
IMDb member since February 2018
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The Starving Games

Review bombers are haters
They're mad about the "woke" politics within the movie. This movie is a realistic commentary on society and I'm here for it.

The Flash: All's Wells That Ends Wells
Episode 1, Season 7

I just don't get how this stuff makes it past the writing room. It was literally a filler episode (a bad one) as the series premiere. I don't understand...

Wonder Woman 1984

Messy, Choppy, boring
Beginning was cartoony and pointless. You could cut it out and it wouldn't change anything. Then the tone changes. Middle hour and a half is fine but boring. Nothing goes on and it's a lot of set up. Last was a horrible ending leading to a lot of questions and continuity errors. The ending also doesn't make much sense.

Most Dangerous Game

It's extremely interesting and intense. The acting is great and I love it!


Really well acted
The acting is great and the story is really interesting. It keeps you attached to the characters!

Home Before Dark

Bad Writing
I'm midway through the first episode and what I've noticed. The writing is rather poor and childish. Moreover it seems extremely unrealistic. One, these parents are really negligent and would never have allowed any of this to happen. Two, no 9 year old talks like that. Lastly, they are making it about the fact that she's a girl. That means nothing.

The Oscars

Please please just fix it
1. Hosts are funny! Without a host the oscars get boring and pointless mainly because of my next point 2. Stop making it political. No one wants to hear your complaint about the president. They wanna hear you thank everyone who got you this award. Stop talking about climate change and start thanking the writers, directors, producers and the fans!

Another thing is to everyone. The nominations are always fair. Just because there was no woman director nominated doesn't mean they are sexist. The nominees for best director were amazing, and it was probably really close. All the directors are some of the greatest of all time. Yes, Little Women was good, and Greta definitely did a good job, but the academy is the most PC group of people. They aren't discriminating.

Arrow: Green Arrow & the Canaries
Episode 9, Season 8

I wanted to like it
I really wanted to give it a shot. Let's go into detail on what worked and what didn't. Good: Mia was actually really cool. Had a solid performance and reminded me a bit of Oliver Bad: Lazy writing. The plot is so random yet prevails in having a bunch of cliches. Why is there music over the fights. And more importantly, it's really terrible and cheap music. Also this show feels less like an arrow spin off and more like a cw show. Couldn't they have just kept the same crew and called it Arrow season 9!!???

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

Awesome conclusion
So much fun. I loved it. I would put it as my third favorite Star Wars film behind Empire and TLJ. Really cool to see the characters change and great acting!


Usually I don't like things that incorporate modern aspects into history like the great Gatsby, but this has to create a narrative. Yes it's cheesy and obviously not for everyone, but it got me interested.


Good Acting, terrible plot
Phoenix's acting is fantastic, and definitely shows his range and it should be an inspiration for many. Beyond that, the plot is really bad. An origin film should have a good balance of set up, and then actually seeing the character in their full. This movie has maybe 30 min of the joker. It's not a joker film at all.

The Twilight Zone

Could be better
The first two episodes were fantastic. They had interesting stories and were well executed. The second one, however being a remake of a William shatner episode from season 5, was just a remake. But still very enjoyable. The third episode, went too far with social commentary. It went to the point when it was unrealistic. I hope Jordan Peele will realize that despite his political agenda being important to him, for most viewers it is distracting, annoying, and irrelevant. Let's see where the twilight zone takes us next!


Terrible acting
I never thought a show could never be more cringy than the flash's intro.

Assassin's Creed: Unity

Extremely Underated
The story is great. There is a wide variety of missions and thank god not may tailing mission. Also visually it's stunning. Revelitionary France is really cool.

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