
IMDb member since December 2005
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Silent Night

A disjointed film, the 2nd half being great
Kira Knightley & family invite round a group of old friends at Christmas and the majority are just unpleasant. There are awkward relationships, long held secrets revealed and strange humour... At this point I was about to turn off.. And the the real story kicks in. This is the final 24 hours before a fatal cloud will kill them and so being part of the middle classes our "family" are given a pill which will kill them quickly. Here we then have some real poignant moments as one child questions the what ifs, and some adults change question their decisions also. The final scenes are a gut punch and contain some of the most powerful moments I have seen on screen. It's just such a pity it feels so disjointed. I can't recommend enough to suffer through the first half (and one or two bits of completely misplaced humour) as the pay off is worth it and it will stick with you.


Worth a watch
It's an interesting film and the tension level is high throughout. The cast are good and it looks nice and atmospheric. You really do feel her isolation and growing unease. I feel there are a few issues with the film. Firstly, we don't get enough to potentially consider that there is another explanation other than she is being watched. The husband also becomes a bit of a caricature towards the end with his at least she has company line. Talking about endings, that for me was the biggest disappointment. I really don't buy into this American need for a happy ending. I felt we were getting something different which while sad was realistic and more memorable...until we are thrown a final twist to make everything all nice and happy. That isn't life and takes away from the reality as well as making it overall a less enjoyable watch.


maybe a remake without Annie?!
There is something of an enjoyable film there but as many others have pointed out it is ruined by an awful lead. No excuses are acceptable from the writer/director.. Yes we are meant to hate her.. . There are many other unlikeable leads in horror, but she doesn't work on any level. She is brash, unsympathetic, but worst of all a caricature of anything remotely resembling a human being and just so poorly written. I like found footage but at times things are difficult to see clearly. There are good elements - some good tension, an intriguing story and some good jumps. I would actually revisit this film if it were to be remade without the lead but from this I couldn't put myself through this again!

Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn

Better than I expected
Wow I feel like this is getting a lot of hate that it doesn't deserve. This isn't an amazing film, IMO none of the 2000s DC films have been however while it suffers the same issues as Suicide Squad (poor writing, poor main villain) like that it is at least enjoyable and entertaining. I found Batman v Superman, Aquaman and Justice league painstaking to watch. This at least kept my attention, made me laugh and i liked the gang. leave the brain at the door, don't get too hung up on the source material and just enjoy!

The Dark and the Wicked

Genuinely creepy
I am surprised this isnt rated higher but I suppose it is still new . For a modern horror it in my opinion does what it's supposed to. It's unsettling , it makes you uncomfortable, I felt tense and ultimately its got tlme scared, something few horrors have achieved in recent years. The lack of explanation and backstory, it doesn't bother me as much as it seems to do others. For me sometimes the unknown is what makes something all the more frightening.

I Feel Pretty

no oscar winner but worth much more than the fake one star reviews!
I feel Pretty was an enjoyable film with a purpose. At times its point was muddied by strange story turns and some overlong scenes but ultimately i felt this film gets across its point in quite an emotive way.

We have Renee who lacks confidence and self esteem and has jealousy over thinner prettier girls who she feels have it all. She tries to wish for her to be beautiful but a coincidental bump on the head the next day sees her viewing herself in a different light- suddenly she is pretty! this changes her life and she begins to make bold confident moves that better her life but when things start to unravel she is left to question everything she has grown to know.

so the good- Amy Schumer is great in a role that comes across very personal to her. She is surrounded by some interesting characters who help her learn along her journey. I liked that this isnt straight forward "all the pretty people are horrible" and it shows anyone can have self esteem issues. It also packs a punch and i dont mind admitting to seeing myself in the character which i believe many will do and it actually inspired me to try at least be more confident in my own skin (yep cheesy i know but it did strike a chord i didnt expect it to) We do live in a society that dictates to us what is beautiful and attractive and we need to change this.

The not so good- Michelle Williams character doesnt work IMO and nor does her brother. I didn't like what i feel was a slip the cliche that when pretty girls are pretty they do mean things (without spoilers you will probably get what i mean when you see it) this for me ruined the point a little.

So my title basically sums up my feelings on the film. Not everyone will agree on films and some genuinely will watch this and not like it but the utter hatred spewed about this and the many one star reviews that came prior to its release suggest more a hate campaign it quite frankly doesnt deserve.

The Strangers: Prey at Night

An embarassing sequel
When the original Strangers movie came out in 2008, it brought some well needed fresh air to the modern horror genre. It was a film with a simple yet terrifying premise; 3 masked intruders breaking into your home to torment you before killing you. The motive of the perpetrators crime? You were home. This sequel 10 years later has had us fans (or certainly this fan) both excited and apprehensive. It turns out the later was more the correct feeling. The Strangers: Prey at Night is not a good film. It ticks every horror cliché like a check list, without one ounce of humour. It will maybe suit those who want to go chat with friends, get on phone and eat popcorn loudly while they watch with little to no attention, but real fans of horror are bound to be annoyed. Here are a few main issues among the many: When running away from someone who is clearly tracking you, why scream shout and breathe like Darth Vader when you already know there is no one close by to help? Why turn your back and slowly walk away when someone who tried to kill you seconds earlier is still behind you? What teenagers go more than a few feet away from their mobile phones yet we are to believe both kids left them in the trailer when they went for a wander? Why do we have at one moment a character that appears to be in immediate peril yet the next scene with not a thing showing how they escaped are they back running away again? That old chestnut no matter how many times a killer is hit they will continue to get up. How clear does it become at the end that they had to stretch the film to reach the 85 min?!

A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place starts with racking up the tension which doesn't let up in a nerve shredding 1hr 25. The premise is simple, we get no back story as to why the family have to stay silent, but within 5 minutes with an unexpected moment we can see what the consequence of making noise is. From then on our focus is on this one family as they strive to stay safe in what seems like a helpless situation. I enjoyed this film immensely. I found it to be nerve shredding and so tense to watch i had to try catch my breath a few occasions as i had been holding it so long. It is the silence for a majority of the film that makes this work and i was grateful for a silent cinema hall (this i will go back to) I found myself caring for the characters (rare in horror) and hoping for a positive outcome. It also doesn't suffer from an overlong run time and imo is not for the mostpart predictable.Those who like a decent movie monster i feel will be pleasantly surprised i believe as well. Those who are looking for gory in your face horror may struggle to engage and i think coming back to my point earlier if you end up in a hall full of restless noisy people filling the silence the tension will somewhat be lost. A solid 8/10

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Fun and entertaining sequel
Like many others I'm sure, I went into Kingsman 2 apprehensively.As a massive fan of the first I was concerned that like many other sequels, it would disappoint.I left entertained and pleasantly surprised HOWEVER it is not without its flaws .

The story briefly- Eggsy (a brilliant again Taron Egerton)and Merlin have to team up with the American Kingsman 'The Statesmen' to get to the bottom of a virus being spread by Poppy, our films 'bad guy' played by a wonderfully evil Julianne Moore. There are some twists and turns along the way (the trailers already spoil the surprise return of Harry Hart but I will not give details of how this happens)some of which you wont expect (others are pretty obvious but more on that in a minute!)

What I liked- For me it was great to revisit loved characters from the first and there are some interesting new characters. It is a fun film that is very reflective of the fact it is comic book material.It entertains with some great OTT action sequences and some real laugh out loud moments.The acting is strong and this helps to carry the story which somewhat engages. What will surprise many (as it did me) is the emotion to the film. It delivers some real emotionally charged moments and one scene delivers a particularly powerful gut punch.

Where it does fall down-as already mentioned the story isn't the strongest and at points falls apart from too many players and some obvious plot twists.This creates a longer run time than the film can carry so it does lag at points. A good 20 minutes shorter would have made for a higher rating from myself. The action scenes whilst great also are very apparently CGI heavy which might bother some. It also does that cheeky thing of selling on some certain big stars which whilst this wasn't a particular draw for me, it might disappoint some to find they are actually only in the film for a few short scenes (those who see it will get exactly who I am talking about!!) To me it is comparable to Guardians of the Galaxy 2- some great moments that make you glad you decided to return, but it doesn't quite deliver on the story. That being said I would still recommend Kingsman 2 and would revisit this film again in the future as well as hope for a further installment.

They Came from the Attic

The premise is straight forward- a family move to a house- there are creepy neighbours, a creepy child and a tragic past. Then the creepy kid begins to see and hear things coming from the attic...

This film is bad on so many levels. Terrible acting,terrible script, terrible production- poor and out of sync audio as well as an entire scene that is shot so dark you will have to an inch from your TV to see exactly what the hell is going on. It has no originality and you have seen this story many times before. Avoid and spend your time washing your hair, or watching paint dry- it would be more entertaining that watching this!

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