
IMDb member since February 2018
    2020 Oscars
    2017 Oscars
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    IMDb Member
    6 years



Ambulance - an amazing show
I love this show. It's so well made and highlights the amazing work of the ambulance crews and the emergencies every day people are going through. The Geordie series is the best yet. Really shows the whit and kindness of Geordies in general.

It's clearly such a hard job for the crews. I don't know how they get through each day. Makes me appreciate them all the more after watching this.

Heart wrenching stuff. I'd highly recommend this as a must watch.

Well done to the BBC. It just gets better and better. Hope it continues for more series. Can't wait for the next episode.

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The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe

Great leading actors
Being from Newcastle I'm very impressed with the 2 leading actors doing Hartlepool accents. I'm always amazed when anyone can do convincing regional accents. Well done.

Når støvet har lagt sig

Amongst one of the best Danish shows I've seen
It was so cleverly written and thoroughly absorbing. I'm sad it's over and I'm having to move on to something new.

I would highly recommend it if you like Scandinavian shows like The Killing, Borgen, Trapped, Bordertown and Modus.

The Secret Life of Us

Rating for series 1, 2 and 3.
I loved the first 3 series. Series 4 was a disappointment. It felt like a different show as most of the original characters were gone.


Fabulous from start to finish with perfect casting, great acting and a good storyline. Can't recommend it highly enough.

In the Flesh

What a brilliant show
I'm late to the party finding this gem and I'm shocked to see the BBC cancelled this after 2 series. Gutted is putting it mildly.


Enjoyable series
I've watched all 6 episodes and I wasn't bored at all. In fact I hope there's a second series.

New Blood

I loved this show
Re-run is available on Netflix for those that missed it. I've no idea why there hasn't been a second series. I'm very disappointed about that.

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