
IMDb member since December 2005
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Please Don't Destroy: The Treasure of Foggy Mountain

Revenge of the Nerds
Age of entitlement! Who gave these mediocre SNL writers the idea that writing comedy is the same as acting in a comedy?

Writing, formulaic and almost scientific these days, and visualizing what the characters say and do, doesn't make one the best choice to act out those characters in front of the camera.

I mean, they know that already. So, why humiliate yourself? Even your SNL's mini movies aren't funny, well maybe one or two, but a 3min sketch is not the same as a 90min movie.

Sometimes, a chef is better complimented if he's not seen by the customers. So, stay in the writers room.

Oh, the movie? It's bad.

The Banshees of Inisherin

Pretentious and hollow
What's the point of telling a story that has no point?

They start by setting up a story that seems interesting, funny and maybe even original, then.. nothing! I tried to retell the story to myself or to others and the response always: what's the point of the story?

Almost half way through, I thought this is going to be great, maybe even the best movie this year, what a disappointment? I mean, movies like that usually will add a car chase, a super hero a fight scene just to give some form of entertainment.

If you watch it, you might conclude it's an autobiography of the director, that dull sod.

The world is full of dumb people, nowadays, so a movie like this is nominated as one of the best movies made this year, really?

I gave it a 5 because i like the donkey, and the subtitles.


It's not art, it's crab.
I, too, was curios to see the Oscar nominated Greece's "finest" for 2010. Boy, what a disappointment! People call it art, because it has pornography. It must feel weird to watch a film at Cannes that has porn scenes and pretend that it serves a higher purpose, that only the elite who possess artistic "eyes" can admire its artistic values. Bull! Art might be complex, that its full beauty might not be appreciated by all, but it has to have beauty that a regular joe can see. This was not art. It was pure garbage.

The story has no point. The characters are dull and un-relatable. The x-rated sex scenes are a cheap way to get people to watch this crab, as they serve no purpose. No allegory, unless you usually get your wisdom from porno.

All in all, it's waste of time, as you learn nothing and at the end you feel betrayed...as if you were expecting a feast but got a slap on the face instead.

AVOID like the plague.

The Iron Lady

Superp Meryl makes this film a joy to watch.
I couldn't take my eyes off the Great Meryl. This dame bewitch the senses and keep you mesmerized, throughout. What a pleasure! I have no love for M. Thatcher, but Meryl can portray a tree, in the forest, and I'll gladly pay to watch her. I can't say if my opinion about the real Thatcher has changed, but that's not the point of the film.

I didn't particularly like the use of the too many flashbacks, but I believe the film is trying to tell the story of the old, reportedly-senile M. Thatcher, as she tries to piece her own legacy through her POV.

In general, the story and the action are well paced. Broadbent is great, as always.

This film is like going to the play theatre, where good acting can captivate the audience, even though they have seen Hamlet a million times. And that's what Meryl does in this film.

Highly recommended, for the eye candy that's Meryl Streep.

Bir Zamanlar Anadolu'da

Boring beyond Anatolia
BORING. This is not artsy, there is no beauty in the work as a whole, There's no complicated enigma that needs further reflection to appreciate and understand...nothing!!! Boring dialogue, with lines being repeated for no reason other than to prolong our agony(a lot of "what?" and "what was that?"). Dull characters grouped together without real chemistry.

If the director trying to say that "real" policeman in Turkey are boring and their conversations are just like that, then why shoot it? Show us something interesting. Otherwise, I'll make you pay $12 to watch a video of my family having dinner!! 2 1/2 hours could have been edited to a 15min short that at least would have been bearable to watch. This crab is a time waster.

Avoid, avoid, avoid.


Emotional and disturbing!!
This was a very moving documentary. It shocked and terrified me throughout. It was painful to watch some scenes, I cringed and blenched and almost cried.

I hope and pray that governments around the world would watch these documentaries and do something. Laws should be made and enforced to defend and protect these animals.

These type of documentaries should be broadcast on national TV, so people can be aware of some of the horror that's being done to these animals.

The incidents that are shown in the documentary might be isolated and not wide-spread, but they are real nonetheless. They take place in the western "civilized" world, where supposedly all is well and perfect, for man and beast! Watch this with your friends, share it with co-workers, tell your barber about it, ...whatever. But you owe it to your conscience to spread the word.

The Adventures of Tintin

Eye candy!
What a beautiful artwork. From the first scene you're immersed in the fantastic visuals, the detailed frames and the amazing illusion of stop-motion technology.

I hope one day all films are created this way. It's so magical.

If you have never heard of Tintin before, you'll fall in love with the boy reporter after this. And if you're a fan of the books, your only disappointment would be the short length of the film! Even though I knew the story from the book, I admired the way they've re-told the story. The adding and splicing of certain things made the story more fluid, I think.

I gave it a 9/10 because the score wasn't as grand as I'd hoped, and the fact that Snowy didn't have spoken lines, unlike in the book.

Highly recommended. Fun for all ages, now that's art.

We Need to Talk About Kevin

How not to tell a story..
From the first scene to the last, we're bombarded with what seems to be the hallucinating visions of the mother.

It's just flashes from one place to another, as if you're taking a tour inside that troubled mind(the mother's) but without a guide or pamphlet to tells you what's what.

That might work in a comedy, where the randomness can be fun to watch, but in a drama; about a school shooting no less, it just looks like the files the FBI collected after interviewing the mother, over a long period. Sooo dry, and boring.

Imagine if someone was telling the story of WWII by saying: Hitler committed suicide...Romania gave Hitler Oil...the Allied chose Normandy as a second choice...FDR used a wheelchair, etc. That's how this film was to me.

In short, it lacks that interesting connecting thread that a good story should have.


Dull and boring to the lowest level
Sitting through this boring amateur-art film in an exercise in futility.

It starts with a wedding that has no meaning other than to show you everyone in there is on drugs or just plain mental. The pride has unexplained mood changes and actions. The groom has no role. The boss, the parents, the guests.. all seems to be unaware of the story or the reason they're there!

Then the story goes to childish view of how would people react if they knew doomsday is on the horizon(pun intended).

You come out of the film thinking it wasn't rocket science they were explaining in the movie that no one understood. And it wasn't a complex piece of art that that might need a second or a third look to appreciate it more. None of that, it was the imagination of a dull and boring storyteller(i.e director).

Art critics have agendas, this much have been proved.

Panic Button

Awful! Awful! Awful!
I wanted to give it a 1/2 star instead of a full star, but I couldn't figure how to do it.

The premise seemed promising at the beginning, but everything started to fall off after about 15 minutes into the movie.

The acting is terrible; the characters aren't even remotely interesting. You can't sympathize or hate(for that matter) any of the characters.

The ending is absolutely meaningless! And when the credit rolls you involuntarily spit in your soda.

British cinema used to be great, but alas; it's gone Hollywood. We're all awaiting its return.


Avoid like the plague
This is one awful movie. The writing & directing should win this year's Razzie's Award. The actors can't be blamed; except for taking part in this crap. Even the set locations are bad. I mean, supposedly they're on the highway... yet it always look like they're in-town on a 25-40 MPH roads! And the ending; now that's the fart on the top of that mountain of crap.

Nothing is believable, from the elementary school bus at a truck stop at midnight(!!) to the nonchalant attitude of the victim and her son towards the carjacker to the cop who tell a kidnapped woman about the state laws regarding child custody instead of trying to help her(??)..

So be warned, your time will be wasted for nothing.

The Son of No One

Stupid movie with a stupid direction...
The actors is what drew me to watch this piece of crap.

A runaway kid who murdered two people in the projects gets away with it because he's the son of a homicide detective whose partner is the one investigating the case. The kid grows up to be a cop himself, except now one of the two other kids that knew about the murders is sending tips to the local newspaper about the unsolved murders from 15 yrs ago.

He confessed to his wife and she doesn't seem to care!! His Captain at the station, for some untold reason is trying to cover up the murders and intimidate the newspaper reporter to not print the tips!! His partner at the station knows about the murders(!!??) and wants to help in the cover-up. His dad's old partner(the detective who covered up the murders originally) is still around and wants to help him to keep his secrets, going as far as killing the reporter and the suspected retard, whom they think is calling the newspaper!! What the hell?? and what's with post 9/11 and juliani, etc?? and what's this has to do with anything. They could have said the global warming issue has affected the way characters think in this stupid story, and it wouldn't change a thing in the movie.

My advice, DO NOT watch it. You'll regret it, and you'll some of the respect you have of those great actors.


Simple yet powerful
What a great film! A simple story told in a powerful way. This IS what a film suppose to do. I don't know much about the Lapp/Sami people or their struggles in the past(I regret that) but you can substitute any ethnic/minority group and get a feel of the injustice that's being portrayed. Violence is almost always the product of social injustice. This is a universal stuggle between oppressed and opressor; be it a church, a state or corporation. Greed is a fire that burns all, at the end. Ars Gratia Artis "Art for the sake of Art" seems to be the motto of most films nowadays. Not this one. No offense to the artists involved in telling this story. Recommended. 10/10


Great film. I loved it !!!
I couldn't catch this film in the theater. I regret that. I was even dissuaded by many bad reviews to watch it on DVD. I'm glad I wasn't persuaded. This a great fantasy feature. True to its genre and form. Simple story and easy to follow unlike some other fantasy films. Very enjoyable with great cast. Funny moments abound. I loved Gervais and Deniro. Cox and Dane are lovable and fun to watch. Special effects weren't WOW, but did not distract. The lines are typical British witty and sarcastic at times. Also, why is it that fantasy movies are free from filthy language that other movies are full of? ...what a shame! All in all this is good entertainment. A must see.

The Message

Excellent visualization of the story of Islam
Unfortunately there aren't that many movies that tell the story of the greatest man who lived. The Message gives the viewer a glimpse of the life of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his struggle to deliver God's message to the pagan Arabs of Mecca and his migration to Medina. The movie tells a story that most non-Muslims never heard before, that alone makes it a must see for non-Muslims. The production value is not the greatest out there but if you know the politics behind the movie...well, that's a different angle that I don't want to comment on! I you never heard the story of Muhammad (PBUH) and the birth of Islam, I guarantee you this movie will be a life changing experience(not instantly of course) that will add something to your soul it never had, Guaranteed! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

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