
IMDb member since January 2018
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Secret State

Simply Superb!
I've watched a LOT of British drama and this up there with the very best of them. What a pity we only got (get) to see 4 episodes and only a hint of the conclusion. It would have been great to see this played out to it's conclusion. I just don't get to understand the nay sayers. A truly superb cast - an abundance of thespian heavy weights - and at the top is Gabriel Byrne of course. He lends more gravitas as the prime minister than most "real life actors". As a support, Chares Dance is of course superb. Definitely worth watching. I'd actually give it more stars if I could and watched the series twice.


From GOT to WTF
After watching Season 1, my wife and I would easily scored this a very solid 10/10. The plot was concrete with some realistic turns and twists, the actor base was excellent, and the actual casting spot on. I was enthusiastically nodding my head in agreement with those asking the expressing exasperation as to why this series wasn't under a much bigger fame spotlight rather than the accidental glow worm that it was. Then series 2 arrived. I'm not sure hat happened behind the camera. But in front of the lenses, an unmitigated, tepid, braid tangle arrived. The solid plot was washed out by an erratic flow, virtually no continuation from the previous season, mediocre actors at best (Sean Bean with his Yorkshire accent worked in GOT but NOT middle ages Italy) - leads me to think the whole content and approach was dropped on the cutting room floor and recovered very badly. So our viewing experience ended at the Season 1 final and 5 minutes into Season 2 Episode 1.


Ignorant or Lazy!
Nothing annoys and frustrates me more than scripts and dialogue that is so obviously inaccurate, unresearched, ignorant and or lazy. First you have the sole survivor of a possible terrorist caused plane crash not being guarded. Another - a guy gets stabbed with a needle and it's a heart attack - autopsy??? C'mon, some very good actors in here made to look stupid. PLEASE do your research first or employ people that have some nouse. It's so sad and annoying that so much effort goes into what is basically a reasonable plot that has been executed to the extent of otherwise being not brilliant but watchable. Inaccuracies are the pandemic of those producing movies and series without great thought.

The Matrix Resurrections

Death of a Great Concept.
Simply put, Oh Dear!

I read all the negative reviews but decided to spend AUS$2.30 renting the movie. I shouldn't have. Even though it was only a small amount - it was NOT money well spent. This movie was all over the place, relying on flash backs to the REEL Matrix to prop up the inane tribe. Reeves is a pretty monodimensional actor, so he needs plenty of support. He's fine like Stalone in movies made for him, but that's it. Fishbourne and Weaving re in a completely better league. So why dump them? That was NOT a great move. Fishbourne doesn't know why he wasn't asked so he was obviously willing and available. The storyline feels over improvised with characters appearing to spontaneously stumble on an idea for the next sequel. If there is a Matrix 5 I won't be wasting another $2.30!

The Rig

3 Stars - Could have earned more
Good actors, a relatively unique setting, and my great interest in North Sea Rigs. What could go wrong? It did! Seriously, a great film crew could have made this fantastic series. They didn't. Otherwise excellent actors were made to look embarrassingly bad and the script and plausibility was dreadful. The people responsible for this series really need to get out of the film industry and stop pretending they have a clue. Clearly they don't. I have to agree with all the other low markers and can only imagine the high markers are either paid or have a very desperately low bench mark. Typical mainstream stream mediocre fodder. Very disappointed!


B Grade Rubbish
How anyone can think this is a good movie is beyond me. Ok, the acting is passable - but just how many trashy apocalyptical movies can be spewed out. Just another take (albeit more original than most) on zombie attacks. Proof that actors will work for anyone and do anything for money. Money and so many people involved that's low grade. How do people sleep at night after working with such vomit. Seriously. My wife said she was glad I finished watching it. That sums it up. Two stars from me and I think I'm being generous. What a total waste of resources. Just over 90 minutes wasted. My internet went down whilst watching - someone was trying to tell me something!

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

VERY DISSAPOINTING - Days of Our Life in space
Wow, you high raters are easily satisfied. Being a self confessed Star Trek fan and having watched all the non animated series and films severl times over, I was keen to give this a go. Yes, the plantary CGI sets are (as you would expect) good, and yes, as you would expect their is some emphasis on character and contextual development, and yes Anson Mount as the captain is adequately (but not inspiringly) as the captain. But that's where the poitives end. Story per episode versus story over episodes will always be a conundrum. Per episode gives you very little time to really develop something - over episodes inevitably ends up with loads of soap padding. With the producers electing for the former, episodal content is usurped by far too much human drama. You literally have a universe at your fingertips and so much content is like Days of Our Lives in Space. Oh and the red accented bridge looks like a futuristic bridge blended with a 50s diner. Star Trek is back - but I'm far from happy with it.

Dune Drifter

How the hell did they get away from including the word Dune in the title? An absolute B grade sci-fi by people that don't have a clue. OK, talk in space suits might be a bit muffled, but please, if you hired any sound people, sack the lot! The sound on this is terrible. Whilst your at it, sack everyone else, they will definitely will NOT be missed. The title for such rubbish is a complete delusion with absolutely no respect to the brilliant Frank Herbert - putting Dune in the title is comparative to advertising a septic tank as a tourist attraction. I last 12 minutes and even that was totally on the nose!

North Sea Connection

Could have been 10 stars
With a love of Ireland and all things boating/fishing/north sea, my wife and I were really looking forward to this. The Characters were real, the setting authentic and of course the scenery wonderful. The script and direction was a bit loose, and there was enjoyably funny/quirky moments. We really enjoyed this, until the last episode. We both hated it, so many loose untold ends. There is a easy enough for a second series. In fact, it requires one. Both my wife and I will be bitterly disappointed, even angry and dismayed if there is not one. Also the last episode felt rushed with no suspenseful build up like everyone just wanted the series to end.

The Commander: Virus

This Could Have Been So Much Better!
The Brits are usually best with Police Drama. This isn't one of them, but could have been.

The initial pilot starts off well, long hatched acrimony between the newly appointed Commander Burton and DCI Hedges, mix that with the charm of Hugh Bonneville as the murderer James Lampton and , with a few more RIGHT ingredients, you have the makings of a first class Brit Police Drama.

BUT THEN IT FAILS - Absolutely no way would the female commander with the British Police Force end up having sex with a suspected murderer in a current case, that completely blew it for me - then the writers start using too much soap.

So this lost my wife and I at the end of the first episode.

So Disappointing and proof that even good actors will stoop low if paid.

And where the hell did the 7/10 rating come from? Certainly not the user review tally!


More Cheese Than Switzerland
NOT one of Gene Rodenberry's best!

The content has more cheese than Switzerland.

Someone either attempted to write a cheesy SF and failed, or is completely inept.

I suppose the role of Captain could have been worse like 'The Mussels from Brussels" or Mr 'one drop lip tone and expression' (Stallone)

The aliens are a complete joke. One with an obviously fake rat tail. One with a permanently open Predator mouth nose and another that looks like a Pimp dressed Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer that's been face dosed in supa glue and fired into bad doll hair!

The fight scenes are monumentally bad.

Then there's the combat humans - that make Stallone, Segal and crew look like good actors.

Star Trek: Picard

This is NOT Star Trek! - Why It Failed
The writers have are completely oblivious to what StarTrek is, living proof that Patrick. Stewart sold his soul as did other actors, the second season is woeful - I could go on.

OK, as others have said, Season 1 is watchable - just - thanks to the great effects and subject matter.

Season 2 is a whole new world of inane, badly scripted, soap box tripe!

I mean car chases FFS! Really?

Apart from the (what should be accountable) atrociously bad handling of the Star Trek, here is why and where it failed:

We have had series ST, DS9, TNG etc that were, for the most part, one episode one story approaches. Or, we have had movies. This travesty attempts (and fails miserably) to take a single story across 470 minutes (10 episodes x 47 minutes) and consequently crap pads the story completely.

Then you have Jonathan Frakes pretending to be a director. Urgh!


Torture Material!
That's all we could manage (one star). Interrogators should use this as there torture material. It's that badly done. EVERYTHING is B Grade.

If we could give it zero stars with a rating we would. I'm amazed anyone could watch more than we did and "award" more than the minimum number of stars.

What a complete misuse of movie making material.

I completely agree with markbvt-1! How people can be involved with such armature beggars belief in the extreme and had us shaking our heads!

Everything about this was BAD. BAD camera work. BAD sets. BAD effects. BAD actors. BAD adaption of the original material.


Laughably Inaccurate
Whoever had anything to do with formulating , writing and/producing this needs to finish kindergarten first! If you are going to write a police drama. Do your research first. Obviously the makers of this soap did not. Laughably inaccurate and completely implausible. Nominated for awards? Really? You truly can't be serious!


Superb and Thought Provoking
As an ex pat Brit living in Oz, I love British Period Drama. And Delicious, overall, for me, does not disappoint. Marvellous setting, a relatively fresh approach, great actors and penetrative pathos and expressions with fine dark humour from Iain Glenn. Haven't finished it yet, but I'm loving it. Such a wonderful change from all the teenage angst, post apocalyptic, GI Joe crap. As a deceased, some of Iain Glenn's narrative content is superb - both in dark humour and intellectualism.

Land Girls

Relax and Enjoy!
What a bunch of wingers we have in here! People need to chill out, relax and stop nit picking. This is superbly acted and very entertaining. Thank you to all involved. I've just got Netflix and loved this series - hurry up with Episode 4 please!

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