
IMDb member since December 2005
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Acts of Violence

The title should have been sufficient warning
Jeepers, what a load of trash.

If you want shooting scenes, this movie gives you shooting scenes.

Desperately slow a lot of the time, and then action scenes with credibility levels appropriate for the 1960's. Baddies who walk out into the open with weapons not ready, waiting to get shot at, and good guys who do the same without consequence.

It was a waste of time watching - the 50% or so that I didn't fast-forward through.

The title indicated that it was a B-grade movie, and it is exactly that.

I agree with other reviewers that it was simply revenge fantasy for brainless gun idiots.

I don't think the producers were going for more than 3 or 4 stars, and that's the result.

The Recruit

It should have, could have, been an 8/10, but...
It is a very well-made example of this goofy genre. Well-cast, very well-scripted, and almost never gets too stupid. Normally I don't watch this stuff. The problem here, though, is the ending. It should have, could have, been an 8/10, but Netflix seems to believe that being ar**holes with the ending, is somehow cool. It's not. It just makes Netfilx seem unskilled and amateur. They keep doing this, and this was possibly the last straw. I'm glad that I'm not the one paying for my viewing, but I'll just go and find some quality home-made vids on youtube. There is some really wonderful stuff there, if you work past the algorithm.

Inside Man

Clever, but ruined by treating the viewer as stupid.
Clever, but ruined by treating the viewer as stupid.

This is in some ways a reasonable attempt at this absurd genre. A clever storyline, but ruined by, as another reviewer opines, "Two of my pet plot peeves are stupidity (the characters do something stupid to move the plot forward) and contrivance (circumstances beyond credibility to move the plot forward). So masterful in so many ways, it is a shame that this plot seems written by a drunk amateur shouting out random ideas."

So, intelligent viewers will probably be frustrated or regret watching it; stupider people, if they like this sort of folly, might enjoy it.

Los favoritos de Midas

It could have, should have, been a solid 8, but....
5 well-made entertaining and promising episodes, pleasantly watchable - and one dire train-wreck of an episode that made the whole thing a total waste of time.

I'm not rating it low for the same reason that others are: I enjoyed the character development and slow-burn style, with almost a hint of noir. I'm up for a range of styles and don't need something to be a perfect action flick to score highly.

However, it was like the writers believe some things in the realm of social commentary, but can't say why they believe it or what it means ... and then they impose the same empty ramblings on the rest of us.

It was NOT worth watching, and I'd only recommend it to people who love getting lost in their social philosophising - whatever the heck that means.



"Seven" just seems try-hard.
On the surface, it's cohesive and entertaining enough in its own way - visuals, pace, casting, for example - but it's very average, nothing spectacular. I guess it could have been OK if I didn't require some realistic human behaviour in the movies that I watch (even when the plot is as implausible as it gets). Predictability isn't the main problem with the conclusion; the taste that it leaves in my mouth, is. I wish I hadn't spent the time watching this.

The movie that I watched immediately prior to this one was "Cleanskin" - it's rated lower on imdb, but it's a far superior entertainment experience.

"Seven" just seems try-hard.

The Contractor

Typical cold-hearted action movie fans probably won't like this movie.
If movies like True Lies and Die Hard can score significantly higher than this, then there's no hope for the human race. This movie is slightly classier and more thoughtful than some other popular movies of this genre which I consider to be trash. There's a human-nature thread through it. Maybe because it's part-British not all-American.

The ending is nicer than just a long drawn-out B-grade fight scene.

So, start watching this, and if you don't like it, go and do something else.

Your Garden Made Perfect

Startlingly bad
What a load of drivel. Pathetic in it's scripting, 5 minutes of information drawn out to an hour, full of emotionally out-of-control actors prancing around over self-induced first-world problems. I tried watching it to look for real help in re-doing a garden, but this was a total waste of time. It's as bad as any TV that I've ever seen.

A typical quote: "So you've trained as a yoga instructor; is that something that you want to do?" Duh.

Suburra - La serie

Better than most of the netflix one-episode wonders.
Very watchable. The endless changes in loyalties is far-fetched and almost hard to follow, but it's well-balanced throughout. The tension and character development is classy, rather than simply using an americanised, "well f* you too!". It's the first time I've watched anything in Italian (with subtitles).


As good as it gets
If my culture or religion was portrayed as the antagonist, like in this series, no doubt I too would give it 1 out of 10 - without ever having watched any of it.

But I HAVE watched it all, and as a dramatic production, it's a good as it gets: casting, character development, balanced pace, human behaviour believability. The works. A few dumb scripting lines, but that's all that stood out from my engagement with it.

Of COURSE it's biased - as is every war movie, spy movie, and action movie that's ever been made.

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Wish I'd walked out.
It's the only movie in my 50 years that I've ever just-about walked out of. These days, I would have walked out. Life's too short for garbage like this.


1/3 action - 2/3 soap
(I've only seen series 5, so that's all I can comment on.)

The action is 10/10, but most of the time it's just like days of our lives, with pretty amateur scripting and slow pace. These two different aspects are just too incongruous to pull together well.


Amateur script and plot devices
Yeah, it's OK, but I'm not a fan of tension being portrayed via stupid awkward unrealistic human interactions.

If realistic human nature is what you value / need in a drama, then you'll struggle with this one.


Childishly stupid
This is childishly stupid. If you require basic human nature plausibility from the acting that you watch, then you'll be incredulous at how amateur and unprofessional this is. Almost every minute contains ridiculous non-sensical behaviours. I'd have been embarrassed to have written a script like this even if I was a fifteen-year-old at school. I'd be fired if I did this quality of work in my grown-up professional career. If you have any self-respect for how you spend your time, you'll avoid this like the plague. It really is that bad.

(I watched as much as I could take of the first and last episodes.)

Captain Phillips

Pure Hollywood, i.e. disheartening junk.
This is just more of the same mediocre, hyped-up, lame-scripted, dragged-out, mindless garbage that keeps flowing from Hollywood. There is nothing original or artistic or clever about it.

It's half-a-grade above the very worst of this pathetic genre, but if you have half a brain, just avoid it.


The usual trash
This might be an OK movie, but I wouldn't know, because I only got to 4 and a half minutes before the usual stupidity of the baddies standing in plain sight waiting to be shot, had already been used twice. Any director or producer that's still using that childish amateur plot device, is not worth watching.

The Sum of All Fears

Started well, but descended into trashy nonsense.
I don't care about the book.

I don't care about the politics.

I don't even really care about the bad casting.

Simply as a movie, this started out well, but descended into typical low-grade Hollywood rubbish. After watching about two-thirds, I just switched it off.

My Generation

Very drawn-out, mostly simply old footage, nothing original.
Very drawn-out, mostly simply old footage, nothing original.

A bit contrived, really, but 60's fans will no doubt love it.

Not enough to engage me with my level of interest in the era.

SAS: Red Notice

Crikey, as bad as everyone else is saying
Corny amateur brain-dead script is just the beginning of the cringe.

I want to enjoy the drama that I watch, so I'm ditching this part-way through.

When Heroes Fly

Almost worth watching, but not quite.
The story line was original and comprehensive enough to have made for fine watching. But it almost a waste of time. It was amateurishly slow, almost like a mid-afternoon soap. The writers presumably thought they were adding tension with the endless childishly-scripted arguments between the characters, but it was cringe-worthy. I fast-forwarded through about half of the entire content, and don't think I missed anything of the experience.

Al Hayba

As weak and artificial as any other soap opera
It is indeed a painfully slow soap opera with wooden acting. It really does seem equivalent to "Days of our Lives".


Life's too short for this snail's-pace production.
If you want to use up a whole lot of time with almost nothing to show for it, this is your opportunity. It's almost like a mid-afternoon soap for much of each episode.

If you want to watch something that moves along and has a conclusion, avoid Homeland.


It's fine, it's good - unless you have particular hangups.
If you're NOT American, you can safely ignore all the negative reviews about this.

I have watched every episode. It's fine, it's well-scripted, it's rather formulaic, but consistent and varied enough, it has character development that gets a bit long-winded at times, and it tackles relevant local issues (which make much of the world cringe in horror of what the US has become). It's no Brady-Bunch, but it models personal responsibility, hard work, consideration of others, difference of opinion, and seeking solutions rather than staying dysfunctional in the problem.

But there's a portion of the local market that hates any portrayal of weakness, vulnerability, morality, tolerance, or problem-solving; they can't cope with an opinion different to theirs, and so they're lowering the overall ratings. They seem to think that the plot, scripts, and topics of a TV series is somehow incendiary and political.

Maybe it is for the locals, but for the rest of us, just ignore those negative reviews, and enjoy this series.

6 Underground

Action sequences that could only keep the attention of an adolescent.
Jeepers, it only took 1 minute and 55 seconds before I switched off from the B-grade unrealistic, frankly childish, action and suspense devices - that Hollywood hasn't improved on since the 1960's.

Red Dawn

Good, apart from low-credibility pointless argumentativeness.
I liked it, even though it's not my type of genre.

It was only ruined by the low quality unrealistic portrayal of how Americans have to argue every point and be antagonistic all the time. That was tiresome.

Red Dawn

Good, apart from low-credibility pointless argumentativeness.
I liked it, even though it's not my type of genre.

It was only ruined by the low quality unrealistic portrayal of how Americans have to argue every point and be antagonistic all the time. That was tiresome.

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