
IMDb member since February 2018
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Onion SportsDome

What are we gonna talk about...
Football football football football and football! What else are we gonna talk about? College basketball? Come on. My favorite intro. It pretty much says it all about the wide world of sports as focused by the media in the USA. I don't even like basketball but the gameplay and overall entertainment value of college basketball is quite clearly superior to NFL albeit less neat for the gambling industry I guess. Anyway the folks at The Onion skewer ESPN and the like and do a damned good job. The show was great. I wish I had it downloaded. Hard to see how it could be a continuing show though. A full season was too much. It should have just been an occasional special. It still should be. The Onion is the peak of commercial satire. I think that the year this came out I bought all of my Christmas gifts on their website. My stocking stuffers were Lance Armstrong bracelets that said 'Cheat To Win'.

A House on the Bayou

Bad news for Tub Tub
This line makes the whole thing worth it. Pretty unique horror-suspense flick that has to be a 7/10 when you consider how truly trash-filled the genre is. There's a few zingers in here that immortalize it in my opinion a la Freddy classics. They don't explain much in the end but, to me, it works.

A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge

Best one
Original is classic. Dream Warriors was creative as heII. Freddy's Revenge is just a good movie. Lead acting is beyond anything in the genre. The supporters are not great but as good as anything from the era like Fast Times or Porkies. I don't get the dislike for this one at all. I think it's the best one across the board and she's the most gracefully.

Future Man

I was always a Ms. Pacman guy...
...that line sealed the deal for me and it only got better from there. It's amazing satire with some slapstick and just basic ridiculous camp pitched in. This is old Woody Allen level IMO.

Better Off Dead...

Creativity is what the critics were missing here
This basically takes the zaniness of Weird Science and melds it into the drama of Sixteen Candles with all Of the latter's timing, editing and character development. The one star off comes for the one ski thing at the end which was unnecessary and cheap. The rest of his flick is pure gold.

There's really no other movie like this. One Crazy Summer and How I Got Into College (all three babies of Savage Steve Holland who also animated the Whammy from Press Your Luck) share characteristics but they fall flat on many elements. Better Off Dead, on the other hand, rests devoid of mistakes. I watch it over and over and there's not a line of dialogue that I would change. In my opinion this movie's production value is an A+ especially given the era.

There's a YouTube interview of Holland discussing the Whammy thing for reference.

Reggie Watts: Spatial

Vintage Reggie Watts
If you don't like Reggie Watts then you won't like this show. The main content is classic improv from a truly one of a kind talent. The other two reviews (at the time of this writing) sound like Anton Ego to me. There is some sketch stuff that doesn't quite hold up to Reggie's normal quality but it doesn't ruin it. I've only enjoyed one other beat boxer more than Reggie and that would be Radio Active.

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