" plot description might lead you to expect.

As the movie unfolds we learn much more about the backstory and motivations of the main characters, and an interesting, meaningful story it is. Well acted, believable, and very satisfying. (Can't say much more without getting into spoilers!)

This is one is of my Top 10 favorite 2022 Christmas movies of 2022. You can see my other favorite 2022 Christmas movies by clicking on my profile link above; then look for "2022 FAVORITE CHRISTMAS ROM-COMs" under "Lists".

Switched for Christmas

Some switches are better than others
Of all the different twin switch stories I have seen, this was one of the best. Initiating the switch was well-motivated, and its accomplishment was pulled off sensibly and plausibly, making for unusually believable switch movie. Contrary to some of the other reviews on this page, I thought Candace Cameron Bure's acting was solid, which is one reason why I found the movie to be believable and enjoyable.

The movie has a light touch and some good humorous moments. On the meaningful side, each twin learns some valuable lessons along the way. As a result, and each twin learns some new things more about themselves, as well as about their twin sister.

Of course there is some romance along the way, which drove a lot of the plot, and this was handled very well.

This is one is of my Top 10 favorite 2022 Christmas movies of 2022. You can see my other favorite 2022 Christmas movies by clicking on my profile link above; then look under "Lists".

The 12 Days of Christmas Eve

Santa's Bargain -- Even Better the Second Time Around
Despite being somewhat off-putting early on, because of some characters being over-drawn, this movie is well worth watching. But be sure to stick with it until the very end. After watching it for a second time I needed to come back and increase my rating from 8 to 10.

After the opening sequences that establish the characters and the situations they face, and after the essential nature of the movie has been revealed, the plot really finds its footing and gets rolling. It begins pulling together different plot elements from earlier in the movie into a well-orchestrated, meaningful, engaging, and highly satisfying closing sequence of scenes. The acting was simultaneously both quirky *and* good.

There is a lot of subtle humor, and you'll want to pay close attention to pick up some of it. I missed a number of little throwaways the first time through. On the second time through I laughed when I realized how well they set up, in advance, some little bit of humor that I had not quite "gotten" on my first viewing. Without giving away anything about the actual plot, when you watch the movie, be sure to take a close look at the candle at the end of the opening scene, and also take note of the news story about the escaped reindeer not long thereafter.

There were also some good, solid comedic lines and events that were anything but subtle! My second viewing was even more entertaining than my first viewing had been, which is a rare thing for a movie to be able to pull off. Someone who had not previously seen the movie was watching it with me -- they had quite a number of break-out-laughing moments.

But this movie is more than just its humor. It also contains a number of deeper insights, and it presents some life lessons that we could all take to heart.

Overall, this is a well-crafted movie. As of Dec 4th, 2022, as I write this, "The 12 Days of Christmas Eve" is my favorite 2022 Christmas movie to date.

You can see all of my other favorite 2022 Christmas movies by clicking on my profile link above; then look for "2022 FAVORITE CHRISTMAS ROM-COMs" under "Lists".

The Royal Nanny

Who Knew what a Royal Nanny could do?
This is not your typical Christmas rom-com! Yes, the movie has plenty of Christmas and romance, and also some very interesting side characters, but mainly it is a delightful spoof of secret agent movies. The plot moves right along with hardly a slow point. It has good dialogue, good acting, and enough uncertainty to keep you on your toes guessing about where it might be heading.

The character I liked best was the head of the Royal Nanny training academy. Imagine a combination of John Steed and Emma Peale from the classic 1960s TV spy series, The Avengers, all blended together with a good dollop of Mary Poppins to boot.

Great fun to watch!

This is one is of my Top 10 favorite 2022 Christmas movies of 2022. You can see my other favorite 2022 Christmas movies by clicking on my profile link above; then look for "2022 FAVORITE CHRISTMAS ROM-COMs" under "Lists".

A Kismet Christmas

Unexpectedly Good
I wasn't expecting too much from this movie at first, but the story of a family legend was carefully introduced in stages, in a way that was not shlocky and not predicable, and which also incorporated some nice story twists. This set up an engaging movie with two very likable lead characters who were animated by some good acting. Both characters seemed plausible, real, and natural.

The movie was a pleasure to watch all the way through, and was not shallow fluff. I felt real joy for the characters at the ending.

This would be a good movie for kids and adults to watch together. It works well at both levels.

This is one is of my Top 10 favorite 2022 Christmas movies of 2022. You can see my other favorite 2022 Christmas movies by clicking on my profile link above; then look for "2022 FAVORITE CHRISTMAS ROM-COMs" under "Lists".

The Santa Stakeout

A Charming Stakeout
This is a variation on the two people who can't stand each other but have to work together theme, but the movie pulls that off in believable way while also having a lot of fun with it.

I especially liked the way all of the plot and character aspects developed naturally, with some surprises, and then were blended together into a very satisfying ending that covered all of the bases. I also liked that the movie starts off fast and then keeps your attention all the way through.

The undercover aspects and the surrounding neighborhood provide plenty of opportunities for developing the main characters and for building up interesting subplots.

A pleasure to watch.

This 2021 movie is one is of my favorites from the Christmas movies that I watched during 2022. You can see my other favorite 2022 Christmas movies by clicking on my profile link above; then look for "2022 FAVORITE CHRISTMAS ROM-COMs" under "Lists".

Ghosts of Christmas Always

A clever new take on an old theme
This movie had a fun, interesting, complicated, and subtle new twist on a classic, very old theme. It pulls it off quite well, thanks to three intriguing ghosts, some clever plotting as to how they interact with each other and with the main character, and good acting.

This is not simply a modern, updated version of Dickens' classic A Christmas Carol: Both humorous and serious, it expands the concept and then enters into new territory, but without losing the essence of what the original was all about. It also has a number of plot surprises that I greatly enjoyed, and a satisfying ending that I didn't see coming until nearly the last minute.

Highly recommended.

This is one is of my Top 10 favorite 2022 Christmas movies of 2022. You can see my other favorite 2022 Christmas movies by clicking on my profile link above; then look for "2022 FAVORITE CHRISTMAS ROM-COMs" under "Lists".

Lights, Camera, Christmas!

Nicely Developed & Fun to Watch
Do not be put off by the egotistical behavior displayed by the lead actor at the start of the movie -- that could be enough to turn off some people and make them not want to watch this delightful movie. In part this movie is a spoof of actors with big egos, and it pulls off that caricature very well! But it also reveals that beneath such facades can be very different people, with real feelings and emotions resulting from their character's backstory, and the movie pulls off that aspect very well, too.

All in all, an engaging story.

This movie has all of the elements necessary to make it one of the best of 2022: good acting, humor, plausible plot twists that I did not see coming, a romance that develops naturally, and a satisfying ending that pulls everything together and leaves you feeling good.

This is one is of my Top 10 favorite 2022 Christmas movies of 2022. You can see my other favorite 2022 Christmas movies by clicking on my profile link above; then look for "2022 FAVORITE CHRISTMAS ROM-COMs" under "Lists".

Christmas at the Golden Dragon

Multiple Interlinked Storylines, to Good Effect
I'm writing this to try and counteract the negative impressions left by some reviews on this page that either thought there were too many storylines or too much negativity in the movie. Neither was the case, for me at least. But the negative impressions from those reviews very nearly dissuaded me from watching what turned out to be one of my top five favorite Christmas romcoms of 2022. That's why I'd like to offer my contrasting point of view to all of those.

Yes, there are a number of different plot lines, and it does take a bit of time to get used to recognizing each one, and following along, as the movie switches from one to another. But soon you get that hang of that and look forward to each one with anticipation. The variety this provides keeps things interesting, and moving along.

Yes, as with most romcoms, every major character has a challenge or two they will face during the movie. If you have an ensemble cast with a number of different lead characters, that's a lot of challenges to introduce in a short time in the movie, so I can see how some reviewers viewed that as introducing negativity. But these characters take on their challenges in positive ways, so this movie was more rewarding -- and much less negative -- than many other Christmas romcoms.

Yes, this is a different style of Christmas romcom, which is refreshing. This gets away from the been-there-done-that sameness that so many romcoms reflect.

The reward for having followed all of the different plot lines is a superbly crafted ending, where we can see and appreciate the way these different storylines helped each other out. The ending provides a very satisfying resolution for the entire ensemble of stories.

This is one is of my Top 10 favorite 2022 Christmas movies of 2022. You can see my other favorite 2022 Christmas movies by clicking on my profile link above; then look for "2022 FAVORITE CHRISTMAS ROM-COMs" under "Lists".

Gingerbread Miracle

Hispanic culture an added bonus
This movie was pleasant to watch. I might have given the movie itself, based on plot and characters, a "6". However, part of what bumped it up for me to a "7" rating was the presentation of some aspects of Hispanic culture at Christmas time of which I was unaware. (I have to trust that they were accurately portrayed.) Another engaging aspect was the role and portrayal of the family's patriarch -- a very interesting character.

It's a Wonderful Life

A true classic!
A true classic! Nothing more needs to be said. Be sure to watch it at least once.

12 Dates of Christmas

A "Hidden Gem" of a movie
Wow. This movie was so much better than I expected! I had figured that any attempt to build a movie along a "Groundhog Day" theme would simply pale by comparison, but this one took enough of a fresh tack that it effectively carved out its own path. It was really enjoyable, without looking derivative. A lot of humor. Highly recommended.

There is also a 2020 movie with the same title, so be sure to get this 2011 version. Also be aware that there are a number of others with very similar titles, such as 2020's "On the 12th Date of Christmas" -- also pretty good, by the way -- which at one point I had mistaken for this one.

An American Christmas Carol

A thoughtful and effective re-interpretation of the classic tale
The basic elements of the classic Dickens tale seem even more real, and even more meaningful, in this re-staged version where the story is set in depression-era New Hampshire. This excellent production helps bring the story to life in a way that makes it very relatable to current day audiences. We see the "Scrooge" character on Christmas Eve, 1933, and we also learn how his life history led up to his situation and behaviors on that day. The conclusion on Christmas Day is nicely presented, humorous, and very rewarding.

Miracle on 34th Street

The version on Tubi is:

(1955) · 45 min

If anyone knows where to find the 1959 version, PLEASE POST A REVIEW HERE WITH THE INFO.

I'd love to see how Ed Wynn handles the role.


Project Christmas Wish

Too sugary sweet and too manipulative
I can see how a number of User Reviewers would have really liked this movie, as it was largely cheerful on the one hand and yet dealt meaningfully with loss on the other. However, I was put off by how manipulative the lead female character was, even if for a good cause. Ditto for the sugary sweet lead child, as well. That spoiled for me any potential charm from this movie.

Miracle on 34th Street

A classic!
A classic! A truly charming film.

This 1947 version is the best one to watch, either in B&W or colorized. This is one of the few B&W films where I actually prefer the colorized version, if only because it is brighter and easier to view. (FYI - At one point I found the colorized version on AMC.)

I've seen this film a number of times and it doesn't get old. It is on my IMDB "Christmas Movie Favorites" list.

Welcome to Christmas

A "Hidden Gem"
I consider this to be a "Hidden Gem" - a movie that I believe is much better than the overall numerical IMDB Rating would lead you to expect. For that reason it is on my IMDB "Christmas Movie Favorites" list.

Christmas in Montana

A "Hidden Gem"
I consider this to be a "Hidden Gem" -- a movie that I believe is much better than the overall numerical IMDB Rating would lead you to expect. For that reason it is on my IMDB "Christmas Movie Favorites" list.

Christmas in Love

A Christmas Favorite of mine
I've thought about this film a number of times since I first saw it. That qualifies it to be on my IMDB "Christmas Movie Favorites" list.

I consider this to be a "Hidden Gem" - a lower-rated or lesser known movie that I believe is much better than the overall numerical IMDB Rating would lead you to expect.

Sleigh Bells Ring

It gets better and better
What otherwise might have been a decent but routine plan-an-event type of ROM-COM, warranting a "6" review score, becomes elevated to a "7" because of the lead characters' interplay around their respective, and partially shared, backstories. Tracy and Hepburn its not, but this adds spice to the story. Then the movie rises to become a very memorable "8" by the addition of the most charming Santa look-alike since Edmund Gwenn's portrayal in 1947's "Miracle on 34th Street". The Sleigh, itself, gets an honorable mention in a supporting role. I agree with several other User Reviewers who recommended hanging in there through a slow start and some awkward dialogue early on. I think you'll be glad you did.

I've thought about this film a number of times since I first saw it years ago, and it grows on you with time. That qualifies it to be included as a "Hidden Gem" on my IMDB "Christmas Movie Favorites" list.

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