
IMDb member since February 2018
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Trevor Noah: I Wish You Would

Quite repetitive
So, I'm a fan of Trevor Noah, or at least used to be until I stopped watching the Daily show because it just dropped off.

And I really, really loved his old stand-up. New, fresh perspective on things. New stories, new takes. Exciting stuff.

I didn't have big expectations going into this, but most of this is regurgitated older material of his loosely strung together and it feels lazy. Maybe it's that he's too much in his bubble and has writers for his jokes on the show. Maybe he had a three show deal with Netflix and just had to get it over with.

My guess is, the guy's burnt out.

And I'm sure he'll come back strong, once he's stopped doing the Daily Show.

The Man Who Fell to Earth

It's good
I've never read the book or seen the original movie. Started watching this pretty unbiased as just another sci-fi show. And sadly, that's what it stayed to me.

As so many other shows that are written in a similar fashion, it's really good for as long as the dots haven't connected, yet. The first few episodes are something exciting and relatively new, before it turns into your typical action-thriller-drama, weird portrayal of government against the hero show.

The first few episodes are definitely the best, a few plot holes here and there show up later on.

I really enjoyed Chiwetel Ejiofor's acting and his ability to believably switch it up when the alien learns and changes.

Solid show, nothing special. Doesn't even feel too much like sci-fi.

Thor: Love and Thunder

Taika's Love and Thunder
It's fun!

With the last few Marvel films, I just feel like I've outgrown the franchise and what once made it exciting now makes it inconsistent.

It very much feels like there's no overall theme anymore.

Love and Thunder as a lighthearted cinema-experience was fun.

I laughed at the jokes and I laughed at the goats. But also, that's about as deep as it gets. It feels like a Taika Waititi film that got lost in all the Disney.

Christian Bale once again proves just how good he is. But there could have been so much more to his character. His acting feels so real, that it almost feels out of place in this type of movie.

Better Call Saul

It's sad
That this will be the last season.

Because I know that it will be a long, long time, until a show this good comes around again. Possibly ever.

I think it's the mix of slow and elaborate burn with the fast pace in between. Just like JImmy's plans. Maybe it's the incredible writing. Or maybe it's the incredible acting, by actors who I've come to admire just because of this show.

The Terminal List

Definitely entertaining
Very action forward, the Terminal List is about exactly what you ecpect from it, when you read the title.

A good mix of old-school action thriller, new action thriller elements and a bit of investigative detective show.

It certainly doesn't go to deep, while still explaining motives through the line, making it easy to follow each character.

I personally got left wanting for an investigative jounalist spin-off show starring Constance Wu and was left thinking that Pratt can do action-movie. But nowadays, who can't.

I also didn't quite like the ending. No need to make that circle back, the story would've been just fine with another explanation.

Taylor Kitsch's character's storyline didn't go in-depth enough to warrant that ending.

Considering how it was really all based on Reeces personal experience, I was fine with that, as it's not too dissimilar form the original Jason Bourne films.

Ultimately, none of the storylines weren't unexpected or unheard of.

Definitely entertaining.


I really liked it...
...And maybe that's because I never came into contact with the Asimov books. I had no expectations going into this and just couldn't get around to not enjoying it.

Hell, I didn't even know this was based on anything till I looked it up.

This series has an excellent score by a composer, I never really came into contact with until now. So compelling, that it drew me into that new world from the first second. Also, great visual effects and good world building in my opinion.

Since then it's been nothing but binge-worthy in my eyes. Didn't mind the storylines, didn't even realize the apparent political correctness till I read some comments here. But who would in a universe with multiple planets, clones, robots, another dimension, space travel and a freakin space elevator.

It's been intriguing enough that I'm considering reading the books now, just to see what the people in the other reviews are on about.


Strong start
But I didn't like the ending. (Spoilers!!)

The first three, maybe four episodes pulled me in. Just not letting go of the suspense, I felt this was really well done in that regard. Not just a whodunit, but convincing and thrilling build of atmosphere. Not letting you breathe. Quite well produced.

But ultimately, how the story evolved and the reveal of who did it in the end was just too cliché. Why on earth does it always have to be someone close to the lead detective or someone within the police department? If you overlook some of the more cliché storytelling and cliché standard-suspense-scenes that still work, this could've actually been somewhat realistic.

The forensics guy? Really?

The story was nicely build up, clear motive and modus operandi were established, several people could've fit the profile, obviously the minister and the detective fit within the profile of the victims. It was well established that no one is safe. And obviously, one of them was gonna be that kid.

It being the forensics guy just felt like unimaginative writing.

Outer Banks

Unrealistic as it gets
Binged the first season out of boredom and was pleasantly surprised about staying engaged and not falling asleep. Now that I'm into the second season I believe I might have been sleeping for the first, because these first few episodes are just unbelievably badly written. I don't even know if I will continue to watch all of it.

Formula 1: Drive to Survive

A double edged sword and a weird cirle
On the one hand this show has its flaws. Most people are aware of them. Wrong quotes from wrong years, forced story lines and fake rivalries, etc.

Nonetheless, it's entertaining to watch.

So entertaining in fact, that after watching the first season I became a fan of F1, watch every race and know more about it than I ever thought I would. Enough to now know the flaws and deceptions of this show.

In the end it's the best marketing F1 ever had. And I still watch it after season and am excited to see what they made out of the last season.


John Wick type action
Yes, it might be a copy of John Wick to some extent. But who cares?

There's no new John Wick movie at the moment and this is the next best thing. The action sequences are nice to watch and well coreographed. There isn't any deeper meaning behind it and the world that this takes place in isn't really further elaborated on. But is this why I wanted to watch this movie in the first place? For me that's a clear no. I wouldn't even call it a John Wick copy. It's a new genre. A John Wick type action film.

LOL: Last One Laughing Germany

Lighthearted Comedy
I personally found this to be an excellent selection of comedians and even though not absolutely amazing, I can't deny laughing a lot and having a good time. So I would definetely recommend Amazon to do a second season of this and see how it goes. Should be quite low budget to produce and most comedians don't have anything to do atm anyways. Also, they there is no reason whatsoever to not release this all at once. This is the type of show you wanna binge, not wait a week to then not get into it again.

Your Honor

To all the reviewers who said, they don't like the kid...
You got served. The show wasn't about Adam at all, it was about Bryan Cranston's character Michael Desiato, his struggle with justice and how his choice between justice and protecting his son ultimately didn't matter. Every decision he made, his struggle with them and control slowly and agonizingly slipping through his fingers Ultimately, the character that ruled over the circumstances was chance. So, the show turned out to be more about the meta level of justice than about the characters themselves. I like to believe that that wasn't bad writing but on purpose. Also, I believe all the annoyingness that Adam had, the writers gave him on purpose to make the ending more palatable. Was it enjoyable? Yes. Would I watch it again? Not anytime soon.

100 Humans

Come on
I don't know why I expected more of this. For the most part unscientific and part of the problem why people discredit science. Still couldn't look away though. So an entertaining watch none the less.

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