
IMDb member since December 2005
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Sous la Seine

Jaws this ain't, Flaws it has plenty...
Where do you start with something like this!? It must have had a pretty decent budget that must have been totally wasted as it certainly wasn't given to any plot writers or people with common sense!

The start of the movie let's you know what you are in for with ludicrous scenes of unnecessary stupididity shown in the face of danger and where you feel, these people deserve to die! That brings me to my next point, totally unlikeable characters who you just can't get behind and at one stage, everyone watching with me were rooting for the sharks and really wanted a few characters be eaten asap. One that was particularly unlikeable was the stupid girl called Mika who was horrible and when she got swallowed, everyone in the room cheered!

The ending has to be seen to not be believed if you know what I mean as it is sooo crazy and non sensical. You have been warned!

It Snows in Benidorm

About as bad as it gets
This is truly an awful movie. Terrible acting, direction and badly paced. Why on earth do you have to make it this long with sooo little content.

Spall cannot hold a role like this himself, he needs help from people with a pulse and then he can potter around like a man muttering to himself in his nutter Englishman way he repeats in every role.

Every other actor from the cringy boss at the start to Sarita Choudry looks like this is their first role and acting natural is an alien concept.

Also lastly, why is it that I have to write reviews of 500+ words when there are so many shorter ones here, anyone know?


So many words, soo little content!
Yet another Bill Nighy vehicle to show how well he can overact his under acting! There's understated and then just boring and as per the name Miss Harris gave him, he acted like a zombie!

We all know what the story is about yet I could not have given a damn if he lived or died, much like all the other characters.

Absolutely no character development preferring to keep this looking like the 1950s by everyone calling each other by their surnames and talking plummy English while simultaneously keeping a pole up their backside!

English cinema at it's most pretentious and at the end of it what do we get, an empty feeling of having wasted the last.102 minutes.


I am reminiscing back to a time before I wasted 116 minutes of my life!
I absolutely detest movies that confuse pointless melodramatic speeches given by actors dreaming this could be their next Oscar winning performance! Spoiler alert, it's not going to be this for sure!

I watched it mainly for Jackman and partly for Newton who are ok but ALL the other actors are truly awful and I mean B Movie overacting bad!! It could be the fault of an overly dramatic directorial style and the hopeless, flat, senseless writing that translate into a boring watch..

It really does try to be tooo cleaver and it really isn't. I just couldn't buy into any of it as the main characters are never given a chance to develop and come off as really unlikeable especially Ferguson who tries to play smokin hot but comes off as a cheap hooker from the start.

Save yourselves, it's too late for me but I hope you head the warning so you won't be reminiscing of what could have been done in that 116 minutes. Watch paint dry, it will be less irritating than some of the acting in this movie!

Rites of Spring

1000 Wrongs don't make this Rite!
What an absolutely convuluted mess of a movie! What was the writer director. Padraig Reynolds smoking when he worked on this? There is no structure and the sequence of events so unrealistic and out of pace. After seeing someone hurt in a way where they must obviously be dead, they reappear a few scenes later just a bit worse for wear.

People who are hell bent on killing the other then just walking away from them allowing them to retaliate.

And the end has to be seen to be believed, the once indestructible beast is possibly killed by a couple of blow with a knife, nothing has a definitive outcome in this movie and the beast may return in part 2, The Wrongs of Spring! God I really hope not!


Yet another cliche..
A very converluted, clichéd melodramatic piece of work that could have been so much more. The twists and turns are a bit of a bore and the main story doesn't allow itself to build and develop but rather a mad dash to thrill which really never pays off .

As it builds you just feel short changed and ending of season 1 I guessed as main character sort of tells us that he dreads it happening so you know it will! Much like the cop who keeps saying he's got 2 weeks to retirement getting killed shortly after.

And as is traditional nowadays for all productions, they managed to crow bar the lesbian bi-racial angle in and also the newly found strength of one of those lesbians to be more man than man and throw the weak loser husband out! Hurrah well done for yet another formulaic show,feed the masses,starve the thinking man!

The Devil Has a Name

Absolute mess
Firstly and possibly most importantly, Kate Bosworth is unwatchable as she tries to make each seen an important,integral part of the movie even if she's ordering a sandwich! Everything she says or does is sooo overstated!

The attempts at humour fall completely flat and again, there's so much melodrama in all scenes that it all feels boring and drawn out.

I'm going to look up the true story and the characters involved to see if this is again Hollywood at it's worse by casting wrong genders just to make it current and politically correct at the expense of being in any way realistic and true to the truth.

The Traitors

Loved the Aus and Uk version but this....
I think the main reason I found this a hard watch was down to the presenter Alan Cummings and his ridiculous over the top approach to it all.

The contestants genuinely seem to disklike him to and I don't think they, we or anyone can as he comes across so phoney!

I think the presenters in the Australian and UK version got the balance between humour and drama just right, Cummings need to learn the same and stop his ego fuelled and melodramatic delivery.

IF, the US version is to return, then please for god and your own sakes change the presenter and get Cummings out.

And lastly, how stupid was some of the decision making by chosing different players as traitors despite everyone saying they were sure the time before.


Close Encounters of the Stupidest Kind!
After the much hyped Get Out, I watched US and now this and each film has got progressively worse and more and more pretentious, fooling us to think we are missing something. I don't think we are but Peele is! The only good thing about it was the camera work, not the special effects which looked very unreal and childishly elaborate and over the top. The spacecraft was a ridiculous design which was i think supposed to look organic but was just crazy, like the rest of this terrible movie!

Peele is trying to be so M. Night Shyamalan in this and well done, he has messed it up as much as Shymalan would have with their loud and over the top scenes which they reckon will stir up the audience as long as they don't think too much about what they are actually looking at!

The urbaness of the characters is so overdone and the attempt at humour keeps falling flat.

Lastly, did I miss why it's called Nope apart from the fact that would be the answer anyone should give if asked if this movie is worth a watch. All in all a total mess of a movie, don't say you haven't been warned!


Well there's 108 minutes of my life wasted., well 93 actually
Unknown actors playing unlikeable characters with a terrible script and pseudo intelectual philosophy, what's there not to like, right?

I think Shalamayan must either be incredibly rich or just a narcissitical egoist to make these crappy movies so he can be in them!

The last 15 minutes actually makes it a lot better so I'm giving it 4 stars rather than the 2 it deserves for the first 2 acts. This just doesn't make up for the previous 93 minutes which should have been the total length of the movie as an absolute maximum, probably could have been like a Twilight Zone short and been twice as good if better writing/acting/directing.

Cop Car

Should you see this, only if you are a Bacon fan!
I can't believe the high ratings for this film as it is unbelievable, badly paced, terribly written and all the characters including the boys I would imagine may be unliked by most audiences.

I really wouldn't like to think that the reviews here are fake but more likely Bacon is a big draw and used by bad movie makers with little to say!

After having watched at least one movie a day since I picked up the habit lockdown I haven't come across more than a handfu that have scored 7 or above, most are just banal rubbish that may start well for first or possibly even 2nd Act by just spiral out of control towards middle or end! Surely we deserve better, no?

The Limit Of

Pretentious direction leads to this being worse than could have been!
Terrible execution of what could have been a decent story. The director seems like a novice practising for an Oscar and just ends up looking pretentious! Infuriating delivery of lines, unreal reactions to what's just been said, bad pacing all round makes this a missable one!


Oh Why Oh Woo Oh Why!
At first I thought this would turn out to be a good movie and with my new found love of Affleck after seeing The Accountant and looking back to a few good films until I saw this!

However, this one isn't his fault as he plays his usual role but then I noticed the slight overacting and then the unnecessary running and people getting knocked down followed by the unbelievable chases and I was getting suspicious and then it was confirmed by the slow-mo, and I thought, "It's bloody John Woo isn't it?!" and to my dismay it was.

Why try and do a thoughtful science fiction and let Woo direct it? It's like letting Tarantino do the next Disney Christmas movie, somethings were not meant to be!

I understand that modern movies with big stars are a suspend disbelief, turn your brain off and just laugh and the bad writing/directing but most movies nowadays are taking this gift a little too far and this is definitely one of them!

Having said all that, the actual story is decent but needed to be told by an adult.

The Misfits

Wow, I mean just wow!!
This has to be the worst film that I have seen with Roth or Brosnan and both have had a couple of stinkers, this ste=nch is the worst!

Director Harlin trying to be so super cool and slick heforgets about acting, storyline, reality etc. I gave it 3 and I think that's a bit generous, it's so cringeworthy it probably deserved a 0!

Fantasy Island

OMG What a mess!
This has to beone of the worst films I've seen in ages. I thought it had potetial at the start but it's such a mess. The plot lines are so muddled that it really seems like they are making it up as the go along and the actual conclusion makes no sense whatsoever!

Save yourselves from this nightmare of a movie. My fantasy is to have the time back that I wasted watching it!!


I liked it
Not the best film I've ever seen but I'm glad I saw it. The lead role played by Sam Gittins was so natural and understated, very impressed by him.

I'm also not the biggest snooker fan but I don't think you need to be to enjoy it. A simple story well told so not sure why it's getting so much hate.

Black and Blue

Why don't the movie makers get someone to read their script and ask, would you believe this?
More and more I've noticed the true reviews coming out for bad movies then a sudden onslaught of over the top marks to try and average up the score, I think this is one of the. It started of well and I though Harris was going to do a good job telling the story of how hard it is being as they say Black and Blue.

Then starts one unrealistic scene after the next, she gets shot and falls 30 ft but still manages to outrun 2 DEA officers and a dozen cops. She radios in a distress message but the bent cop just says to the dispatch officer, "darlin just ignore" it and it's done, she doesn't try to radion in any further messages. It just goes on and on like that and just defies logic with every scene.

Could have been so much better if as I say above, someone would have just asked if people could suspend their disbelief to these extraodinary levels? The answer would be only people under 10 years old or with IQs in the single digits!

What Is Life Worth

Producers and actors need to understand..
Producers and actors need to understand that by putting big name into a movie and then those actors say lines in a deep and melodramatic way, in counts for nothing if those words lack depth/meaning or have resonance with the audience. This movie uses (reuses,rehases to death) the sentiments we all felt after 9/11 and the scenes between the victim's families and friends fall so flat. The scene where the widow comes in with 3 children is so hammy and doesn't work as Feinberg (Keaton) is just so unlikeable. As are all his fellow colleagues trying to find this magic formula. On that subject, what was the formula? Put some people together in a bar and they would come up with pretty much the same ideas! All in all, probably worth watching as it teaches you something, what I am not sure but running out of things to watch without my kids. Looking forward to finishing The Princess Diaries with them tonight as an antidote to this!!

The Little Things

Am I the only one that thinks....
Is Rami Malek one of the most overrated actors there is out there? He is so boring to watch and his delivery is trying to be so intense that to me it seems ham. If he actually tried opening his mouth to speak it might help but overall he is just average at best!

The movie itself is trying to be a Se7en which I rate as 9/10, this is a 6! Got to be a die-hard Denzel fan to enjoy this unles you are also a Rami Malek fan, if there are such things out there, and if so, WHY?

Rare Blood

Sooo bad , why do people bother!
Seriously, why do directors, actors and finally film companies make such total drivel. It's a waste of everyone's time or is it that with companes like Amazon Prime and Netflix, it's financially viable as they just need content regardless of the quality. So it's just us who suffer watching this mind numbing crap.


Promising start but crazy ending
I thought this looked promising but just like many other modern Sci-Fi that poses as Sci-Fact this loses itself along the way. That and the fact that we have to have strong female roles outplaying men in every movie made in last 2 years just adds to the feeling the story is being force fed to the audience to gain some sympathy for what is an absolutely awful end. All in all, possibly worth watching but very unsatisfying!


Why do film makers bother and how despearte do actors have to be?
I have watched some bad movies over this pandemic and this is the worst of the lot and trust me that is saying something. The average score I've given to the bad ones is probably around 4, this gets a 1, watch it at your peril and you'll see why!

In a Heartbeat

What the actual ..... possibly the worst film I've ever seen!
From start to finish it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. In one of the scenes Dyer and his mates are watching a horror film where there it would appear that a woman is being abused by a man but you don't actually see anything, Dyer says to his mates "This movie is crap, why are you watching this rubbish" and at this scene I thought, Ah ok it's meant to e satirical. Nope just a terrible director, script writer and when I tell you that Dyer was by far he best actor, I need say no more about that apart from the female lead Zoe Griesdale was appalling! It starts of with her acting scared and for some reason speaking in French then what sounds like garbled German with cockney English thrown in which is in fact how she speaks for the rest of the film and neither of them ever refer back to why the hell she was acing sooo mad. Finally we meet her abusive husband in the stupidest scene ever made who later in the film is at an airport which we are told by Griesdale is London Heathrow but in a later scene we see her being dropped to London City Airport, why make this sort of stupid scene, film making at it's worst!! Anyway, if you want to have a laugh and see how not to do it, try and give it ago with the warning that you will cringe so hard it'll hurt!


Wow this is really bad
The writing is just pathetic and puerile and Jack Dee has based himself as Ricky Gervais' character in Extras TV parody When The Whistle Blows! Seriously, Widdecombe isn't the funniest person on TV and I think he's a better funny presenter than a comic per se! One to avoid I think!

A Gifted Man

Why the low score?? Would like to see another series.
Why has this scored only 6.6 (at time of writing 26/12/12)? When I saw this score and compared it to other TV shows, which for some reason always score a lot higher than feature films,I thought I would give it a miss. Thankfully, due to the spiritual side of it mixed with the medical element, I decided to ignore the score and go with most of the other reviewers who seem to have liked it (again why the difference here?). Me my 16 year old son and wife have all enjoyed it immensely and it has become one of our favourite serials, and equal to others such as House, Greys, Casualty etc. Maybe after 150 episodes plus as some of the aforementioned series have had, any series may seem a little weaker than another and it could be the fact that AGM has only been a single season, it is fresh and different, so far... I must add we are only up to episode 15 so will update if it goes downhill from here.

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