
IMDb member since February 2018
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    6 years


Smallville: Heat
Episode 2, Season 2

This episode is "oversexualized" on purpose: to highlight the fact that Superman is still a teenage boy. It's also hilarious how Clark going through puberty activates "heat" vision. The symbolism is everywhere!

Bottle Rocket

Bottle Rocket, Man
A marvelous picture of humans living at its finest. Shows you no matter what, everyone is valuable. Somehow. A very touching film, a rollercoaster ride. Trailer and description doesn't do it justice, watch if your looking for an adventure and growth of people. Loved this.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Simply Extraordinary
I've never seen a film quite like this one. Really pulls you into the magic of this complex, incredible world. Thank you, Wes Anderson.

Deadly Class

Off to a great start!
After watching the pilot, I was genuinely surprised. The show does a great job of capturing the essence of the comic book while moving the plot along at a good pace. So much potential for this show!

Sorry to Bother You

Starts off incredible, ends scattered
This movie had such incredible potential. Even towards the end at its peak, it was a great overall film. The ending was very unorganized though, but i still thoroughly enjoyed the film including the twists and turns.

Neo Yokio

If you don't like it, you don't get it.
Neo Yokio is a really great show, and I'm not just saying that. I've always loved wizards and magic and all that, and I do enjoy anime but not to the extent of some other people. This is a great way to get into anime if your trying to, or if you've ran out of things to watch. Even if you hate anime, this show is still very americanized and is kinda like an adult cartoon. The show is not meant to be taken seriously at all! It's getting terrible reviews from critics and everyone who are saying this show lacks plot and all that stuff, but the point of the show isn't to describe the life of Kaz Khaan in detail-the show's purpose is to take you on a tour of Neo Yokio and this show's unique universe. The story isn't even bad, it just shows the best elements from this magical world. Personally I love the mix of modern technology and magic, and the main character Kaz is kind of an idiot, who's been gifted with these incredible powers and he just wants to focus on his love life. Great show!

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